Good use of Google's "good luck" "I'm feeling lucky" search for breath, this feature is ignored for a long time, this feature is very useful!!! So I hope more people know the benefits and usage of this feature, below Example started: For example, to my website: (Domain name is Use Google's hand to search, ( http: // www. plant melons, beans and beans, 唉 ...) You can enter Gi 2288, so you can go directly to my site, ^^ Good. what? This is the case! ! ! No, oh! For example, you have to go to Baidu, then enter Baidu in Google and then press the hand to get to Baidu's website. . . Still don't know what to use, don't worry, for example, when you are looking for information, examples: To find the "CSS Online Manual", enter the CSS online manual, then press your luck, so you will understand. In other words, When you are looking for anything, you can give priority to Google's luck ... Although it is very simple, many people don't know the benefits of this feature, so write,:) Author: Emerald Website: http: // sitename: Green College - Green Institute Date: 2005-2-5 19:40:22