Environment Windows2k Ad Oracle9i -> Windows2k Ad Oracle9i, steps are as follows:
1. Query all files required by the database (including: data files, online redo log files, archiving days to directory structure, parameter file, password file, etc.)
2. Copy all the required files to the target machine (ie clear your own directory structure)
3. Modify the parameter file according to its own directory structure (mainly for the modification of the parameter values of some directories)
4. Generate a spfile file using the modified parameter file
5. Modify listener.ora, SQLNET.ORA, TNSNAMES.ORA file
6. Determine the correct modification
7. Start the database on the target machine
Zealot_zk (Wind Chasing the Wind) Published in the 9CBS community.
In addition, if the Oracle username on the target machine is the same, the EXP / IMP method can be used in the same password on the Oracle username on the homogeneous machine.
1. Type in the DOS environment on the source machine
Exp username / password @ Database ID file = d: /mydb.dmp full = y
2. Put the D: /Mydb.dmp file on the source machine to the target machine, if Copy to D: /
3. Type in the DOS environment on the target machine
IMP UserName / Password @ Database Id File = D: /Mydb.dmp Full = Y fromuser = UserName Touser = UserName
The above is collected in the post of prawns in the 9CBS community.