EDITPLUS Chinese Shortcut Translation Incomplete Translation Items BY Emerald | Green College - Green Institute
FILE | file FileFtpUpload FTP file upload FileNew create a new file FileNewHtml create a new HTML file FileNewBrowser new browser window Open file FileOpen to open the file header file FileOpenHeader FilePrint print files FileSave save file Ctrl Shift S Ctrl N Ctrl Shift N Ctrl Shift B Ctrl O Ctrl Shift H Ctrl P Ctrl S Uploads file to FTP server Creates a new normal text document Creates a blank HTML page Creates a new Browser window Opens an existing document Opens the header file of the C / C file prints the Active Document Saves the Active Document
CURSOR | BackTab the mouse button to retreat into a retracted position CharLeft left CharLeftExtend select content CharRight left to right CharRightExtend select the right content FileEnd document tail FileEndExtend choose to select a document to the document tail head LineDown to select the next line LineDownExtend FileStart document head FileStartExtend Next line LINEEND line line Linendextend selection to the line end Linestart line header LineStartExtend Select to the line LineUp Lineupextend Pagedown Next PageTend Select to the next page Pageup Previous Page PageUpextend Page Page ScrollDown Under ScrollUp scroll up ViewEnd tail ViewEndExtend page to page to select the tail ViewStart page to page to select the head ViewStartExtend head WordLeft go left right left to select the phrase WordLeftExtend phrase phrase WordRight phrase WordRightExtend to choose the right phrase for phrase Shift Tab left Shift Left Right Shift Right Ctrl End Ctrl Shift End Ctrl Home Ctrl Shift Home Down Shift Down End Shift End Home Shift Home Up Shift Up Page Down Shift Page Down Page Up Shift Page Up Ctrl Down Ctrl UP Ctrl Page Down Ctrl Shift Page Down Ctrl Page Up CTRL SHIFT PAGE UP CTRL LEFT CTRL SHIFT LEFT CTRL Right Ctrl Shift
Right Moves the cursor to the previous tab position Moves the cursor one character to the left Extends the selection one character to the left Moves the cursor one character to the right Extends the selection one character to the right Moves to the end of the document Extends the selection to the end of the document Moves to the beginning of the document Extends the selection to the beginning of the document Moves the cursor down one line Extends the selection down one line Moves the cursor to the end of current line Extends the selection to the end of current line Moves the cursor to the beginning of current line Extends the selection to the beginning of current line Moves the cursor up one line Extends the selection up one line Moves the cursor down one page Extends the selection down one page Moves the cursor up one Page Extends The Selection Up One Page Scrolls Down One Line Scrolls Up One Line Moves The Curso r to the bottom of current screen Extends the selection to the bottom of current screen Moves the cursor to the top of current screen Extends the selection to the top of current screen Moves backward one word Extends the selection backward one word Moves forward one word Extends the Selection Forward One Word
EDIT | edit edit EditBackspace back EditCapitalize capitalized (to be selected) EditCopy copy EditCopyAppend add copy EditCut cut EditCutAppend add shear EditDate Added EditDateLong add long date format EditDelete delete EditDeleteEol EditDeleteEow delete the row behind the location where the deleted phrase is located position behind EditDeleteLine delete rows EditDeleteWord delete the phrase EditDeleteBack delete EditDeleteBackWord backward delete the phrase EditDuplicate copy where the behavior copies EditDuplicateChar backward copy EditExpandWord copy phrases row position the cursor on the (unknown function) EditJoin merger (select multiple rows, merge row EditIndentMore increased shrinkage into EditIndentLess significant reduction sensitive EditLowerCase lowercase indent EditInsertMode EditInvertCase reversed insertion mode selected content display EditPaste paste EditRedo redo EditReformat reformatted EditSelectAll select all EditSelectBegin EditSelectBeginCol place to the last selected columns, select where to stay to the last selected stay EditSelectColumn EditSelectLine column select line EditSelectWord choose the phrase EditSplit (unknown function) EditStripHTML Clear HTML script inserted EditTime long time EditTimeLong insertion position EditUndo sprinkle format conversion EditTranspose elimination EditUpperCase capital letters Backspace Ctrl Shift U Ctrl C Ctrl Shift C Ct RL X Ctrl Shift X Ctrl D Ctrl Shift D delete Ctrl Shift Delete Content Ctrl Delete Content Alt Shift Delete Alt Delete Backspace Ctrl Backspace Ctrl J Ctrl - Content F2 Ctrl Shift J and previous behavior) Ctrl i ctrl shift i INSERT CTRL K shows CTRL L CTRL V CTRL Y CTRL SHIFT R CTRL A Alt Shift B Alt Shift E Alt C Ctrl r Ctrl W Ctrl Shift K Ctrl Shift P Ctrl M Ctrl Shift M Ctrl T Ctrl Z Ctrl
