Control web page Forms behavior (collection)

zhaozj2021-02-11  207

Control web page Forms behavior

Private submmand2_click () with webbrowser1.document.forms (0) .c2.checked = 1 .r1 (1) .Checked = 1 End WirthNend Sub

Private submmand2_click () with webbrowser1.document.forms (0) .d1.Options (1) .selected = 1 End Withend Sub

Web.Document.getlementsByname ("D1"). Item (0) .selectedIndex = 1

============================================== Normal original Repost

For example, there is a page like a code I want to choose how to write in original webbrowser.

Private submmand1_click () webbrowser1.navigate "c: /gg.html" end sub

Private submmand2_click () DIM X for Each X in WebBBROWSER1.Document.all ("NOTECOME") if x.value = "c" Then X.Checked = true end if nextend Sub

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