1 Don't talk.
Watch your mouth2 is destined to occur.
IT WAS Meant to BE. (Destiny) 3 This is a dream. IT's Gotta Be a Dream.4 You can take me everywhere. You can show me around. 5 That is where they first kissing. That 's where the kissed for the first time. 6 I can't think of anything. Nothing's com to my mind. 7 It is easy to listen to you. YOU Make It Sound So Easy. 8 You are only a confidence of this matter. All it takes is self-confidence. 9 You may regret it in the future.
You Might Regret It Later in Life10 This is what you are looking for.
You're asseking for it.
11 is precisely that you make me feel more important than I have imagined.
You a one of the one who name me feel Like I Was More Than i Ever Thought I Could BE.12 I know that this is more important to you.
I know how much it means to you13 I don't know what he is busy.
I don't know what he's up to14 doesn't know what kind of thing will happen.
I don't know what's supposed to happen next15 As long as you don't have a fear, you can do anything. You can do anything if you're not afraid. 16 That is what he tells you that he loves you. That's how he tells you what he loves you17 I have some pickup. I'm Kind of Picky About What I Eat.18 I really think this is nothing to do with you. / I really think this is not what you. I really don't think there's any of your concern. 19 I originally thought it would be worse. I Thought It Would Be a lot Worse Than this.20 I have a "love" word for my wife. Love is not a big enough word for how I feel my wife 21 I am a thief, I am here to steal your heart. I am A Thief, I am here to stel your heart. 22 If you are a drop in my eyes Tears, I won't cry because I will be afraid to lose you. I WOULDN '店 in My Eye, I Wouldn't Cry for Fear of Losing You. 23 Where is your companion? Where is your date? 24 You are really Shame. Shame on you. 25 This is a consolation prize. This is the consolation prize26 falls break! (I wish you good luck) Go Break a leg. 27 I said the wrong words .i put my foot in my mouth.28 I Can I insert a feet? May i cut in? 29 English is my cover door English is my achilles Heel.30 casually guessed. Take a wild guess.31 That is worth a try. Teice Worth A Shot. 32 You can Wearing underwear out. (Go Commando originally means a dangerous task) You can go commando.33 I don't remember anything. (How to do it wrong with your words? It's stupid .. This is I often listen to them. A sentence, means that there is a hole in my head. Many memories that are originally stored in this area are gone.) There is a big hole in my head.34 My Fulo Mom came to visit me. (My big Aunt came) My Aunt Flo is visiting.35 runtime. "(This sentence is often used in daily life. For example, someone will take the sleeve to rub the mouth, you can say it with him, hey! Behave. That day My classmate's little daughter actually took the buttocks of half a day, and she made a farting action against everyone. Her mother said to her, behave. Honey. Everyone I don't know if I went to see Austin Power II, the player The protagonist of the protagonist is "OH, ... Behave, ... Babe") Behave. 36 is careful. (Head Up is very similar to Watch Out, is a reminder to beware of it. But HEAD UP is used in need When you look up, you can say that there is something from the ceiling, you can say hea. D UP. Or play the ball to your head, you can say, head up.) Head Up.