Use a C # operation ini file

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

This class, encapsulates the methods provided in kernal32.dll to operate the INI file.


A class is created here, encapsulating two methods provided in kernel32.dll, used to operate the INI file. These two methods are: WritePrivateProfileString and GetPrivateProfileString.

The namespaces that need references are: system.Runtime.InterOpServices and System.Text

Class source file

Using system;

Using system.Runtime.InteropServices;

Using system.text;

Namespace Ini



/// Create a new ini file to store or loading data


Public class inIfile



[DLLIMPORT ("kernel32")]]

Private static extern long writPrivateProfileString (String Section,

String Key, String Val, String FilePath;

[DLLIMPORT ("kernel32")]]

Private static extern int GETPRIVATEPROFILESTRING (String Section,

String Key, String Def, StringBuilder RetVal,

INT size, String filepath;


/// inIfile constructor.



Public inIfile (String InIPATH)


Path = inipath;



/// write data to the in iNi file



/// section name


/// Key Name


/// Value Name

Public void IniwriteValue (String Section, String Key, String Value)


WritePrivateProfileString (Section, Key, Value, this.path);



/// read data value from the ini file






Public String InireadValue (String Section, String Key) {

StringBuilder Temp = New StringBuilder (255);

INT i = getPrivateProfileString (Section, Key, ", TEMP,

255, this.path);

Return Temp.toString ();




Use this class

Follow these steps:

1. Add a reference to namespaces in your project

Using ini;

2. Create a following INIFILE object

INIFILE INI = New InIfile ("C: //Test.ini");

3. Use the INIWRITEVALUE method to give a key payment value in the specified configuration, or use the InireAdValue method to read the value of a key in the specified configuration section.

As mentioned above, it is very easy to encapsulate the API function into your class in C #.


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