Differences in thin clients, Windows terminals and NC

zhaozj2021-02-11  178

Differences in thin clients, Windows terminals and NC

Differences in thin clients, Windows terminals and NC

Liu Hong's personal computer has made people's working methods revolutionary change. But the current business community has been more complex, it is more complex, more expensive, more interconnected, more online, and more enterprises. Therefore, the commercial computing environment has changed again. This change is only a development, not a revolution. In the development process, there will be several new devices at the same time, which uses the network to reduce complexity, reduce costs, and improve work efficiency. These new devices, including Windows Terminals, Network Computers (NCs), and traditional PC variant, can handle all kinds of applications and platforms that currently rely on, using Internet and Java to meet the security needs of enterprise information systems, and solve modern information technology. Management and various network environment cost issues. However, these three devices provide solutions to a large difference, and there is a big difference in the market in place. In fact, there is currently only one solution for Windows terminals to be in place, providing a network solution required by modern enterprise calculations. 1. The new type of computing model has many advantages through the traditional terminal, and there is many advantages, so there is still a lot of enterprises. The program is a simple and inexpensive solution, high security, fast data input, long service life, high reliability, can be used for centralized management. The shortcomings of the terminal are poor flexibility, lack of graphical user interfaces of modern applications, usually monochromatic, dependent on the host. The environment based on the desktop PC has many advantages, and it has been applied in various enterprises. Compared to traditional terminals, PC provides users with more computing power, enhances control of applications and data, can be upgraded, and keep synchronization with hardware and software development of the tip. At the same time, the Windows operating system has easy-to-use GUI and 10,000 compatible applications. The disadvantage of the PC is expensive, difficult to manage, poor security, and update fast. Although there is a huge gap between the two environments. But IT managers must be able to handle both environment. For example, administrators must manage the various issues and conditions of the appearance when the user analog terminals and host functions in a client / server environment via PC. Users want to access data, want to get simplified operation, and have flexibility, performance, and select power. Enterprises want to get competitive advantages and return on investment. IT managers want to reduce their cost, get flexibility, management capabilities, and security. Management is difficult to manage based on PC-based complex networks. The emergence of Internet / intranet, the perfection of Java and people's attention to the overall cost (TCO) of the enterprise, all drive the industry to establish a new server-centric solution to fill the host / terminal and PC Groove. The new combination of these hardware and software solutions generally referred to as thin client computing, as shown below. Thin client products refer to devices that do not include other components of the hard drive and PC. All applications or "fat" applications are kept in the enterprise server, only a small number of "thin" code runs on the user's desktop system and access the server. Since most functions reside on the server, the thin client has created a new era of management capabilities, providing a better solution to meet the security, anti-viruses, and software easy to upgrade. At the same time, thin clients can continue to fully access various applications running in Windows and other operating systems, improve the product's work efficiency, and reduce the overall cost of enterprises. @@ 0630100.jpg; Figure 1 @@ 二, thin client alternative 1. Destination of thin client solutions. The most promising use of this technology should be the following companies: • Preparing to upgrade in the investment in old-fashioned terminals and PCs; · Newly built a customer / server network; · Have a lot of branch office; The application platform and configuration are standardized; • Data is needed to manage data; • Require higher data security; • It is a busy user in the enterprise network; • Rely on the network to achieve a certain key application. Two thin clients have appeared in order to meet these needs. These two thin clients differ from the position of the operating system and processing: • Windows terminal, which handles 100% on the server; · Java-based network computer (NC), hybrid processing, one part processing On the server, one of the processing is performed on the client. However, these two thin clients have similar functions in the client and server centralized management. 2. Scenario (1) Windows Terminals, WINDOWS terminals, launched, launched by companies, is the "most thin" client, which can almost any Windows Application through any type of network access to a full Windows NT operating system environment. In this way, the Windows terminal puts all Windows NT functions on a workstation terminal.

