/ bin: bin is the abbreviation of binary (binary). This directory is the follower of UNIX system habits, which stores the most frequently used users. For example: CP, LS, CAT.
/ boot: Some core files that are stored when you start Linux.
/ dev: DEV is an abbreviation for Device. In this directory, all Linux external devices are functionally similar to .Sys and WIN under DOS .vxd. Devices and files in Linux are accessed with the same way. For example: / dev / hda represents the first physical IDE hard disk. / Etc: This directory is used to store all the configuration files and subdirectories required for system management. / home: The user's home directory, for example, there is a user called Liubin, then his home directory is / home / liubin can also be used ~ liubin, say it, hit it, you should now understand some individuals When a web page (such as http://www.liubin.net/~liubin), ~ liubin is the user's home directory that represents the user liubin in www.liubin.net site. If the operating system of this website is Linux, it means / home / liubin. / Lib: The most basic dynamic link sharing library is placed in this directory, which is similar to the .dll file in Windows. Almost all applications require these shared libraries. / Lost Found: This directory is usually empty. When the system is not turned off, it has become a self-returned document. Yes, a bit similar to the .chk file under DOS. / MNT: This directory is empty, and the system provides this directory that allows users to temporarily mount other file systems. / Proc: This directory is a virtual directory, which is a mapping of system memory, we can access system information by directly accessing this directory. In other words, this directory is not on the hard disk but in memory! ? / Root: System administrator, also called the user's home directory of super-authority. Of course, the owner of the system, always have some privilege! / Sbin: s is the meaning of super user, that is to say that some system administrators are used by some system administrators. / TMP: This directory does not need to say that it is used to store some temporary files. / Usr: This is the largest catalog, and many applications and files we have to use are almost stored in this directory. Specifically:
/ usr / x11r6 stores the Directory of X-Windows; / usr / bin stores many applications; / usr / sbin places some management programs used by the superuser; / usr / doc This is the big camp of the Linux document; / USR / include Linux develops and compiles the header file required by the application, found; / usr / lib stores some commonly used dynamic link sharing libraries and static archive; / usr / local this is a / usr directory provided to the general user In this installation software is most suitable; / usr / man man is, it is helpful. Here is to help the documentation directory! / USR / SRC Linux open source code, there is this directory, don't let go!
/ var: This directory stores those things constantly expanding, in order to maintain / usr relatively stable, those that are often modified can be placed in this directory, in fact, many system administrators do. By the way, the system's log file is in the / var / log directory.