Create a Windows installation item -Part 1 (below)

zhaozj2021-02-11  192

Create a Windows installation item -Part 1 (below)

Author: Wrox Team published: 2003.3.6 translation: Zou Jianqiang connect on: http:? // id = 21370

Support files and project output support files can be manually add some file supplies (such as bitmap, customized data files, etc.). Only just click on the folder list mentioned above, select Add File, and browse to select the correct file (you can also create any subdirectory you need by selecting the Add Folder). The files you have chosen will be copied to the location corresponding to the target computer. Project Output You should add some important .NET assemblies to your application item output. This will ensure that the file will be automatically generated each time the setup file is generated. It is also necessary to ensure that the required subordinate assembly is included. In order to add a project output to this FontView application, right-click the application folder to select the Add Item Output. This window allows you to output from any of the current solutions. Once you have selected the right project, you can choose the output type. The main output adds an assembly generated by reference projects, as well as some subordinate assemblies. This is the usual option (you can also configure options to the Release .NET to make sure the setup program always uses the RELEASE version of the assembly without worrying about the current Ide settings). Localized resources use this project's accessory assembly, which contains local specified resources. Source files include text source files for all reference items. Since these files do not include the actual compiled assembly, the slave assembly will not be automatically included. Any subordinate program rally is automatically referenced. In this case, the slave assembly mscorlib.cfgmscorlib.dll (the core part of .NET Framework) will be included. When adding the .NET assembly, .NET re-publish file is automatically added to the Setup project, which allows your application to install your application on a computer that is not installed .NET runtime environment. This will make the size of your setup project quickly expand (approximately from 100K to 15MB). If the customer has installed .NET Framework, then these components are removed to save space. This is the way to take in Example Fontviewer. Right-click on the DotNetFxRedist_x86_enu.msm merge module in the Solution Explorer, then select Remove. Shortcuts can be added. The more typical is to create on the desktop folder, the folder, the user favorite creation is created, the most common is to create in the subdirectory specified in the program menu. Creating a shortcut to the application FontViewer follow the steps:

Add a shortcut icon to the Setup project. Create a folder in the program menu (here we use FontViewer). Right click on the newly built folder and select the shortcut to create it. There will be a special window prompts you to select a file in the setup project as a shortcut goal. Once you have selected the goal, the shortcut will be added. You can rename it and use the Properties window to configure additional options. Here, you already have a simple full-featured setup program. It can be used to generate a separate .msi file and install the FontViewer application with it. Below we design a very simple welcome installation interface, you can prompt the installation path, display the progress bar of the replication file and shortcut, and then end the installation with a common information prompt. You can see how this part is how to modify these elements. Customized User Interface In the User Interface Designer, you can see the following window. These windows are listed in the order of the grouping groups in their installation scenario. You will see two setup versions in the list, one is installed by ordinary users, and the other is the administrator installation. You can use the / a parameter to get the administrator installation function. Administrators are usually installed when the network is required. In order to understand what the actual setup installation window is like to install Setup, or refer to MSDN help, it describes the properties of each way and display their appearance. The setup project is unable to debug as a normal application. There are many ways to customize the user interface of the installer: Modify the window option. Each window provides a set of different options. Select the window, check the properties window, see what option can be used. By right-click window, select the order of the window to rearrange the window. Right-click the window, select Remove You can remove a window from the installation item. Right-click on a installation scenario and select the Add dialog to add a new predefined window. SETUP window Type Several predefined windows, you can add one to the installation wizard. Each window is only added once and then displayed in the selection list. Each design window is only for a single purpose, providing very little configuration options. Almost all windows provide a bannerbitmap property, allowing you to specify an image file, which is displayed in a blank Banner area at the top of the window (the default image is a computer). In fact, the options for the window are as follows:

Window Type Description / Property Startup Screen The window is used to display company or product images at the beginning of the installation. Provide: Sunken property, Boolean; splashbitmap properties, Flash screen images Welcome window introductory window. The text information list is displayed through the CopyrightWarning property and the WelcomeText property window, which provides a license information window, requiring the user to choose "consent" before performing the following installation. The license information is extracted from the .rtf file specified in the licenseFile property, and provides a window that requires a username on the window of the client information window displayed in a Sunken property. With Boolean properties showorganization and showserialnumber, you can also request additional information. The simple serial number legitimacy check can be performed using SerialNumberTemplate, which will be introduced in the following section. The installation schedule sets the showprogressbar property to true and display the progress bar. The user registration window allows the user to register through a separate program. It provides a "Register Now" button, click on a executable, or start a web page. This application can be specified by the Executable and Arguments properties. The readme file window is displayed by the LicenseFile property. RTF file display information. The window is displayed in a Sunken property. With interface designers may be disappointing for most developers because it allows customization. You can add and rearrange the pre-built window type, but you can't design a new window, or add some custom code. Microsoft puts more money on consistency and simplicity, not complexity. The serial number template can use the serial number template (the serialnumbertemplate property in the customer information window) blocks a user without legal serial numbers. The template defines how the serial number is formatted. However, you can't confirm the serial number directly. Instead, you have to use the template-based verifying program that has been built in Windows Installer products, which may not be enough for all applications. At first, SerialNumbetemplate was larger than the number and smaller than the number (ie "<" and ">"), which consistent will not be displayed directly in the text box. You can also separate the serial number in multiple text boxes with a short line. For the template itself, you can use the following characters:


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