The file processing command analyzes a file list ls command to see a list of files in any directory with execution permissions, which has many interesting options. For example: $ ls -liah * 22684 -rw-r - r - 1 Bluher Uses 952 DEC 28 18:43 .profile 19942 -rw-r - r - 1 Scalish Users 30 Jan 3 20:00 Test2.out 925 -RWXR-XR-X 1 SCALISH USERS 378 SEP 2 2002 list list Shows 8 columns: The item 1 indicates the inode of the file, because we use the -i option. The remaining columns are normal display through the -L option. Line 2 shows file type and file access. The number 3 shows the number of links, including the directory. The owners and group owners of the files are displayed in paragraphs 4 and 5. Here, owner 'Bluher' belongs to group 'useers'. Seating 6 shows the file size (in units of the unit, not the default byte, because we use -h option. Seventh column shows the date (it looks like three columns), including month, day and Year, and the day of the day. Page 8 shows the file name. Use -A will enable the list of hidden files (such as .profile) in the list. Processing files can be moved (MV), replicate (CP) or delete (RM) Files and Directory. Use the -i option in wise to get a confirmation is usually a good idea. $ cp -i ls.out ls2.out cp: Overwrite `ls2.out '? mv command allows the -b option, This will make a backup copy before moving the file. RM and CP accept the powerful but dangerous -R option, which will be recursively executed on a directory and its files. $ RM -IR Test RM: Descend Into Directory `Test '? Y can create a directory with mkdir, use RMDir to delete the directory. However, because you can't use RMDIR to delete the contents of the included file, it is usually more convenient to use the RM plus -R option. For security reasons, all Documents have all rights and protection. File Access Permissions (or file mode) include the same 10 characters as previously mentioned: The first character indicates file type. The most common thing is - represents the file, D represents the directory, and L represents link The next 9 characters are access to three user categories: file owner (character 2-4), user group (5-7), and other (8-10), where R represents read rights, W is written Permissions, x indicates execution permissions on a file. Dash - If any of these nine locations, indicate that this operation is disabled for this category. You can use the chmod command to set access to the character symbol or binary mask. .