In addition, the Windows terminal can also access Java applications, based on Internet / intranet, traditional applications, and other applications. The application is running on the server, achieving centralized management, enhancing security. Now, the Citrix Systems' multi-user Windows Application Server Technology --Winframe Software supports Windows terminals. Microsoft has supported this technology and increases multi-user features in the current Windows NT 4.0 and future versions of Windows NT servers. Citrix will cooperate with Microsoft to ensure a seamless transition path for Windows NT to the current Windows terminal to provide a seamless transition pathway. The Windows terminal is the lowest price thin client computing plan, and its true advantage is that the software cost of IT management is low because the Windows terminal simplifies management and improves the work efficiency of IT staff. (2) Network Computer IBM, Oracle and Sun have developed network computer reference regulations, or referred to as NC. NC is a thin client system based on Java technology. In this hybrid system, depending on the application of the application, some applications are executed on the server, and some applications are executed on the client. NC uses a new design for Internet / intranet, and the Java Applet is downloaded for use, and is connected to the server on the server, and the data on the host will be accessed. Since the download is frequent, the NC applies only to high-bandwidth LAN environments. But like the Windows terminal, all applications and data remain on the server or host when the NC is turned off. The network computer standard only specifies the operation of NC, and does not specify the hardware of NC. But NC is usually a small chassis that is connected to a standard monitor, keyboard, and mouse. As a network-centric device, NC simplifies the network management of IT staff, providing users with a graphical interface. Due to the use of Java technology, NC no longer rely on a single operating system to access Java applications on any server platform. NC is a thin client computing plan for the mid-range price, which saves IT costs compared to PC technology. (3) PC-based emerging solutions When IBM, Sun and Oracle in 1996 were developing NC reference treatments, many traditional PC manufacturers began looking for their position in this emerging market. These manufacturers work together with Microsoft and Intel to believe that there is a "performance and compatibility of PCs, but does not require mainstream PC". " They also found that people have a huge demand for network centralized management and their client systems, which has become a key component of the Windows terminal strategy and NC strategy. Their solution is network PC (Netpc), which is actually a PC device managed through network. Similar to NC, NETPC is a small chassis that is connected to a standard monitor, keyboard, and mouse. But Netpc has a disk drive and a powerful processor, which is not as "thin" as other solutions. When you first boot, the software will automatically download it from the server to the Netpc hard drive, and then reside in the hard drive until the software is updated. When the software is updated, the new version of the software will automatically download. Processing on a local desktop system instead of a server, making NetPCs basically with the PC, because it also runs people familiar with Windows software, but it has centralized management. In fact, Microsoft called NetPC as the "latest member of the PC family" and is developing a series of centralized management tools called ZAW (Windows Zero Management). However, there is indication that the centralized management is far more important than the equipment itself, and the price of Netpc is almost equivalent to full-featured PC, which is likely to be just a transition device. In fact, users respond to the NETPCs exhibited by various manufacturers in the PC Expo in June 1997, and they prefer to wait for Microsoft and Intel to introduce traditional desktop systems with NetPC similar management capabilities - manageable PCs. 3. Select the ultimate goal: Which solution should I choose to improve work efficiency? There is currently no constant answer. But one thing can be sure, that is, the user does not need to abandon the traditional host in implementing thin client / server computing, nor does it need to discard the PC environment. The PC and thin clients can be peaceful in a network. They can access the same data and run the same software. This allows IT administrators to freely choose solutions suitable for a single user, and can manage and reduce corporate costs. In the currently complex computing environment, there is no "universal" solution. In fact, although many companies provide traditional desktop PCs for all employees, it is estimated that 3/5 users do not need this powerful PC or full-function PC.

Knowledge-based workers generally need a powerful system such as engineers, designers, financial analysts, managers and high-power user-type management practitioners. Instead, transaction workers usually do not need to use powerful systems, such as travel agent, receptionist, administrative personnel, employees who provide services to users, do not need to use a strong system without using a small amount of calculated management. Those units that are seriously relying on emails, groups, and internal networks are also very needed to increase thin client solutions in the network. However, specific solutions are different between various companies, even in various departments within the enterprise. The ultimate goal is to improve the work efficiency of each employee in the enterprise by providing employees with tools suitable for their respective work. 4. Means: Improve management, reduce overall cost If Windows terminal, NC and NETPC supporters can also agree, it is simpler, more efficient network management requirements. This is because management of some parties can not only improve work efficiency, but also reduce computing costs. In fact, many companies believe that computer management cost is higher than the cost of the computer itself, because in the service life cycle of the system, the cost of the hardware accounts for 13% of the total networked PC total. Therefore, the overall cost of ownership has become a combat slogan for turning to thin clients. Windows Terminals, NC and NetPC include many tools for managing servers and thin clients. The overall cost is difficult to quantify. It includes both a hard cost such as system-purchased, including difficult-to-calculate variables such as users, such as users who change the display color, adjust the font, and the time spent on the hard drive or the game. It can quantify IT fees include system and software repair costs, troubleshooting costs, and upgrade fees, user training fees, data backup fees, and other fees triggered. Therefore, the measurement result of the overall cost of ownership is very different. According to Zona Research, 15 PC five-year overall cost is US $ 217,000, or $ 2902 per PC. According to Gartner Group, a PC has a year of cost in $ 7,000 to $ 10,000. In contrast, according to Zona Research, the lowest prices of thin client solutions Windows terminals have a daily cost of $ 1258, 57% lower than the lowest PC cost measurement. In addition to reducing hardware costs, IT can also reduce the overall cost of programs from the following four aspects: • Optimize network connection and bandwidth through LAN, WAN, and Internet; • Provide users with key business on various servers and platforms Application of accessibility; Third, the current situation and future trends 1. The development of the Windows terminal has been, and the terminal has always been a common device that repeatedly transmits data to the host and UNIX server. Terminal simulation software allows the networked PC to access and use traditional host applications. Both solutions use simple text-based monitors. However, US Huizhi has launched the Winterm terminal in the second half of 1995, and the concept of terminal concept is increased to a new level. The Winterm device has a user-friendly graphical interface that accesss a variety of applications within the enterprise. In the past two years, the Winterm terminal has been used on a thousands of desktops. (1) The key to the Working method The key to the application interface is separated by the application interface. During the calculation operation, only mouse click, keyboard tap and screen update via network transmission. All processes happen on the server. Therefore, the bandwidth required by the Windows terminal is only 1/10 of the traditional client / server network desired. The interface between the Windows terminal and the server is generally implemented by the Citrix Winfrmae server software and its ICA (Independent Computing Architecture, independent computing structure) protocol. Use standard network connection schemes such as asynchronous connection, modem, Ethernet, ISDN, Frame Relay, and ATM, ICA can access a full Windows NT operating system environment through any type of network. With Microsoft's support, ICA is quickly becoming a thin client / server calculation in fact industrial standard protocol. Huizhi Winterm terminal will also be compatible with future versions of Windows NT servers. (2) Use the Windows terminal, such as the Winterm terminal, including a variety of shape parameters, can be a monitors in a built-in thin client function, or an insertion of traditional monitors, providing thin client computing functions. Small chassis, can also be a wireless thin client device. Each device includes a CPU for graphics processing, an Ethernet interface, a video subsystem, and a local software (located in the flash ROM) to achieve connecting to the Windows NT application server environment.

