1. Good mentality. Regardless of how important the competition is, don't consider the exam before the exam, this is very important ... 2, sufficient sleep and nutrition. I have slept well before the competition, eat a meal, eat more sweets (according to our teacher, 15 minutes and 2 hours after eating sweets, there will be a good competitive state). Also, I would like to never thirst for neighborhood ... The thirst will seriously affect the ideas ... and urea has an excitement, which is good for harmless ... 3, the right time schedule. Generally speaking, I should first have to finish all the questions, but I have to leave time when I can't think of it. 4, the study of the algorithm. General DFS / BFS, greedy, various DP, two-point method, sorting, LR paper in various strange algorithms, shortest circuits, maximum roads, diagrams, maximum match, maximum match, best match, Differential restriction system, longest non-xx subsequence, Gaussian dollar, number algorithm ... 5, data structure learning. Hash, episodes, adjacent tables, edge tables, piles, tree arrays and line segments and their multi-dimensional forms, linked lists, words look for trees ... 6, about mixed: timeout search / DP often better than wrong greed Get more points. 7, mathematics is important. For example, a mother function ... 8, a dedicated method is better than a general method. 9. Good topics often do not directly solve the classic algorithm. 10. The standard for real puzzles is often very short. 11. If N is large, the program written by O (n ^ 2) is absolutely better to write O (N) written by QB. 12, if n is small, using the algorithm for increasing the speed of the speed of the speed, it is possible to fast than the general O (N) algorithm. 13. If a mathematical problem is complicated, then seeing the results of the law may be rapid than mathematics. 14, don't always ignore LOGN. 15. Even a polynomial algorithm can sometimes add a very effective twig. 16. Do a good winning, but if you don't do anything, it may affect the speed of doing a good question.