C # quick (three)

zhaozj2021-02-11  221




You must already know that public, private, protected these modifiers used in C . Here I will discuss some new modifiers introduced by C #.


The readonly modifier is only used in the data members of the class. As prompted by this name, Readonly data members can only read only, they can only assign a value at a constructor or directly initialize operation. Readonly is different from the Const data member, and Const requires you to initialize in a statement, which is done. Look at the sample code below:

Class myclass


Const int constint = 100; // Direct initialization

Readonly int myint = 5; // Direct initialization

Readonly Int Myint2; // Translator Note: Only declaration, not initialization

Public myclass ()


Myint2 = 8; // Indirect


Public func ()


Myint = 7; // illegal operation (Translator Note: No value is not assigned)

Console.writeline (Myint2.toString ());



SeaD (seal)

The sealing is not allowed to inherit, and it is not derived. So you can use Sealed keywords for classes you don't want to be inherited.

Sealed Class Cannotbetheparent


INT A = 5;



You can use the unsafe modifier to define an unsafe context. In an insecure context, you can write unsafe code such as a C pointer. Look at the sample code below:

Public unsafe myfunction (int * pint, double * pdouble)



* panotherint = 10;

Pint = panotherint;


* PDOUBLE = 8.9;





If you have a COM concept, you will know what I want to talk about. An interface is an abstract base class, which only contains function description, and the implementation of these functions is done by subclasses. C # You have to use the interface keyword to define a class like an interface. .NET is based on such an interface. C # You do not support C allowed by multiple inheritances (translator Note: A derived class can be derived from two or more parent class). But multi-inheritance can be obtained through an interface. That is to say that you can derive it from multiple interfaces.

Using system;

Interface mydrawing


Int Originx





Int Originy





Void Draw (Object Shape);


Class Shape: MyDrawing


Int Orix;

Int Oriy;

Public int Originx


Get {

Return Orix;



Orix = value;



Public int Originy


Get {

Return Oriy;



Oriy = Value;



Public void Draw (Object Shape)


... // Do Something


// Class's OWN METHOD

Public Void MoveShape (int newx, int newy)






Arrays (array)


The array in C # is better than the performance of C . The array is assigned in the heap and is therefore a reference type. You can't access elements that exceed a array boundary. Therefore, C # will prevent such a type of bug. Some auxiliary methods can cycle the function of accessing array elements in turn, and Foreach is such a statement. Compared with C , the characteristics of C # in array syntax are as follows:

Square brackets are placed after the data type instead of after the variable name.

Creating an array element To use a New operator.

C # supports one-dimensional, multi-dimensional and interleave arrays (arrays in arrays).


int [] array = new int [10]; // integer one-dimensional array

For (int i = 0; i

Array [i] = i;

Int [,] array2 = new int [5, 10]; // integer two-dimensional array

Array2 [1, 2] = 5;

Int [,] array3 = new int [5, 10, 5]; // integer three-dimensional array

Array3 [0, 2, 4] = 9;

int [] [] arrayofarray = = new int [2]; // Integer interleave array (array in arrays)

ArrayofArray [0] = new int [4];

ArrayofArray [0] = new int in {1, 2, 15};




The indexer is used to write a method of accessing a set element, a collection of "[]", similar to the array. What you have to do is to list an index list of access instances or elements. The type of property belt is an input parameter, and the indexer is the index table of the element, in addition to this, the same grammar of both.


Note: CollectionBase is a library class for making a collection. List is a Protected CollectionBase member, stores a list of collections.

Class Shapes: CollectionBase


Public Void Add (Shape SHP)


List.Add (SHP);


// Indexer

Public Shape this [int index]


Get {

Return (Shape) List [Index];



List [Index] = Value;





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