Intellectual Property Agreement Related to Trade

zhaozj2021-02-08  499

Intellectual Property Agreement Related to Trade

The second part of the effectiveness, scope and utilization of intellectual property rights

Device copyright and related rights

Article 9 Relationship with the Bern Convention 1. All members should follow the Appendix 1 to 21 of the Bern Convention in 1971 and the Convention. However, for the rights of Article 6 of the Bern Convention or the right to extension from this article, members should exempt the rights or obligations in accordance with the agreement. 2. Copyright protection should be delayed, without extending ideas, processes, operational methods, or mathematical concepts.

Article 10 Compilation of computer programs and data 1. Regardless of the source code or the computer program expressed in the target code, it should be protected as a text creation referred to as the text of the Bern Convention 1971. 2. Compilation of data or other materials, regardless of machine readable form or other forms, as long as its content is selected or arranged to constitute intelligence creation. That is to protect. This type does not delay the protection of data or material itself, and cannot impair the copyright of the data or material itself.

Article 11 Level Rental is at least for computer programs and movie works, and members shall authorize their author or author of the legal heir to license or prohibit the original or copy of the copyright to the public for commercial rentals. For movie works, members may not undertake the obligation to grant the rights, unless the relevant rent has led to a wide replication of the work, its replication is seriously damaged by the authorified authority of the author or the author's legal heir. For computer programs, this article is not applicable if the relevant program itself is not the main target of rent.

Article 12 In addition to photographic works or practical art works, if a certain work is not calculated by naturally enterprising. If the protection period is not less than the annual end of the year, if the work has been permitted within 50 years, the protection period should not be less than 50 years from the end of the completion of the work.

Article 13 All members of the restrictions and exceptions should be limited to the limitations or exceptions of proprietary rights to a certain special case, and the special case should not be conflict with the normal use of the work, and the legitimate interests of the rights holder should not be impaired.

Article 14 Protectors of performers, recording products producers and broadcasting organizations. For the case of fixing the performance of the performer to the recording product, the performer should be able to stop the following acts that have not been licensed: fixed to its unfained performance, and copy the already fixed content. Performers should also be possible to stop the following acts that are not licensed: broadcast their live performances to the public in wirelessly, spread their live performances to the public. 2. Recording products producers should enjoy the rights license or prohibit direct or indirect replication of their works. 3. Broadcast organization should enjoy the following acts that do not have its license: broadcasting its broadcasts in wirelessly, fixing its broadcast, copies the fixed content, and spread its television broadcast to the public through the same manner. If some members do not grant broadcast organization above, they should be in accordance with the Bern Convention in 1971, so that the above-mentioned behavior is possible to make the above-mentioned behavior. 4. Article 11 of this Agreement is in principle, in principle, it is applicable to the recording product producer, which is suitable for any other rights holder of the recording products confirmed by the member domain. At the date of the Multilateral Trade Negotiation of the Uruguay, if a member has implemented the system to hold a fair compensation, it can maintain its system unchanged, as long as the commercial rental of the recording product is not produced in this system. The consequences of replication proprietary with substantial damage to the rights holder. 5. In accordance with this Agreement, the performers and recorder producers should continue to last year from the end of the year until the end of the year. The protected periods provided in paragraph 3 of this article shall be at least 20 years from the end of the year of the broadcast. 6. Any member can provide conditions, restrictions, exceptions, exceptions, limits, exceptions, and reservations of the rights provided in Articles 1 to 3 in the extent of the Rome Convention. But Bern Conventions 1971 Text Article 18 shall be in principle applicable to performer rights and recording and recording crew.


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