U Deletes one character back Capitalizes the selected text Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard Copies the selection and appends to the clipboard Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard Cuts the selection and appends to the clipboard Insert current date Insert current date in long format Deletes the selection Deletes to the end of current line Deletes to the end of current word Deletes current line Deletes current word Deletes one character back Deletes one word back Duplicates current line Copies a character from previous line Replaces current word with the corresponding cliptext Joins selected lines merge the selected row Increases the indentation of current line or the selected block Decreases the indentation of current line or the selected block Toggles insert mode and overwrite mode Inverts the case of the selected text Converts the selected text to lower case Inserts Clipboard contents Redoes the P reviously undone action Reformats paragraph to the format column number Selects the entire document Begin / End Selection Begin / End Column Selection Starts the column selection Selects current line Selects current word Splits selected wrapped lines Strips html tags in current document or selection Inserts current time Insert current Time with seconds transposes characters Either Side of Cursor undoes The last action convers the success
VIEW | View ViewBrowser View ViewCliptextLib in the browser to view the text display row favorites ViewCursorIndicator indicator ViewDirectory to view a full-screen view ViewGotoOutputWnd catalog ViewFullscreen output window to highlight the URL ViewLineBreak ViewHighlightUrl the line interruption position labeled ViewLineNumber display line numbers ViewOutputWindow display ViewRuler output window displays the tab labeled ViewTabSpace ViewToggleFocus indentation and translation: the left directoryCtrl B Alt Shift 1 Alt Shift C Alt Shift 3 Alt Shift 0 Shift F5 Alt Shift U Alt Shift L Ctrl Shift L Alt Shift 2 Alt Shift R Alt Shift I F5 or cliptext switch workspaces Loads the active document into the web browser Shows or hides the cliptext window Shows or hides cursor indicators Shows or hides the Directory window Toggles Full Screen mode on and off Switches the focus between the output window and the document Highlights URLs and e-mail addresses Shows or hides line break marks Shows or hides line numbers in the active document Shows or hides the output window Shows OR HIDES THE RULER Shows or hides Space and Tab Marks Switches The Focus Between The Cliptext / Directory Window and The Document
SEARCH | SearchFind search to find the next SearchFindNext find a SearchFindNextWord find the next phrase SearchFindPrevious Find previous Find the previous content SearchFindPrevWord phrase SearchFunction lookup function SearchGotoLine Go Go line SearchGotoUrl URL SearchJumpToFile jump to the file SearchMarkerClear search and mark the mark the current contents SearchMarkerToggle cleared downlink SearchMarkerNext search and mark a SearchMarkerPrev search and mark on a SearchMatchBrace (unknown function) SearchReplace search and replace SearchSelectBrace (unknown function) Alt F3 F3 Ctrl F3 Shift F3 Ctrl Shift F3 Ctrl F11 Ctrl G F8 F7 ctrl Shift F9 F9 F4 Shift F4 ctrl ] ctrl H ctrl Shift ] Finds the specified text Finds the next matching text Finds the next occurrence of current word or the selected text Find the previous matching text Finds the previous occurrence of current Word or the selected text shows the fire in the active document goes to the highlighted url jumps to a file using output window pattern clears all marker from the active document Set and clear marker at current line Goes to next marker position Goes to previous marker position Searches for a matching brace Replaces specific text with different text Searches for a matching brace and select the textDOCUMENT | document DocColumnMarker longitudinal markup document DocWordwrap Wrap Alt Shift M Ctrl Shift W Shows or Hides Column Markers Toggles The Word-Wrap Feature Of The Active Document
