In the Linux File Command Promotion Guide, we discussed the basic information required to take advantage of the most basic and most common Linux file commands. In this article, I will discuss the LINUX system command. We learned in the previous article that everything is regarded as a file in the Linux / UNIX world, including the system management command. For organizations, we discuss file commands in the first part of this series and will provide the most useful system diagnostics and maintenance commands in this article. For file commands, we discussed some fairly simple and intuitive management commands. Only the functions of other more complex commands are described in order to know these commands and their purposes when you need to use. This article does not involve detailed discussions on the basic principles behind each command, but we will discuss the most basic and most useful commands, which are used to monitor and manage printer services, file systems, disks, and processes. Many of the commands on superusers can be performed by regular users in their own files and processes. However, some commands, such as fdisk, need ROOT permissions to run. For your system integrity, it is recommended that you avoid logging in directly to the system directly. Instead, it is usually more suitable for regular user login, then executes the SUX command from X WINDOW to run the system management function. (SUX provides you with the X Window environment and root permissions.) When you log in with a root user, you will always know that you are in this state because your prompt is changed to "#". Super users can use sudo, selectively assign those permissions that are usually reserved for root users or other special users to a different regular user. The root user can define the actual and valid user and group identification NOD and GID to match the expected user's identity. This expected user can be (but not necessarily) users who are allowed to run the command. In other words, the super user can allow other users to perform a command, but it can also determine that any result files generated by the process should belong to the root user or any other user specified by the super user. SUDO permission is allocated, only users need to verify using their own password without requiring a root user password. General Commands From Technical, Uname, Diff, Date, Sort and UNIQ should be as file commands, but they explain them more meaningful because they are often used for system management of diagnostics and maintenance routines. Uname Uname provides regular system information. When specified -A option, display all available information: $ uname -a Linux linux 2.4.18-4GB # 1 WED Mar 27 13:57:05 UTC 2002 i686 Unknown Here we see regular system information from left to right . Each information has its own option (in the parentheses below), it can be displayed separately: the operating system name is Linux (-s). This network node name is Linux (-N). The operating system release is 4.5.18-4GB (-R). Operating system version is # 1 WED Mar 27 13:57:05 UTC 2002 (-V). The machine type is I686 (-M). The processor type (-P) here is unknown.