Fetch - Retrieves $ {DistFiles} (AND $ {patchfiles} if defined) INTO $ {discdir} as Necessary.
Fetch-list - show list of files this would be retrieved by fetch.
Fetch-recursive - Retrieves $ {distfiles} (and $ {patchfiles} if defined), for port and dependencies INTO $ {DISTDIR} as Necessary.
Fetch-recursive-list - show list of files That Would Be Retrieved by Fetch-Recursive.
Fetch-Required-List - Show List of Files That Would Be Retrieved By Fetch-Required.
Fetch-Required - Retrieves $ {DistFiles} (AND $ {patchfiles} f defined), for port and dependencies That Are Not Already Installed INTO $ {DISTDIR}.
All-dependends-list - show all Directories Which Are Dependencies for this Port.
Build-depends-list - show all Directories Which Are Build-Dependencial for this port.
Package-Depends-List - Show All Directories Which Are Package-Dependencial for this port.
Run-depends-list - show all Directories Which Are Run-Dependencies for this Port.
Extract - Unpacks $ {DistFiles} INTO $ {WRKDIR}.
Patch - Apply Any Provided Patches to the Source.
Configure - Runs Either GNU Configure, One or More Local Configure Scripts or Nothing, Depending On What's Available.
Build - Actually Compile The Sources.
Install - Install The Results of A Build.
Reinstall - Install The Results of A Build, Ignoring "Already Installed" Flag.
Deinstall - Remove The Installation.
Deinstall-All - Remove All Installations with The Same Pkgorigin.
Package - Create a package from an _installed_ port.
Package-Recursive - Create A Package for a port and _l_ of its dependancies.
describe - Try to generate a one-line description for each port for use in INDEX files and the like.checkpatch -. Do a "patch -C" instead of a "patch" Note that it may give incorrect results if multiple patches deal with The Same file.
Checksum - Use DistInfo to Ensure That your distfiles are valid.
Checksum-recursive - Run Checksum in this port and all dependencies.
Makesum - Generate DistInfo (Only Do this for your owmb).
Clean - Remove $ {WRKDIR} and other temporary files buy for building.
Clean-Depends - Do a "make clean" for all dependencies.
Config - Configure Options for this port (Using $ {Dialog}). Automatically Run Prior To Extract, Patch, Configure, Build, Install, And Package.
ShowConfig - Display Options Config for this Port
Rmconfig - Remove The Options Config for this Port
Note: Any reprint or excerned, please retain the author information and indicate the article (Chinese FreeBSD user group http://www.cnfug.org)