Rman learning

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

How to create a recovery catalog RMAN [A] First, create a database user, usually RMAN, and give recovery_catalog_owner role permissions sqlplus sysSQL> create user rman identified by rman; SQL> alter user rman default tablespace tools temporary tablespace temp; SQL> alter user rman quota unlimited on tools; SQL> grant connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner to rman; SQL> exit; then, with the user login, create a recovery catalog rman catalog rman / rmanRMAN> create catalog tablespace tools; RMAN> exit; and finally, You can register the target database in the recovery directory, RMAN Catalog RMAN / RMAN Target Backdba / Backdbarman> Register Database;

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- | Create RMAN Recovery Directory | -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- System Environment: WinXP Oracle9.2.0.1 End 1, the prompt file is missing when using RMAN on the client (do not know what the reason)

C: /> rman

Recovery Manager: Version - Production

CopyRight (C) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.rman-00571: =============================== ============================ r-00569: ================ rror message stack FOLLOWS =============== r--00571: ========================================================== ============================= r--00554: Initialization of Internal Recovery Manager package failedrman-03000: Recovery Manager Component Initialization FaileDrman- 06000: Could Not Open Recovery Manager Library File: D: /oracle9i/ora92/rdbms/admin/recover.bsqlfi-00108: Open Expect the file [recover] [BSQ] to EXIST.2, copy Recover.BSQ from the server Oracle directory C: /> RMAN

Recovery Manager: Version - Production

CopyRight (C) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Rman> Catalog Scott / Tiger @ pgjt

RMAN-00571: =============================================== ============= r--00569: =============== Error Message Stack Follows ============== = RMAN-00571: =============================================== ============== RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commandsRMAN-01005: syntax error: found "identifier": expecting one of: "archivelog, backup, controlfilecopy, clone, datafilecopy" RMAN-01008: The Bad Identifier Was: Scottrman-01007: At line 1 Column 9 File: Standard Input

RMAN-00571: =============================================== ============= r--00569: =============== Error Message Stack Follows ============== = RMAN-00571: =============================================== ============== r--00558: Error Encountered While Parsing Input Commandsrman-01006: Error Signalled During PRSERMAN-02001: Unrecognized Punctuation Symbol "/" RMAN> EXIT

The recovery manager is complete.

C: /> rman catalog scott / tiger @ pgjt

Recovery Manager: Version - Production

CopyRight (C) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Connect to the recovery directory database un installed recovery directory

3, the user must have a Recovery_catalog_owner role RMAN> Create Catalog TableSpace Tools;

RMAN-00571: =============================================== ============= r--00569: =============== Error Message Stack Follows ============== = RMAN-00571: =============================================== ============== RMAN-06426: Recovery_catalog_owner role must be granted to user scottrman> grant recovery_catalog_owner to scott;

RMAN-00571: =============================================== ============= r--00569: =============== Error Message Stack Follows ============== = RMAN-00571: =============================================== ============== r p-00558: Error Encountered While Parsing Input CommandsRMAN-01005: SYNTAX Error: Found "Identifier": Expecting One of: "Allocate, Alter, Backup, Beginline, BlockRecover, Chat, Create, Crosscheck, Copy, Create, Crosscheck, CONFIGURE, DUPLICATE, DEBUG, DELETE, DUROP, EXIT, Endinline, Host, {, Library, List, Mount, Open, Print, Quit, Recover, Register, Release, Replace, REGOTER, RELEASE REPORT, RENORMALIZE, RESET, RESTORE, RESYNC, RMAN, Run, RPCTEST, SET, SETLIMIT, SQL, SPOOL, STARTUP, SHUTDOWN, Send, Show, Test, Upgrade, Validate RMAN-01008: The Bad Identifier Was: Grantrman-01007 : at line 1 Column 1 File: Standard InputRman> EXIT

The recovery manager is complete.


SQL * Plus: Release - Production ON Friday February 4 09:19:10 2005

CopyRight (C) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SQL> Conn Sys / Sys @ pgjt as sysdba is connected.

SQL> Grant Recovery_catalog_owner to scott;

Authorized success.

Time: 00: 00:00.00.00sql> EXIT from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith The Partitioning, OLAP AND ORACLE DATA MINING OPTIONSJSERVER Release - Production Interrupt 4, login RMAN creation recovery Directory, registration target database with recovery directory C: /> RMAN Catalog Scott / Tiger @ pgjt

Recovery Manager: Version - Production

CopyRight (C) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Connect to the recovery directory database un installed recovery directory


The recovery directory has been created

Rman> EXIT

The recovery manager is complete.

