THIS Classic Mouse Trail Script Allows you to put the text of your choا s.............. ..
To configer the text, Simply Change The Message Variable (currently 'i love you').
If you want to change the style of the text, simply edit the style sheet code, where it Says .trail_style
You Can Change Font, Color, Size And All The Usual Text Variations.
See the mouse trail in action
Select All Code
Var x, y;
Var gap_betWeen = 10;
Var Checkit = 0;
VAR speed = 40;
Var Message = "i love you";
Message = message '';
Message = message.split ("");
Var xposition = new arrright ();
For (i = 0; i <= message.length-1; i ) {
XPosition [i] = - 100
VAR YPosition = New Array ()
For (i = 0; i <= message.length-1; i ) {
YPosition [i] = - 100
Function Domousemove (e) {
IF (Document.layers) {
X = E.Pagex
Y = E.Pagey
X = Document.body.scrollleft event.clientX;
Y = Document.body.scrolltop Event.Clienty;
Checkit = 1
Function dotrail () {
IF (Checkit == 1 && Document.all) {
For (i = message.length-1; i> = 1; i -) {
XPosition [i] = xposition [i-1] GAP_BETWEEN
Yposition [i] = YPosition [i-1]
XPosition [0] = X GAP_BETWEEN
YPosition [0] = Y
For (i = 0; i Var thisspan = EVAL ("span" (i) ". style") Thisspan.posleft = xposition [i] Thisspan.postop = YPosition [i] } } Else IF (Checkit == 1 && Document.Layers) { For (i = message.length-1; i> = 1; i -) { XPosition [i] = xposition [i-1] GAP_BETWEEN Yposition [i] = YPosition [i-1] } XPosition [0] = X GAP_BETWEEN YPosition [0] = Y For (i = 0; i Var thisspan = evAl ("Document.span" i) Thisspan.Left = XPosition [i] = YPosition [i] } } Var count_time = setTimeout ("Dotrail ()", SPEED) } script> .TRAIL_STYLE { Position: absolute; Visibility: visible; TOP: -100PX; FONT-SIZE: 12PX; Font-Family: Verdana, Arial; Font-Weight: bold; Color: # 000000; style> hEAD> For (i = 0; i <= message.length-1; i ) { Document.write ("") Document.write (Message [i]) Document.write (" span>") } IF (Document.layers) { Document.captureevents (event.mousemove); } Document.onmouseMove = DomouseMove; V script> body> html>