By running on the server, their appearance, feelings, and reactions are just like running locally. The user seems to perform all application functions on a PC-based traditional desktop system. Due to the low demand, the running speed of the Windows terminal is 10 times faster than the system on the traditional client / server network, so that this solution is almost applicable to any user. (3) Managing the Windows terminal provides comprehensive centralized management capabilities for IT administrators, including easy software usage, server integration, network scalability, and ability to increase future terminals. The Winterm terminal solution combines WinFrame-based technology, does not require any adjustments to client configuration, nor does it require special simulation software or write code. Since the application is retained on the server, it is safe. Windows NT provides additional guaranteed capabilities for business security, passwords, encryption, and file level security. 2. Future Trend: Java-based network computer NC attempts to use Java development language "once writes, run everywhere" commitment to provide clients or apps access to servers or applications, and provide an easy-to-use browser interface. The server neutral NC is developed as an independent solution based on the Windows system based on platform-based solutions. It downloads Java small parts during the networked operation for short-term use, so it is not as thin as the Windows terminal. NC provides a GUI interface connected to the host and application server, which can use centralized management functions, but the tools used by various manufacturers have different. (1) When the working mode is turned on, NC can also guide its operating system from flash ROM through the network. If the user needs, you can dynamically download the terminal simulation program, browser, and other small Java applications. For users who use an application, NC must also download the application via LAN. Applications and data are cached and run locally during operation, but all data must be stored on the server in the operation, but all data must be stored on the server, and the centralized management of network resources is implemented. Although the application is running locally, since NC is downloaded and data is downloaded through the LAN, it is very strict. This is particularly pronounced in the peak period of time at the beginning of business day, as there will be thousands of users at the same time to boot NC. Although many manufacturers work hard to reduce their products on the network requirements, companies must pay attention to ensuring that their NC network has sufficient bandwidth to handle the load. (2) Using the NC is a sealing chassis equipped with CPU and network interface, which is connected to a standard monitor, keyboard, and mouse. This device does not include a floppy drive, but some vendors provide an optional hard disk. The basic interface of the client is based on a browser, providing Java application access. Since the Java application is independent of the operating system, NC can access Java programs on various server platforms. Although NC can access most applications, these applications are simple commercial small or efficiency programs, rather than requiring huge computing applications. (3) The advantage of Java's prospects and difficult Java is that its promise is the scope of the application is just a commitment. Like any new technique, people accept Java's still day. Developers and independent software vendors must fully develop this technology to create various tools, and must also develop, evaluate and produce various applications. 3. Windows Terminal: The current most suitable solution is available in alternative products that provide thin client networking solutions, currently only Windows terminals are already mature, completely molded and all in place. The technology it use is the only real "thin" client technology. The traditional terminal that has been installed in the world is up to 35 million units, and the PCs of 386 and 486 have been installed as high as 83 million, with many PCs as terminals. Therefore, in 2000, the market capacity of the thin client solution will increase to 15 million to 2 million units. According to Gartner Group, by the end of 1998, 40% of the networked unit will use the thin client. By 2001, 60% of units are expected to increase thin clients in network equipment. The current listing thin client Windows terminal has been built on a widely accepted full-featured thin client technology - Conjectrix Winframe. As Microsoft adds multi-user technology in the Windows NT server, this solution will will be accepted by more public. This Microsoft product code is "HYDRA", which will make the user more reasonable for the choice of Windows terminals, but will not only increase Microsoft's support for this technology, will also make thin client / server calculate the popular 32-bit Windows operation. The system is unsearous component. Increasing a thin client / server solution in an enterprise network is just a development, not a revolution. Many people will still need PCs to provide flexibility, expansibility, and functions. There are also many people will no longer need PC.


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