1. Check the browser, especially IE settings, such as the most common trigger that cannot browse the web page is selected "Automatic Detection Settings" in IE, remember that this option is not selected. If it is an IE5X version, click Tool - "INTRENET Options -" Connection - "LAN settings, you can see this option, if the option is hooked, you must cancel it. The fault can be resolved after canceling.
2. Check if the property settings of the TCP / IP protocol, especially if the DNS server settings are correct, especially if the dialing software is different, the location of the setting DNS is different, some (set in the attribute of the connection icon of the dial network, somewhat Control panel network settings, some of which are set in the Dial-up software (such as Enternet300). These 3 places must be set correctly. (Don't know what you don't know what is DNS), you put http : //, enter the browser to see if it is displayed, if it is definitely the domain name resolution, if the domain name is resolved, it is reloading IE, or look at your neighbors. Setting. (Still a bit trouble, hehe)