=============================== delete ================================================================================================================================================= ================ if Request ("DELS") = "DELS" the set Delfile = conn.execute ("SELECT * from [Agad] where id =" & request (" ID ")) On Error ResMe Next IF (ISNULL (" Upfile ") = false and Delfile (" Upfile ") <>" ") THEN SET FS1 = Server.createObject (" scripting.filesystemObject ") fs1.deletefile (Server.mappath ("..")))) SET FS1 = Nothing end if Delfile.close set Delfile = Nothing SQL = "delete [agad] where id =" & request ("id") conn. Execute SQL Response.Redirect ("http_referer") end if =========================== 除 提 ==== ============================== " onclick = "JavaScript: IF (CONFIRM ('Do you confirm this operation?')) {return true;} else {return false;}> Delete
=========================== common query code ===================== ============== SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset") SQL = "delete from product where id =" & id "ro s r = r r o s s r 3, 3 ========================== 瑞腾 database query ================ ============= Select P. *, c3.fd_pcname, c4. * from Tb_ProductS P, TB_ProductCatalog4 C4, TB_PRODUCTCATALOG3 C3 where p.fd_companyid = 11534 and P.FD_PC4ID = C4.FD_PCID and C4 .fd_pcupid = c3.fd_pcid and c3.fd_pcid = 606 and c3.fd_pcupid = 67
========================== Image display ======================================================================================================================================================================================== ============= <% IF RS ("UPFILE") <> "" OR ISNULL (RS ("Upfile") = true kil> "Target =" _ blank "> "alt =" <% = rs ("Name")%> "width =" 100 "Height =" 75 "border =" 0 "style =" background-color: # 003366 "> <% else%>
<% end if%> ======================================================================================================================================================================== =================== if Request ("exit") = "EXIT" TENRESPONSE.EXPIRES = -9999Session.Abandon () Response.Redirect ("index.asp") END IF
=========================== Generate random number ============================================================================================================================================= ============= randomizesuis = int (RND () * (9999-1000 1)) 1000