Browser | Browse Browsereditsource C View Source Code Ctrl E Edits The Source of Current HTML Page
Cliptext | Text Favorites
Directory | Directory
Project (basically I have not used this part, do not translate, :)) |
TOOL | tools WindowLastVisited last accessed window WindowList window list WindowNext next window WindowNextPane (unknown function) on WindowPrev a window WindowPrevPane (unknown function) F12 F11 Ctrl Tab F6 Ctrl Shift Tab Shift F6 Switches to the last visited document window Shows list of all document windows Switches to the next document window Switch to the next window pane Switches to the previous document window Switch back to the previous window paneWINDOW | window help help HelpContext text display help F1 Shift F1 display help for current task or Command Displays Help for Clicked on Buttons, Menus and Windows
Help | Help / ***************************************************** ****************** / * * Author: Emerald
Text file: copy content, then save to * .txt
EDITPLUS Chinese Shortcut Translation Incomplete Translation Items BY Emerald | Green College - Green Institute
FileftPupload Ctrl Shift S Uploads File To FTP Server
FTP file upload
Filenew Ctrl N Creates A New Normal Text Document
Establish a new file
FileneWhtml Ctrl Shift N Creates A Blank HTML Page
Establish a new HTML file
FilenewBrowser Ctrl Shift B Creates A New Browser WINDOW
New window browsing file
Fileopen Ctrl O Opens An EXISTING DOCUMENT
open a file
FileOpenheader Ctrl Shift H Opens The Header File of The C / C File
Open the file header
FilePrint Ctrl P Prints the Active Document
print documents
FileSave Ctrl S Saves The Active Document Save File
Backtab Shift Tab Moves The Cursor To The Previous Tab Position
Return to the rear moiety
Charleft Left Moves The Cursor One Character to The Left
CHARLEFTEXTEND SHIFT LEFT Extends The Selection One Character To The Left
Select the left content
Charright Right Moves The Cursor One Character to The Right
To the right
Charrighteextend Shift Right Extends The Selection One Character To The Right
Select the right side
Filend Ctrl End Moves to the end of the document
Document tail
FileEndextend Ctrl Shift End Extends The Selection to the end of the document
Select to the end of the file
FILESTART CTRL HOME MOVES to the Beginning of The Document
Document head
FileStartextend Ctrl Shift Home Extends The Selection to The Beginning of The Document
Choose to the document header
Linedown Down Moves The Cursor Down One Line
Next line
LinedowNextend Shift Down Extends The Selection Down One Line
Select to the next line
LINEEND END MOVES The CURSOR To The End of Current Line
Linendextend Shift end extends the selection to the end of current line
Select to the end of the line
Linestart Home Moves The Cursor to the Beginning of Current Line
LINESTARTEXTEND SHIFT HOME EXTENDS The Selection to the Beginning of current Line
Select to the head
Lineup Up Moves The Cursor Up One Line
previous row
Lineupextend Shift Up Extends The Selection Up One Line Select to the upper line
Pagedown Page Down Moves The Cursor Down One Page
Next page
PageDownextend Shift Page Down Extends The Selection Down One Page
Select to the next page
PageUp Page Up Moves The Cursor Up One Page
Previous page
Pageupextend Shift Page Up Extends The Selection Up One Page
Select to the previous page
Scroll down
Scrollup Ctrl Up Scrolls Up One Line
Roll up
Viewend Ctrl Page Down Moves The Cursor to the Bottom of Current Screen
Page of the page
Viewendextend Ctrl Shift Page Down Extends The Selection to The Bottom of current Screen
Select to page end
ViewStart Ctrl Page Up Move The Cursor to The Top of current Screen
Head head
ViewStartextend Ctrl Shift Page Up Extends The Selection to The Top of current Screen
Select to page head
WordLeft Ctrl Left Moves Backward One Word
Go to the left side of the phrase
WordLefTextend Ctrl Shift Left Extends The Selection Backward One Word
Select the phrase to the left of the phrase
