Fighting in all night in a row, I went to 4 o'clock in the morning to leave the computer and rolled into the bed. I finally sick ... lymphatic, tonsil inflammation, headache, dizziness, hair burning, unable to sleep, end sleep The gastrointestinal sky is called ..... I feel again in the end of the world. I arrived again .... God, don't .... Please no longer fall into my body, give me health .... Dragbed my body, told me how to complete my plan mission ..... so I have to practice the ball, and I have to slim.
The programmer is a job that is the most test brain. Everything in life must return to the boring mathematics, but also to analyze the needs at all day. And the computer is the most stupid thing in the world, called it, even if it is The little punctuation it is dead to see ... And you can't hit it, you can't hit it. So you have to practice the ball, and
As for the nourishing, it is the way of life. This will be said later. So it is necessary to practice the ball, and to nourish.