zhaozj2021-02-11  199


I saw this article on the website, I am very interesting. The party is now the hero in our mind - Linus. The other party is not waiting for the leisure, he is minix developer --andy tanenbaum (Linus When I originally developed Linux, I'm using minix. For him, everyone may not be familiar. In fact, he is the authority of operating system theoretical circles, he wrote Other monographs. He currently leads an operating system project with advanced ideas --amego.

They argue about the structural problems of the operating system, these issues are still very meaningful today. Therefore, our document team intends to translate this debate. Willing to join the translation team, please give me email. We assign the translation task.

The following is the views I downloaded (not my point of view)

Linux and minix argument story

> Recently, I received an expert to a criticized letter to me, telling me that "Linus Torvald is written in this article> Mini Unix, MINIX, and then improve the system through his own efforts Micro UNIX growth is Linux, "is wrong, and tells me that Minix is ​​a Netherlands called Andy Taonenbaum, and Minix is ​​a Microkernel structure, Linux is not> Yes! In the early years, the professor is very unreasonable to Linux, and the Linux is not worth it in NewsGroup. "And with me> Information for my reference:>> If this expert is correct, I am very sorry about my mistake. And my ignorance, because I got this news from an English book, this book now has a Chinese version, and I have not given this sentence, so if I am wrong, please bear!

Dear friends:

I checked, I found that the URL pointed out in the upper post seems to have problems. The correct URL should be:

This is new thread (who can tell me how to say Chinese I have experienced the history of participating in Linux at the end of 1991. The earliest assistance to put Linux online Ari Lemke is my friend. Americans are often in the letter to open the river, not enough. Let's take a look at this file to relive this tongue war to help understand the truth of things.

Professor Andy Tanenbaum first has difficult, published in the Comp.OS.minix News Group title "Linux is an outdated" article. From: (ANDY TANENBAUM) NewsGroups: Comp.S.minix Subject: Linux is Obsolete Date: 29 Jan 92 12:12:50 Gmt Organization: Fac. Wiskunde & Informatica, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

He mentioned: As Most of You Know, for Me Minix Is A Hobby, Something That I do in the evening atre no major wars, revolutions, or seneate hearings being televised life on cnn. My Real Job Is A Professor and research. He is a professor in studying the operating system. It is only his hobby ... (At that time, everyone knew he was selling minix! Not free!) as a result of my Occupation, I Think I Know A Bit About WHERE OPERATING ARE Going In The next decade OR SO. Two Aspect Decade Out: As a professor in the study operating system, he believes that the direction of the operating system in the 1990s: 1. Microkernel vs monolithic system system 1. Microenvironment or single system

......... 列 列 一些 单 内 内 系统 系统 系统 如 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 核 系统 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核And the not-yet-released windows / nt.

Then he said: MINIX is a microkernel-based system The file system and memory management are separate processes, running outside the kernel The I / O drivers are also separate processes (in the kernel, but only because the brain-dead nature of.. the Intel CPUs makes that difficult to do otherwise). LINUX is a monolithic style system. This is a giant step back into the 1970s. that is like taking an existing, working C program and rewriting it in BASIC. to me, writing a monolithic System in 1991 is a truly poor idea.

Minix is ​​based on micro-kernel systems ... Blah, Blah ... Linux is a single kernel-style system. This is a big reverse in the 1970s. It's like to override a C program that already exists and work with Basic (absurd). In his view, it is really a bad idea in 1991. (You see, amazing) 2. Portability

2, portability ......... 去 大

MINIX was designed to be reasonably portable, and has been ported from the Intel line to the 680x0 (Atari, Amiga, Macintosh), SPARC, and NS32016. LINUX is tied fairly closely to the 80x86. Not the way to go. He said MINIX The design is reasonable to be transplanted ... and Linux is a quite tight line on 80x86. Not a thing. (How is it today? DEC / Alpha, Sun / Sparc, Motorola / 680x0, MIPS / X000, Intel / 80x86 Run Linux) Don`t Get Me Wrong, I am Not unhappy with Linux. It will get all the people who want To Turn Minix In BSD UNIX Off My Back. But in All Honesty, I Want Suggest That People Who Want A ** MODERN ** "Free" OS Look Around for a Microkernel-Based, Portable Os, Like Maybe Gnu OR Something LIKE THAT He said that he did not misunderstand him. He didn't have not happy to Linux ..., but he suggested that you have used the micro-kernel-based transplantable system, such as GNU (he does not exist in the thing!)

