C # Quick (5) full text

zhaozj2021-02-11  186




Delegate let us store a function to store in a variable. In C , this is similar to the function pointer defined using typedef, which usually uses a function pointer.

The keyword that is delegated to use is delegate. Hey, you will understand what is entrustion:


Delegate Int Operation (int Val1, int val2);

Public Int Add (int Val1, Int Val2)




Public int subtract (int Val1, int Val2)


Return VAL1- VAL2;


Public void perform ()


Operation Oper;

Console.writeline ("Enter or -");

String Optor = console.readline ();

Console.WriteLine ("Enter 2 Operands");

String opnd1 = console.readline ();

String Opnd2 = console.readline ();

INT VAL1 = Convert.TOINT32 (OPND1);

INT VAL2 = Convert.TOINT32 (OPND2);

IF (Optor == " "))

Oper = new operation (add);


Oper = New Operation (Subtract);

Console.writeLine ("Result = {0}", Oper (VAL1, VAL2));



Inheritance and polymorphism


C # only allows for inheritance, multi-inheritance is to be implemented by an interface.


Class Parent {


Class Child: Parent


Virtual method


In addition to achieving the virtual method in subclasses, the virtual method implements the polymorphic concept C # with C . The parent class uses the same Virtual keyword. Use an Override keyword from each class of overloading virtual methods.

Class Shape


Public Virtual Void Draw ()


Console.writeline ("Shape.DRAW");



Class Rectangle: Shape


Public Override Void Draw ()


Console.writeline ("Rectangle.DRAW");



Class Square: Rectangle


Public Override Void Draw ()


Console.writeline ("Square.Draw");



Class mainclass


Static void


(String [] ARGS)


Shape [] SHP = New Shape [3];

Rectangle Rect = New Rectangle ();

SHP [0] = New Shape ();

SHP [1] = Rect;

SHP [2] = New Square ();

SHP [0] .draw ();

SHP [1] .draw ();

SHP [2] .draw ();



Output T:





Use "New" to hide the parent method


You can define a subclass into a new method version, hide the version in the base class. You can define a new version using the New keyword. Think about the example below, it is the modified version of the above example. Note When I use the New keyword in the Rectangle class instead of the output of the Override keyword.

Class Shape


Public Virtual Void Draw ()


Console.writeline ("Shape.DRAW");



Class Rectangle: Shape


Public New Void Draw ()


Console.writeline ("Rectangle.DRAW");



Class Square: Rectangle


// Didn't be overloaded here

Public New Void Draw ()


Console.writeline ("Square.Draw");



Class mainclass


Static void


(String [] ARGS)


Console.writeline ("Using Polymorphism:");

Shape [] SHP = New Shape [3];

Rectangle Rect = New Rectangle ();

SHP [0] = New Shape ();

SHP [1] = Rect;

SHP [2] = New Square ();

SHP [0] .draw ();

SHP [1] .draw ();

SHP [2] .draw ();

Console.writeline ("Using WITHOUT POLYMORPHISM:");

Rect.draw ();

Square sqr = new square ();












The polymorphism here does not use the DRAW method of the Rectangle class as a manifestation of the Shape's DRAW method. Instead, it will think this is a different way. Therefore, in order to avoid naming conflicts between the parent class and subclass, we use the New modifier.

Note: You cannot use two versions of one of the following methods below, that is, one version with a New modifier, the other is the version of Override or Virtual modifier. As explained above, I cannot add another method named DRAW to the Rectangle class with the Virtual or Override method. Similarly, in the Square class, I cannot overload the virtual DRAW method of the Square class.


Call base class member


If the subclass and the base class have the same name, to avoid naming conflicts, access the base class data member and the letter to use a keyword base. In the example below, let's take a look at how to call the constructor of the base class and how to use the data member.

Public Child (int Val): Base (VAL)


MYVAR = 5;




Public Child (int Val)


Base (VAL);

MYVAR = 5;



In the future supplement:

This article is only a quick overview of a C # language so that you can familiarize with this language. Although I have tried to discuss all the major C # concepts in a concise and comprehensive code, I think there is still a lot to fill in the discussion.

In the future, I will join more commands and concepts that have not been discussed, such as events, and more. I also want to write some Dongdong for Windows programming for C # beginners.


Our Most Commonly Known MSDN

Inside C # by Tom Archer

A Programmer's Introduction To C # by Eric Gunnerson

Beginning C # by Karli Watson

Programming C # (O'Reilly)

About the Author

AISHA IS A MASTER OF Science In Computer Science from Quaid-I-Azam Univeristy. She Has Worked in VC 6, MFC, ATL, COM / DCOM, ActiveX, C , SQL, AND SO FORTH. THESE DAYS SHE IS WORKING ON .NET Framework and c #. INSPIRED WITH Nature, She Loves to Seek Knowledge. Sheeeps a free source code and articles web site at http://aishai.netfirms.com.


Date posted:

June 13, 2003


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