Wordright Ctrl Right Moves Forward One Word
Right side of the phrase
Wordrighteextend Ctrl Shift Right Extends The Selection Forward One Word
Select the phrase to the right side of the phrase
EditbackSpace Backspace deletes One Character Back
Backward editing
Editcapitalize Ctrl Shift U Capitalizes The Selected Text
The first letter is capitalized (need to choose)
EditCopy Ctrl C Cuggs The Selection and Puts It On The Clipboard
EditcopyAppend Ctrl Shift C Copies The Selection and appends to the clipboard Add copy
Editcut Ctrl X Cuts The Selection and Puts It On The Clipboard
EditcutAppend Ctrl Shift X Cuts The Selection and appends to the clipboard
Adding cut
EditDate Ctrl D Insert Current Date
Add date
EditDatelong Ctrl Shift D Insert Current Date in Long Format
Add long date format
EditDelete delete deletes the selection
EditDeleteeol Ctrl Shift Delete deletes to the end of current line
Delete the content behind the location where the line is located
EditDeleteeow Ctrl Delete deletes to the end of current word
Delete the contents of the location behind the location
EditDeleteline Alt Shift Delete deletes Current Line
Delete line
EditDeleteWord Alt Delete deletes Current Word
Delete phrase
EditDeleteback Backspace deletes One Character Back
Remove the rear
EditDeleteBackword Ctrl Backspace deletes One Word Back
Remove the phrase to the rear
EditDuPlicate Ctrl J DuPlicates Current Line
Copy the behavior copy
EditDuplicatechar Ctrl - Copies a Character from Previous Line
Copy the contents of the line in the location of the cursor
EditExpandWord F2 Replace Current Word with The Corresponding Cliptext
Copy the phrase (unknown function)
Editjoin Ctrl Shift J Joins SELECTED LINES
Merge (select multi-line, consolidation, and the same line of the same line) combine the selected line selected
EditinDentmore Ctrl i Increases The Indentation of Current Line or The SELECTED Block
EditIndess Ctrl Shift I Decreases The Indentation of current Line or the successd block
Reducing indentation
EditInsertMode Insert Toggles Insert Mode and Overwrite Mode Insert Mode
EditinvertCase Ctrl K Inverts The Case of the Selected Text
Upside down the case where the selected content is displayed
EditLowercase Ctrl L Converts the Selected Text To Lower Case
Small write mode
EditPaste Ctrl V Inserts Clipboard Contents
Editredo Ctrl Y Redoes the Previously Undone Action
EditreFormat Ctrl Shift R Reformats Paragraph To The Format Column Number
EditSelectall Ctrl a selects the entire document
Select all
EditSelectBegin Alt Shift B Begin / End Selection
Select where you stay again
EditSelectBegincol Alt Shift E Begin / End Column Selection
Select the place where you stay at once
EditSelectColumn Alt C Starts The Column Selection
Selection column
EditSelectLine Ctrl R Selects Current Line
Pick line
Select phrase
Editsplit Ctrl Shift K Splits SELECTED WRAPPED LINES
(The function is unknown)
Editstriphtml Ctrl Shift P Strips HTML Tags in Current Document Or Selection
Clear HTML scripts
EditTime Ctrl M Inserts Current Time
Insert time
EditTimelong Ctrl Shift M Insert Current Time with seconds
Insert long format
EditTranspose Ctrl T Transposes Characters Either Side of Cursor
Transform position
Editundo Ctrl Z undoes the last action
EditUppercase Ctrl U Converts The SELECTED TET TO UPPER CASE
Uppercase letters
ViewBrowser Ctrl B Loads The Active Document Into The Web Browser View in your browser
ViewCliptextLib Alt Shift 1 Shows or Hides The Cliptext Window
View text favorites
ViewCursorindicator Alt Shift C Shows or Hides Cursor Indicators
Display the pointer indicator
ViewDirectory Alt Shift 3 Shows or Hides The Directory Window
View catalog
ViewFullscreen Alt Shift 0 Toggles Full Screen Mode on and off
Full screen view
ViewgotoOutputWnd Shift F5 Switches The Focus Between The Output Window and The Document
Go to the output window
ViewHighlighturl Alt Shift U Highlights Urls and E-mail Addresses
Highlight URL
ViewLineBreak Alt Shift L Shows or Hides Line Break Marks
In the interrupt position of the line plus label
ViewLinenumber Ctrl Shift L Shows or Hides line Numbers in the Active Document
Display line number
ViewputPutWindow Alt Shift 2 Shows or Hides The Output Window
Display output window
ViewRuler Alt Shift R shows or hides the ruler
Display label
ViewTabspace Alt Shift i shows or hides space and tab marks
