1) Data Type Conversion: a) __vbai2str Transforms a string to 8-bit (1 byte) numerical form (range between 0 to 255) or 2 bytes (range in -32, 768 to 32, 767) between). b) __ VBAI4STR Transforms a string to long (4 bytes) value (range from -2, 147, 483, 648 to 2, 147, 483, 647) c) __ vbar4str to convert a string into single precision single precision floating point type (4 bytes) Numerical form d) __ vbar8str Transforms a string to a double precision single-precision floating point (8 bytes) E) varcyfromstr (only VB6 library. To debug, you must have Oleaut32 in Winice.DAT. DLL) String to Digital Data Type F) VarbstrFromi2 (VB6 Library only. To debug, you must have oleaut32.dll in Winice.DAT) integer data to strings:
2) Data move: a) __vbastrcopy copy a string to memory, similar to Windows API HMEMCPY B) __vbavarcopy copies a variable value series to memory C) __vbavarmove variables Move in memory, or copy a variable value series to memory
3) Mathematical operation: a) __vbavaradd two variable values plus b) __vbavarsub first variable minus second variable c) __vbavarmul two variables D) __vbavaridiv the first variable divided by the second variable, Get an integer e) __vbavarxor two variables or calculations
4) Programming Miscellaneous: a) __vbavarfornext This is the loop structure in the VB program, for ... next ... (loop) b) __vbafreestr releases the memory occupied by the string, that is, the characters in a location in memory. String wiped C) __vbafreeobj Releases the memory occupied by VB (a window, a dialog), which means a window, a dialog, a dialog, a dialog, from a dialog, from a string character position Gets its value e) MultibyToWideCha converts the data into a wide character format, VB must do this in processing data, and the TRW2000 is displayed as RTCMSGBOX calls a message box, similar to the MessageBox in Windows / A / EXA, there must be a push command to press the data in the message box to press the vertebrae G) __vbavarcat to connect two variable values, if it is two strings, even H) __vbafreevar releases the variable The memory, that is, the variable of the memory is erased into the length of I) __vbaobjset j) __vbalenbstr Gets a string length, Note: A Chinese character in VB is also 1K) RTCINPUTBOX Displays a VB standard input window similar window's API getwindowtext / a, GetDlgItemtext / al) __vbaNew invoke a dialog box similar to the Windows 'API Dialogbox m) __vbaNew2 invoke a dialog box similar to the Windows' API Dialogboxparam / an) rtcTrimBstr string to the left and right spaces removed
5) Comparison function a) __vbastrComp compare two strings, similar to Window's API LSTRCMP B) __vbastrcmp compare two strings, similar to Window's API LSTRCMP C) __vbavartsteq compare two variables to wait for D) __ VBAFPCMPCY - Compares floating point to . currency sp; Compares Floating point to currencye) __ vbavartstne not equal to f) __ vbavartstGe, __ vbavartstGt, __ vbavartstLe, __ vbavartstLt other relatively greater or less than 6) in dynamic tracking, analysis algorithm, in particular the function is to be noted: rtcMidCharVar take appropriate from a string Characters, MID functions in VB, Usage MID ("String", "Start Location", "Take a few characters") RTCLEFTCHARVAR Take the corresponding character from the string left, the usage in VB: Left ("string", "Take a few characters from the left") RTCRightCharvar takes the corresponding characters from the strings, the usage in the VB: Right ("string", "Several characters from the right") __ vbastrcat uses a string operation, Two characters are stripped, only one & or __ vbastrcmp string in VB, only one = or <> ASC () function in VB is taken with an ASC value of a character, and still moving the MOVSX operation number
7) Abbreviations in the function: Bool Boolean Data (True or False) STR String Data Stringi2 byte Data or Double Byte Integer Data Byte Or Integerui2 No Symbol Double byte Integer Data I4 Long Integer Data (4-byte) LONGR4 single-precision floating-point data (4 bytes) Single R8 Double-precision floating-point data (8 bytes) DoubleCy (8 bytes) Integer's currencyvar variable VariantFP floating point data type float PointCMP Compare CompareComp Compare Compare