RMI + ROWSET Remove remote ODBC sharing

zhaozj2021-02-11  187

RMI JDBC implements remote ODBC sharing;

Author: steeven@kali.com.cnDate: Jan 10, 2002qq: 7461522 open to suggestions!

Code download: http://www.starmate.com.cn/bbs/read.php? Bbs = 48 & id = 1050 # SUBJECT1050

Use the internal class to pass the operation to be executed, return ROWSET as the result of Query. Update returns the number of results

Internal classes can define more complex multiple operations, or control transaction, more flexibility, but write a slight trouble.

Need: javax.sql. * Http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/sun.jdbc.rowset.* http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/earlyaccess/crs/

Server: ServerImpl.java Client: Test.java

On the remote host: Run RMISERVER, then start this service java -jar -djava.rmi.server.codebase = file: d: /tmp/rmi_jdbc.jar -djava.security.policy = file: rmi.policy rmi_jdbc.jar pay attention : codebase parameters need absolute path ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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