#Region statement // --------------------------------------------- ------------------------- after //// datagrid populated with data interface dynamic color display //// author: Li Miao (Nick.Lee) /// The complete DataGrid fill data after the ASP.NET environment, Dynamic Display Fill Scheme //// DataGrid interface dynamically display //// Boyorgril@msn.com////-------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ # endregionusing system;
#Region Quote Namespace Using System.Web.ui; Using System.Web.ui.WebControls; #ENDREGON
Namespace nicklee.web.ui {///
#REGON DATAGRID Interface Dynamic Display Function ///
IF (sender.ItemStyle.backcolor.name == "0") {// condition determination if (sender.alternatingItemStyle.backColor.name == "0") {// Condition judge for (int i = 0; i } Else {for (int i = 0; i This.style.cursor = 'Hand'; "); sender.items [i] .attributes.add (" onMouseOver "," this.style.backgroundcolor = '" mouseovercolor " "); sender.Items [i] .Attributes.add ("onclick", "this.style.BackgroundColor = '" Clickcolor "");}}} else f ((Sender.alternatingItemStyle.backColor.Name.comPareto ("ff" convert.toString Sender.alternatingItemStyle.BackColor.name.Remove (0, 2))) == 0) && (Sender.ItemStyle.backcolor.name.comPareto ("ff" convert.toString (Sender.ItemStyle.BackColor.name.Remove) 0, 2)))))! = 0)) {for (INT i = 0; i } Else {for (INT i = 0; i }