Sometimes the ASP is written with conn.execute (SQL) query, update, inserting Access database data, clearly correct statements often show SQL statement errors, quite annoying, special, and inappropriate, add "[", "]" Solution: SELECT * FROM A If an error occurs, it can be changed to: select * from [A] Example 2: Update [user] set password = '"& data1 &"' where secname = '"& data2 &"' " If there is an error, it can be changed to: Update [user] set [password] = '"& data1 &"' where secname = '"& data2 &"' "example 3: Insert Into MyBook (Name, By, Mobile) VALUES ('" & Data1 & " ',' "& Data2 &") "If an error occurs, it can be changed to: Insert Into MyBook ([Name], [BY], [Mobile]) VALUES ('" & Data1 & ",'" & Data2 & Data2 & Data2 & "','" & data3 & ")"