A.iGenus can't send information ---> Solution: chmod 777 / usr / sbin / qmail
B.iGenus logs in error ----> Workaround: Edit PHP.INI (if it is Linux comes with PHP
Should be a load /etc/php.ini) Modify register_globals = ON
C.iGenus occurs when a 528 error occurs, in fact, this is PHP can't find / usr / sbin / sendmail file during the compilation process, qmail uses / var / qmail / bin / sendmail to send information. The solution is as follows:
a. Add a link
# ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / sbin / sendmail
b. Stop Apache operation
c. Re-build PHP
D.iGenus modified uploads the attachment size method:
Modify /etc/php.ini
Max_execution_time = 30 # is changed to 60 (increasing the time limit for processing scripts)
Memory_limit = 8m # is changed to 40M (this can send 10M accessories)
Post_max_size = 2m # changed to 10m
UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE = 2M # change to 10m
2. Modify /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf
SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 524288 # Transform 524288 to 10485760
The LImitRequestBody 524288 here is limited to 512K of the upload attachment, and it is changed to 10m.
E. After successfully logging in to IGENUS,
The top area appears
Warning: mysql_fetch_Object (): Supplied Argument is not a valid mysql result resource in /var/www/html/igenus/mailbox.php on line 253
Warning: mysql_fetch_Object (): Supplied Argument is not a valid mysql result resource in /var/www/html/igenus/mailbox.php on line 274
Workaround: Refer to the data table of the VPopmail database to refer to ../igenus/doc/igenus.sql. Note: There should be a PW_CLEAR_PASSWD field (`pw_clear_passwd` Varchar (16) default null, if you want to log in!
F. Users do not exist -> Cause: Generally, there is no database required to install IGENUS, IGENUS needs to add a PW_ID field in VPopmail, as the unique identity of the user, note that this field does not have the original The PW_UID field is confused.
Second, PHP is not set.
#mysql -u root -p
Mysql> Use vpopmail;
Mysql> ALTER TABLE VPOPMAIL Add Column PW_ID INT (5) Not Null Primary Key Auto_Increment
G. The schedule cannot be displayed: No vpopmail database built Schedel table, refer to IGENus.sql
H. File management error !!!!
Warning: mkdir () failed (without that file or directory) In /var/www/html/mail/file.php on line 21Warning: mkdir () failed (no file or directory) In / var / www / html / mail /FILE.PHP ON LINE 22
Chown vpopmail.vchkpw / home / netdisk
H. The file management space is limited:
. ./igenus/config/config_inc.php
Change $ CFG_NETDISK_DEFAULT_QUOTA = "Numerical"
I. After the redflag_server_3, the problem occurs is that IGENUS cannot enter (including Postmasert), no prompts do not, even if you deliberately enter the wrong password, but in the background / cgi-bin / qmailadmin enters, join / Delete accounts are no problem
Cause: Changed the execution of Apache, the permissions of the session directory have problems.
CD / var / lib / php
chmod -r 0755 session
Chown -r vpopmail: vchkpw session
J. After installing IGENUS, you can accept it normally, but the other party can't receive it? May I ask what is the reason
A: IGENUS uses the "Mail () function of the PHP, and the mail () function depends on the system's Sendmail program. When installing qmail, you need to back up the original Sendmail and reuse the original Sendmail reuse the symbol connection to / var / qmail / bin / sendmail.
Also, if you use your own compilation installation PHP, during the compilation process, the system's Sendmail configuration is not found, the system does not have a mail () function, in which case you must reconfigure Sendmail, and recompile PHP.
K.IGENUS 2 Do you need PHP IMAP support?
A: IGENUS's early versions use IMAP some functions for mail decoding, and new versions are no longer needed.
L. SMALLINT, the quota, cur_quota field, Total, and CUR_QUOTA fields of the admin table, can be changed to int type, solve
Execute (MySQL -U Username) in MySQL Command Line (Mysql -u User Name)
Use vpopmail;
Alter Table Admin Modify `Quota` Int (10);
Alter Table Admin Modify `Cur_quota` Int (10);
Alter Table Admin Modify `Total` int (10);
Alter Table Admin Modify `Cur_total` Int (10);
M. The problem of installing IGENUS QMail! Why IGENUS page always garbled
Modify: ../ httpd.conf
AddDefaultCharset Off
N. The problem of pop-up window The pop-up window is OpenWin (), you put
O. I Genus IGENUS can't be uploaded