In order to more accurately track data, create a cursor containing data with the RecordSet component, the cursor is the data stored in the memory:
RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset")
RS.Open (SQLSTR, CONN, 1, A)
Note: A = 1 represents reading data; A = 3 represents new, modify, or delete data.
In Recordset components, common attributes and methods are:
Rs.fields.count: The number of recordset object fields.
RS (i) .name: The name of the i-th field, i is 0 to rs.fields.count-1
RS (i): Data of the i-th field, i is 0 to rs.fields.count-1
RS ("Field Name": Specifies the data of the field.
Rs.Record.count: The total number of data records.
Rs.eof: Whether the last record is recorded.
Rs.MoveFirst: Point to the first record.
Rs.MoveLast: Points to the last record.
Rs.MovePrev: Refers to a record.
rs.MoveNext: Note the next record.
Rs.Getrows: Place the data in an array. ADO's ResultSet or Connection attribute bit. (item) .Name: The name of the ResultSet or Connection of ADO. ADO's ResultSet or Connection value.
rs.close (): Turn off the connection.