Answer file = winbom.ini
The [DiskConfig] section contains values for configuring one or more physical hard drives when Factory Tool Runs In The Windows pre-installed environment (WinPE). This section uses the DiskPart command line tool to implement the disk configuration.
Use this to configure all hard drives running 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. The Format of Hard Disks on 32-bit Systems IS Always Master Boot Record (MBR); The Format of Hard Disks on 64-bit Systems IS Always GUID Partition Table (GPT).
Setup Ignores All Entries in this section off unless.
EntryDescriptionDiskn Specifies the disk to be configured, specify according to the section specified in [Description.config]. N is the disk number starting from 1.
The Physical Disk Diskn.
ForceFormatSpecifies file system type specified when EntryDescriptionFileSystemN N formatted partition used that Setup does not prompt the user before formatting Disk1 with type QuickFormatNSpecifies whether the same file system.PartitionTypeN specified partition N is to use Quick Format when formatting partition N.SetActiveN specified partition N whether the specified partition is the active partition .SizeN N capacity (MB). the partitioning logic adjusts this size to align the partitions on the disk and allow for future conversion to dynamic disks.WipeDiskSpecifies whether to erase all partitions on the physical disk before configuring the Disk with the remaining configuration options.
The Following Example Configures Two Physical Hard Disks, Each 32 GB. The Operating System IS Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition OR Another 32-Bit Edition of Windows.
Disk1 = first.config
Size1 = 30000
SetActive1 = YES
PartitionType1 = Primary
SIZE2 = *
PartitionType2 = extended
Size3 = *
PartitionType3 = Logical
[Data.config] size1 = *
Hard diskPartitionSizeFile systemType of formatActive partitionPartition typeDisk typeDisk 1Partition 130 GBFat32QuickActivePrimaryMBRDisk 1Partition 22 GBNTFSStandardNot activeExtendedMBRDisk 1Partition 22 GBNTFSStandardNot activeLogical, contained within Partition2 on Disk1MBRDisk 2Partition 132 GBNTFSQuickActivePrimaryMBR
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The Following Example Configures Two Physical Hard Disks, Creating A Full-Size Partition on The First Disk and three partitions on the second disk.
Disk1 = disk1.config
Disk2 = disk2.config
Wipedisk = yes
SIZE1 = *
PartitionType1 = Primary
QuickFormat1 = YES
Size1 = 4000
SIZE2 = 4000
Size3 = *
PartitionType1 = Primary
QuickFormat2 = YES
Hard diskPartitionSizeFile systemType of formatActive partitionPartition typeDisk typeDisk 1Partition 1Entire diskNTFSQuickActivePrimaryMBRDisk 2Partition 14 GBNTFSStandardActivePrimaryMBRDisk 2Partition 24 GBFAT32QuickNot ActivePrimaryMBRDisk 2Partition 3Remainder of driveNTFSStandardNot ActivePrimaryMBR
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The Following Example Configures A 32-GB Hard Disk. The Operating System IS Windows XP 64-Bit Edition.
Disk1 = disk1.config
Wipedisk = yes
SIZE1 = 100
PartitionType1 = EFI
QuickFormat1 = YES
SIZE2 = 32
PartitionType2 = MSR
Size3 = *
SetActive3 = YES
PartitionType3 = Primary
QuickFormat3 = YES
Hard diskPartitionSizeFile systemType of formatActive partitionPartition typeDisk typeDisk 1Partition 1100 MBFATQuickNot ActiveEFIMBRDisk 2Partition 232 MBnoneStandardNot ActiveMSRMBRDisk 2Partition 331 GBNTFSQuickActivePrimaryMBRReturn to top
Specifier The Disk to Configure, According To The Specifications of [Description.config].
Syntaxdiskn = description.configValuedScription.configexampledisk1 = disk1.configcommentsn is the (1-based) index of the physical disk.
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The Physical Disk Diskn.
Specifies The Type of File System to Use when formatting partition n.
