Although this function says this function is the latest function of Win2000, it has already had this function in Win98. DWFlags as long) As long: hWnd is only valid for FORM, and others cannot generate effects like Picture1. DWTIME is an animation's last time and defaults to 200. DWFLAGS can take the following values: aw_hor_positive (& H1) 'From left to right open window AW_hor_negative (& H2)' From right to left open window AW_VER_POTIVE (& H4) 'From top to bottom window AW_VER_NEGATIVE (& H8)' From bottom to open window AW_Center (& H10) 'It can't see any effect, when you uninstall this function, if you want to use this function, you have to add this constant AW_ACTIVATE (& H20000)' After the form is opened, the focus will be lost by default. Unless otherwise on the normal amount of AW_SLIDE (& H40000) 'see any effect AW_blend (& H80000)' fade in fade out the final one is what I am looking for, unfortunately only valid for Win2000. The lower side is the effect of the flexible, if there is no Win2000, you can't see it: form1.borderstyle = 1Form1.caption = "" form1.controlbox = "" "Add the Form1 one-size suitable background diagram. Private Sub Form_Click () Unload Meend Subprivate Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer) AnimateWindow HWND, 1000, & H80000 & H10000 SET FORM1 = Nothingend SubanImateWindow function can have a lot of programs, especially for Win2000.