Since Mr. Professor's open letter, the tongue war has begun. For accusations of Linus relay:

From: torvalds@klaava.Helsinki.FI (Linus Benedict Torvalds) Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: Re: LINUX is obsolete Date: 29 Jan 92 23:14:26 GMT Organization: University of Helsinki You use this as an excuse for the limitations of minix Sorry, but you loose:? I've got more excuses than you have, and linux still beats the pants of minix in almost all areas Not to mention the fact that most of the good code for PC minix seems. To have been written by bra! Too long, look slowly, anyway, the file is here. Or who has a peeler to translate translate? Qiang Min -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Haha, the results of the debate is roughly the benefits of each have their own benefits. The respective targets are different, one is a good teaching tool, and the other is true UNIX! So don't destroy Minix and that professor. Since the debate, there is a Linux's own newsgroup. Discussion on Chinese.Comp.Linux is as follows: inerto: Hey, don't worry, this is from an abroad of BBS, people who provoke the battle are a professor to study OS, pointing out It should be the world of microkernel, such as NT (Linux he wrote to 1.0, NT has not come out :-)), many people behind, very interesting. Unfortunately, I am not the computer class, I want to translate, I am afraid. Note: It's really lonely, the article in front of Miyucin did not see the text, but it attracted the following good text.

Xuyifeng Write: President of his mother's shit OS, NT If Micro Kernel I don't believe it, I don't have this to play 8 CPUs are so tired! Do you do it, you buy 4 CPU kernel, you can't turn 8CPU Version, fucking a parameter, 4 changing 8 you will pay!! You'd better read Linux's kernel source code, it is smaller than the DOS program you have written. It is much smaller than the VMS is a head pig. Its performance is the leader, and the descendants of the pig will get the genetic biography, plus nutrition is more abundant, only fat will not be thin, this dog has never seen NT's kernel source code (there are several people who have seen NT " Billgates have seen it?) It is there nothing to say there! NT == screw shell is in the road, always is the foot, the little girl is written: Yao Fei wrote: Although the wording is not too elegant, Not thick. From the pure theory, there are many advantages in the micro-kernel OS. However, according to my rough widow, many of the scary, Digital Unix 4.0d, the original OSF / 1 Based on Mach 3.0 core, calculate the most authentic micro kernel based, however, its core image file (/ vmlinux, redundancy in ATM) is 9m! Linux 2.1.126 is not compressed 1.2M, it is also a lot of things to compile the module. Who knows why? NT has always been MICRO KERNEL BASED, and it is said that the author of Mach 2.5 has also been dug to M $, and everyone knows, The core of NT 3.51 is 12m in memory. It is not possible to go out. Which of this is the micro? Next Step is also Mach Based, but I don't know how big. China's COSIX V2 is said to be Mach 2.5 based, never see it public Over-face, the sky knows what is, is it like a satellite we made, "scare foreigners, deceived Chinese", have not bombed in the factory in the factory? To be honest, I hope that China can have my own OS, I want to see this baby. The professor is the author of MiniX, as a professor, saying that those words can be understood, only Minix and other micro do not give him a long face. Lu Juhe asked: Can you please Yao? Brother talks about the basic knowledge of the microenvironment? Where is it? If there is no graphical interface, which is fast in NT and Linux speed? Yao Fei answer:

As far as I know, the starting point of this type of system this type of Mach is that the greater the core of UNIX, and more functions are more, and the typical UNIX core structure is a single large-executable file, and the internal call relationship is increasing. Complex, leading to the system is difficult to cut, modified. The micronocitrelation is a significant reduction in the core of the traditional sense, only the most important thing, the functionality that has to be performed at the highest operation level of the processor, such as process switching, memory management, I / O, interrupt, etc., that is, the core is a server. Other functions, such as file systems, networks are separated from the core, running as a separate nuclear processes. At least I know is a generally these. This. The idea is very good. At first glance, it is good for improving the core of the module, can be tailored, expandable, and portability. It should be said to be the direction of the development of the operating system in the future, at least the direction of theoretical research. Currently X86, Alpha, SPARC, Ultra Sparc, PowerPC, ARM, 68K, and MIPS are not belong to the columns of the micro-kernel system, which is generally similar to Unix in the 1970s, and of course there are many major improvements, such as dynamic loading. Core module. The lovely professor is also to seize this big saying that it should not be repeated in the 1970s in the 1990s. From theory, he said that he has certain truth, but in practice is another Winning. I have said, many things like Micro are terrible. Everyone may not know, there is a very special Linux version MKLinux, running on Power Machintosh, is directly funded by Apple, it is used up. The core of Mach 2.5, which has implemented Linux system calls. It is said that it is good, but unfortunately, I have not seen each other. You may notice that there is no HP PA / RISC, which is not HP PA / RISC. Haven't transplanted yet, but I saw a small department in HP in Linux Joural, which was working in this area, they were migrating mklinux into PA / RISC, no graphical interface NT 啥, or DOS VMS, because there is no such thing at all, so there is no comparison. But people who have a brain want to get Yanting Write: I have installed MKLinux on the Power Macintosh 7500-9500, the version is Redhat 4.2, feel speed Very fast, PowerPC's computing power is excellent when calculating RC5. It is based on microencale, but that KERNEL is still terrible, there are about 1M! The system is more troublesome when the system is upgraded, and the traditional compilation core is not a matter on mklinux. It needs a UPDATE. Complete the upgrade. But overall, the feeling of using mklinux is very good, but unfortunately it does not reflect the multimedia performance of Mac, and the single-button mouse is really pitiful. The latest version is Redhat 5.1, but no Opportunity to use PowerMac. Zombie Write:> Is Debian based on Micro Kernel? I Mean The Future GNU OS.> Sorry, I've forgoten the name. Is called Hurd, Based on Mach4, the current version is 0.2.

There is still a distance from practical purposes, it is said that it is more stable (ghost to know), made a Linux's server. There is a GNU's FTP, all about 70m. If MS is ruined, Hurd is the next OS of the GNU. In fact, the concept of microenvironment is also relatively abundant, and theoretically, the system's stability can be improved. Especially when the system has developed faster, now Linux has been special. So it is not necessarily suitable for use with microenvironment. A relatively small development team, there is a relatively stable kernel to reduce many difficulties. The development team of Linux is too big, there is no need to use microenvironment technology. The way to use two parallel versions has basically solved the stability problem. And micro The kernel is overhead relatively large, and the performance is about to discount. As for NT, it is difficult to say. MS's book, but we have never seen code. I don't know which one, or It is the microennote of the type. From the user's performance, the micro-kernel system should make a variety of (for example, Nextstep on MACH, but as everyone said, we have not seen it yet. In addition to any system other than GUI-WIN is based on NT kernel.> If you compare time, VMS is already early, you should be clear. Be Fare to the user who post this news. I believe As a Linux user we should specially notice this point. Do not be damn yourself, we need people understand that it is good optional choice beside NT. not to tell them "You are stupid". in the Linux society, treat every one in right attitude. That's the spirit of an open mind society. If user do not like consle, tell them there is a KDE which is better than Win95's GUI. If they feel it is hard to compile kernel, tell them to use Red Hat distribution. That's the Way IT Ough T to Be. I Just Feel That The Attitude In this group. Zombie * Pls clear me using waitpid () Trident Write: That professor is a dead brain, if it is technical, DOS, and Windo $ NT Earlier! Haha ... users are going to DOS on PII, what do you have? ----------------- The world outside the window is very exciting!


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