SyntaxFilesystemn = NTFS | FAT32VALUESNTFS Uses the NTFS File System.fat32 Uses The Fat32 File System.default ValyENTFSEXAMPLEFILESYSTEM1 = NTFS
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Specifies That Setup Does Not Prompt The User Before Formatting Disk1 with The Same File System.
SyntaxForceFormat = Yes | NoValuesYes Does not prompt the end user before reformatting Disk1.No Prompts the end user before reformatting Disk1.Default ValueNoExampleForceFormat = YesCommentsForceFormat is valid only for Disk1 under the following conditions:
You already formatted disk1, and it contacts files. The value of welmedisk is no.
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Specifier the Type of Partition N.
SyntaxPartitionTypeN = EFI | Extended | Logical | MSR | PrimaryValuesEFI Configures DiskN as a GUID partition table (GPT) disk that you format with the FAT file system, and that contains the files necessary to start the computer The EFI system partition serves the same purpose. as the system volume found on x86-based computers.Extended Configures diskN as an extended partition. A physical disk can contain only one extended partition.Logical Configures diskN as a logical drive. An extended partition can contain one or more logical drives.MSR Configures diskN as a GPT partition reserved for Windows system components. The MSR partition varies in size based on the size of the GPT disk. for disks smaller than 16 GB, the MSR partition is 32 MB. for disks larger than 16 GB, the MSR partition IS 128 MB. The MSR Partition IS Not Visible in Disk Management, And You Cannot Store Data On The MSR Partition or Delete It.primary Configures Diskn As a Primary Partition. An Mbr Physical Disk Can Contai n only four primary partitions; a GPT physical disk can contain up to 128 primary partitions The Windows operating system must be installed on a primary partition.Default ValuePrimaryExamplePartitionType1 = LogicalReturn to top.
Specifies WHETHER TO USE Quick Format When Formatting Partition N.
SyntaxQuickFormatN = Yes |. NoValuesYes Removes files from the disk without scanning the disk for bad sectors Use this option only if you previously formatted the disk and you are sure the disk is not damaged.No Scans the disk for bad sectors.Default ValueYesExampleQuickFormat1 = Yes
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Specifies WHETER Partition n is the Active Partition.
SyntaxSetActiveN = Yes | NoValuesYes Sets partition N as the active partition.No Does not set partition N as the active partition.Default ValueNoExampleSetActiveN = YesComments A disk can contain only one active partition If you do not explicitly specify a partition as active, the first. Partition Becomes Active by Default. NotesetAntactiven Is Valid Only for 32-bit Hardware. It Does Not Apply to Gpt Disks.
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SPECIFIES The Size of Partition N in Megabytes. The Partitioning Logic Adjusts This Size To Align The Partitions on The Disk And Allow for Future Conversion to Dynamic Disks.
SyntaxSizeN = partition_size_in_MB |. * Valuespartition_size_in_MB Specifies the size of partition N in megabytes * use all available disk space ..ExampleSize1 = * CommentIf the value of partition_size_in_MB is larger than the available size of the disk, partition N becomes the maximum size available. For example, if the physical size of the disk is 5,000 mb and size1 = 10000, The setup create owned Large Partition on the disk.
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SpectiFies WHether To Erase All Partitions on the Physical Disk Before Configuring The Disk with The Remaining Configuration Options.
SyntaxWipeDisk = Yes | NoValuesYes Erases all existing partitions before configuring the disk.No Does not erase any existing partitions.Default ValuesNo on hard disks of 32-bit systemsYes on hard disks of 64-bit systemsExampleWipeDisk = YesCommentsWipeDisk = Yes is equivalent to the Clean command Of The Diskpart Utility. Both Commands Remove All Partition And Volume Formatting, Including Master Boot Record (MBR) And Hidden Sector Information. Important. IMPORTANT
In the entries of [description.Config], N is the (1-based) index of the partition on the physical disk You must specify partition indices in numerical order;. You can not skip a given partition in an [description.Config] section .Return to top