Marker indent and space
ViewTogglefocus F5 Switches The Focus Between The Cliptext / Directory Window and The Document
Medical translation: Switching workspace with the left Directory or ClipText
search for
SearchFind Alt F3 Finds The Specified Text
Look up
SearchFindNext F3 FINDS the next matching text
Find the next one
SearchFindNextword Ctrl F3 FINDS The Next Occurrence of Current Word or the SELECTED TEXT
Find the next phrase
SearchFindPrevious Shift F3 Find The Previous Matching Text
Find previous content
SearchFindPrevword Ctrl Shift F3 Finds The Previous Occurrence of Current Word or the SELECTED TEXT Find Previous phrases
SearchFunction Ctrl F11 Shows The Function List
Find functions
Searchgotoline Ctrl G Goes to Specified Line in The Active Document
Go to the row
Searchgotourl F8 Goes to the highlighted URL
Go to URL
Searchjumptofile F7 Jumps to a file Using Output Window Pattern
Jump to the file
Searchmarkerclear Ctrl Shift F9 Clears All Marker from the Active Document
Search and mark content clear
SearchMarkertoggle F9 Set and Clear Marker At Current Line
Mark the current line
Searchmarkernext F4 Goes to Next Marker Position
Search and mark the next one
SearchmarkerPrev Shift F4 Goes to Previous Marker Position
Search and mark the previous
SearchmatchBrace Ctrl ] Searches for a matching brace
(The function is unknown)
SearchReplace Ctrl H ReplaceS Specific Text with Different Text
Search and replace
SearchSelectBrace Ctrl Shift ] Searches for a matching brace and self TEXT
(The function is unknown)
DocColumnMarker Alt Shift M shows or hides column markers
Portrait tag document
DocwordWrap Ctrl Shift W Toggles The Word-Wrap Feature of the Active Document
Automatic wrap
Browsereditsource Ctrl E Edits the Source of Current HTML Page
View source code
Text clip
table of Contents
Project (basically I have never used this part, do not translate, :))
Toolbar 1 --- Tools Group * :)
TOOLGROUP3 Ctrl Shift 3 Group 3
TOOLGROUP4 CTRL SHIFT 4 Group 4ToolGroup5 Ctrl Shift 5 Group 5
TOOLGROUP10 Ctrl Shift 0 Group 10
ToolOutputNext Ctrl F5 Opens next matching file
TooloutputPrev Ctrl Shift F5 Opens Previous Matching File
ToolplaybackRecord Alt 1 Plays Back The Keystroke Recording 1
ToolplaybackRecord2 Alt 2 Plays Back The KeyStroke Recording 2
ToolplaybackRecord3 Alt 3 Plays Back The Keystroke Recording 3
ToolplaybackRecord4 Alt 4 Plays Back The Keystroke Recording 4
ToolplaybackRecord5 Alt 5 Plays Back The KeyStroke Recording 5
ToolplaybackRecord6 Alt 6 Plays Back The Keystroke Recording 6
ToolplaybackRecord7 Alt 7 Plays Back The Keystroke Recording 7
ToolplaybackRecord8 Alt 8 Plays Back The KeyStroke Recording 8
ToolplaybackRecord9 Alt 9 Plays Back The Keystroke Recording 9
ToolplaybackRecord10 Alt 0 Plays Back The Keystroke Recording 10
ToolRecordKeys Ctrl Q Starts and Stops Keystroke Recording
ToolStop Ctrl Break Breaks the Operation of current Tool
ToolUser1 Ctrl 1 Runs this user-defined Tool
ToolUser2 Ctrl 2
ToolUser3 Ctrl 3ToolUser4 Ctrl 4
ToolUser5 Ctrl 5
ToolUser6 Ctrl 6
ToolUser7 Ctrl 7
ToolUser8 Ctrl 8
ToolUser9 Ctrl 9
ToolUser10 Ctrl 0
Windowlastvisited F12 Switches to The Last Visited Document WINDOW
Last visit window
Windowlist F11 Shows List of All Document Windows
Window list
WindowNext Ctrl Tab Switches to the Next Document Window
Next window
WindowNextPane F6 Switch to the next window Pane
(The function is unknown)
WindowPrev Ctrl Shift Tab Switches To The Previous Document Window
Previous window
WindowPrevpane Shift F6 Switch Back to the Previous Window Pane
(The function is unknown)
Help F1 Display Help for Current Task or Command
HelpContext Shift F1 Displays Help for Clicked on Buttons, Menus and Windows
Text content display help
/ ************************************************** *************** /
* Author: Emerald
* HomePage: http://gi.2288.org:88/
* SEO-GI: http://seo.2288.org:99
* Sitename: Green College - Green Institute
* Date: 2005-2-9 21:35:16
/ ************************************************** *************** /
HTML file: copy content, then save to * .html
.Space {
Line-height: 150%;
Font-weight: Normal;
Font-Variant: Normal;
Text-Transform: Capitalize;
Color: # 000000;
Text-decoration: none;
.red {
Line-height: 150%;
Font-weight: Normal;
Font-Variant: Normal;
Text-Transform: Capitalize; Color: # ff0000;
Text-decoration: none;