C: /> rman catalog scott / tiger @ pgjt target sys / sys @ pgjt

Recovery Manager: Version - Production

CopyRight (C) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Connect to the target database: NCDBPX (dbid = 2674958795) Connect to the recovery directory database

Rman> Register Database;

Registering the database in the recovery directory is starting all the recovery directory of the resync to complete all RESYNC

Rman> EXIT

The recovery manager is complete.

5, RMAN backup data C: /> rman catalog scott / tiger @ pgjt target sys / sys@pgjt

Recovery Manager: Version - Production

CopyRight (C) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Connect to the target database: NCDBPX (dbid = 2674958795) Connect to the recovery directory database

Run> Run {2> Allocate Channel C1 Type Disk; 3> Backup Full Tag 'DBFULL' FORMAT 'E: / FULL% U_% S_% P' Database4> Include Current ControlFile; 5> SQL 'ALTER SYSTEM Archive Log Current'; 6> Release channel C1; 7>}

Assigned channel: C1 channel C1: SID = 40 DevType = Disk

Starting Backup in 2004-205 channel C1: Starting Full Data File Backup Set Channel C1: Data Files Positive in Type Backup Concentration In Backup Concentration Contains Current SPFILE Backup Concentration Include Current Control File Enter Data File FNO = 00011 Name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/nnc_data01.dbf Enter Data File FNO = 00017 Name = E: / Oracle/Ordata/ncdbpx/iufo. 00014 Name = E: / Oracle / ORADATA / NCDBPX / NNC_INDEX01 .Dbf input data file fno = 00016 name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/nnc_index03.dbf input data file fno = 00012 name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/nnc_data02.dbf input data file fno = 00013 name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/nnc_data03.dbf Enter Data File FNO = 00002 Name = E: /Oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/undotbs01.dbf Enter Data File FNO = 00015 Name = E: / Oracle / ORADATA / NCDBPX / NNC_INDEX02 .Dbf input data file fno = 00001 name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/system01.dbf input data file fno = 00020 name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/RESTOREIUFO.ORA Enter data file fno = 00018 name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/iufo3.ora input data file fno = 00005 name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/example01.dbf input data file fno = 00019 name = E: / oracle / oradata / ncdbpx / temp02 . ORA input data file fno = 00010 name = e: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/xdb01.dbf input data file fno = 00006 name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/indx01.dbf input data file fno = 0000 9 Name = E: /Oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/USERS01.DBF Enter data file fno = 00003 name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/cwmlite01.dbf Enter data file fno = 00004 name = E: / Oracle / ORADATA / NCDBPX / DRSYS01.DBF Enter Data File FNO = 00007 Name = E: /Oracle/roadata/ncdbpx/odm01.dbf Enter Data File FNO = 00008 Name = E: /oracle/roadata/ncdbpx/tools01.dbf Enter Data File FNO = 00021 Name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/iUfo0113.ora Channel C1: The passage of the start segment 1 is released from 02 to January -05: C1RMAN-00571: ============= ===========================

=================== r--00569: =============== Error Message stack backs ========= ======= r--00571: ================================================================ ==================== RMAN-03009: Failure Of Backup Command on C1 Channel AT 02/04/2005 10: 25: 01RA-19502: Write Error On File E: / Full04G96CAC_4_1 ", blockno 220801 (blocksize = 8192) ORA-27072: SkGFDisp: I / O ErrorosD-04008: WriteFile () Failure, Unable to Write To Fileo / S-Error: (OS 112) Disk space is insufficient. 6, the above-mentioned full storage backup due to lack of space, the following test backup table space RMAN> Run {2> Allocate Channel C1 Type Disk; 3> Backup Full Tag 'Tsuser' Format 'E: / Full% U_% S_% P' TableSpace Uses ; 4> Release channel C1; 5>}

Assigned channel: C1 channel C1: SID = 36 DevType = Disk

Starting Backup in 2004- February -05 Channel C1: Start Full Data File Backup Channel C1: Data File Enter Data File In Specify Backup Concentration FNO = 00009 Name = E: /oracle/oradata/ncdbpx/USERS01.DBF Channel C1: Start segment 1 in 2002- January -05 channel C1: Completed Segment 1 in 2002- January -05 Segment Handle = E: / Full06G96DQB_6_1 Comment = None Channel C1: Backup Set Completed, after Time: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00:02 Complete Backup in 2004-2-205

Released channel: C1

Rman> EXIT

The recovery manager is complete.


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