Aperture what is aperture? Simply speaking the aperture is a series indicating the number of the camera lens pass-through aperture size, and now the international unified use of F-photoelectric circles. The smaller the number, the greater the light pore size. Usually we use the aperture complete sequence as follows: f / 1, f / 1.4, f / 2, f / 2.8, f / 4, f / 5.6, f / 8, f / 11, f / 16, f / 22, f / 32, f / 44, f / 64, where F / 1 unit time light is twice as F / 1.4, f / 1.4 is twice the f / 2, f / 2 is twice the f / 2.8 ... ... Push it in this class. The aperture of the general digital camera is concentrated between F2- F11. Since the aperture is a unified standard, the amount of aperture unit time light of all cameras is the same. How is the shutter speed? The shutter speed can easily find the answer from the literal, he is the speed of the shutoff blind in the film camera, which refers to the time of the CCD from power-up to the end of the exposure, which determines it with the aperture. The amount of light entering the film, so he is another important parameter related to exposure. The sensitivity sensitivity is the degree of sensitivity of the photosensitive element to the light, and there is also a standard for the sensitivity ISO, which is also described in an integer, such as the ISO 200's photosensitive power is twice the ISO 100. ISO400 is twice the ISO 200. The sensitivity can be adjusted freely, but with the increase in the sensitivity, the noise of the camera is also increased geometry. So sometimes we have to choose a balance between the photosensitive capacity and the image quality. The exposure amount of exposure refers to the total light incident on the photosensitive element during time (shutter speed) in a time (shutter speed) in a time (shutter speed), by the lens aperture aperture. The exposure is determined by the photosensitive capacity (sensitivity), aperture, shutter speed of the CCD, and the ambient light at the time, and there is no significant difference in any of the conditions. The focal length of the focus lens is basically the distance between the center point of the lens to the clear image formed on the film plane. The standard focal length is a 50 mm focal length (focal length) is the standard lens we often say, and the long focal distance belongs to the telescope, the short focal distance is a wide-angle lens. Because the size of the CCD area is different from the size of the CCD area, we usually unworthchable pods as 135 cameras, but uniformly adopted X times zoom, such as Nikon 8,800, the most wide angle is equivalent to 35 mm of 135 cameras. The longest focal length is equivalent to 350 mm of 135 cameras. 350/35 = 10, so we said that he is 10 times optical zoom. The measuring light is well known, in the morning, noon, evening, indoors, outdoor light strong, in order to ensure the correct exposure of the CCD, we must determine the sensitivity, aperture, and shutter speed according to the environment. The purpose of the metering is to obtain a reference value according to the environment. The metering table inside is applied to the reflection intensity of the light according to the object, and the amount of exposure is obtained. Exposure, exposure compensation exposure is the process of CCD sensitism. If the exposure is too high, it will cause excessive exposure, and the picture is biased towards white. The original high-gloss area will completely do not detail because of overflow into full-white and completely no details. Color saturated The degree becomes low. If the exposure is too low, it will cause insufficient exposure. The overall picture is biased towards black, and the original dark area becomes black without fine, and the overall color is dark and depressed. Metering does not give us the final result of the final result, because the machine will not think, so we have to adjust according to the results of the machine metering, which is often the exposure compensation, in fact, he is in digital camera The exposure is amended based on the exposure amount.