JSP's Request default is ISO8859_1, so when you are processing Chinese,
If you want to display Chinese, you must turn into GBK, as follows
String str = new string (Request.GetParameter ("name"). GetBytes ("ISO8859-1"), "GBK");
Out.println (STR);
This will display Chinese.
PS: A very important thing is the driver of JDBC: My current is mysql-connector-java-3.0.10-stable-bin.jar. .
Chinese issues in mysql operation:
This depends on the default encoding of mysql. If it is generally not adjusted, Latin1 is actually the same as ISO8859_1, so it is necessary to deal with him when the operation is handled, otherwise it will be garbled.
1. Insert Chinese:
String SQL2 = "INSERT INTO TEST (NAME) VALUES ('" Request.getParameter ("Name") "" "
Stmt.executeUpdate (SQL2);
You can insert it without coding.
2. Show inserted Chinese:
Because the deposit is Latin, it will be GBK when it is displayed.
String x = new string ((rs.getstring ("title")). Gettes ("ISO8859_1"), "GBK");
Out.println (x);
3. Set the storage code:
Of course, when Mysql is Latin1 encoding, you can use GBK when you save.
Connection Con = DriverManager.getConnection ("JDBC: MySQL: / / LocalHost: 3306 / JSP? Useunicode = true & characterencoding = GBK", "root", "");
STR1 = "Chinese";
String SQL2 = "INSERT INTO TEST (NAME) VALUES ('" str1 ")";
This can also be inserted successfully, huh, huh
PS: Old is to forget this ~~~ Be a marker