1, what is Linux? Accurately, refers to Linux's kernel (system core procedure), its kernel copyright belongs to Linus Torvalds, issued under the GPL (GNU General Public License) Copyright Agreement, anyone can replicate (COPY), modification (Change (Distribute), sales, but can not add any restrictions in distribution, and all original code must be public, so anyone can obtain all execution files and original code without compensation. For Linux users and system administrators, Linux refers to a complete operating system that contains Linux Kernel, Utilities and Application (Application Software). Linux's application is developed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF), many of the world's enthusiastic programmers develop or transplanted a lot of applications for Linux, including X-Windows, Emacs, TCP / IP networks (including SLIP / PPP / ISDN), etc. Now, Linux (including kernel and a large number of applications) The execution program has reached 200M, and the scale will be larger (about 500m). In essence, Linux is UNIX's "clone" or UNIX style operating system, which is compatible with most UNIX standards (such as IEEE POSIX, SYSTEM V, BSD), which comply with the POSIX specification, for example for System V For it, after the program source code is re-compiled under Linux, it can be running, and for BSD UNIX, its executable can be run directly in the Linux environment. Linux's logo is a cute penguin. As for why you choose Penguins, Linus is said this: Other useful by others, don't be very cute ?! It is only a kernel released by Linux Author, there are some The company or organization organized the kernel, original code, and related applications, which produced different Linux issuance (Distributor) versions, compared to Redhat, Slackware, SUSE, DEBIAN, and so on. 2, Linux's development history? The history of Linux can be traced back to 1990. Linus Torvalds is a student in the University of Helsinki, Finland. It initially written a program that handles multi-task switching in 80386 protection mode, later from MiniX (for operating system teaching, very Small UNIX is inspired, vowing to write a better Minix than Minix, so start writing some hardware device drivers, a small file system ... so that 0.0.1 version of Linux Out, but it must be able to play after compilation on the machine with Minix. At this time, the Linus has completely "fire into the magic", decided to kick the Minix "aun", which released Linux 0.0 on October 5, 1991. .2 versions, this version can be running Bash (a software for users and operating system kernel communications) and GCC (GNU C compiler). From the beginning, Linus decided to freely spread Linux, including the source code, and he released the source code online, and immediately attracted the attention of the enthusiasts. They also joined Linux core development work through the internetones, a large number of high-level programmers Join, so that Linux has developed rapidly, by the end of 1993, Linux 1.0 finally was born. Linux 1.0 is already a fully functional operating system. The kernel is compact and efficient, and the performance of the hardware can be given to the performance of the hardware, and it behaves very well on the 80386 machine of 4M memory.
Many people have a misunderstanding for Linux, that is, always link Linux with the low-end hardware platform, in fact, starting from the 2.1.xx series kernel, Linux begins to walk high-end roads, after approximately 1.3, start to other hardware Places on the platform, including the fastest CPU - Digital Alpha (current main frequency is the highest), the current Linux can make full performance of the hardware, can cover all the applications of low-end to high ends. Linux joins the GNU and follow the Public Copyright License (GPL), because the merchant is not rejected by the free software to develop business software, so that Linux started a leap, there have been a lot of Linux distribution, such as More than a variety of Slackware, Redhat, Suse, Turbolinux, OpenLinux, etc., and some companies develop commercial software on Linux or transplant the software of other UNIX platforms to Linux, and now many of the IT boundaries such as IBM, Intel, Oracle, InfoMix, Sysbase, Corel, Netscape, CA, Novell, etc., all announced support Linux! The company's joining makes up for the shortcomings of purely software and development obstacles, Linux is rapidly popular. 3, why do you want to use Linux? Using Linux allows you to achieve high-end systems on a relatively low price Intel X86 hardware platform, many users use Benchmarks to test on X86 machine running Linux, and find that the performance of SUN and Digital's medium-sized workstation is comparable. In fact, not only many enthusiasts and programmers are using Linux, many commercial users, such as Internet Service Providers (ISP), also use Linux as a server instead of expensive workstations, the highest record of these server system stability is continuous operation 600 days I haven't encountered a system crash! ★ If you want to learn the operating system, such as UNIX, you can start from Linux, because the fancies like Linux people are learning UNIX, Linux is an open original code, follow the Public Copyright License (GPL), and Still very promising, completely free, don't use you to buy a software license again and again. ★ If you are an IT company, Linux is so hot, potential business opportunities are not anger, study it as soon as possible, so that it will seize the high point in the future. ★ Linux is ideal for developing Internet / Intranet, using its open original code, you can develop web servers, routers, embedded systems, network computers, personal digital assistants, etc., Oracle, Infomix, Sysbase, IBM support Linux, with it It is also quite good to do a database platform, using Linux to greatly reduce the total cost of development. ★ Open original code Linux allows you to have complete control of the system, original code open, allow you to add or remove certain functions in your own needs, to create your own operating system, develop independent copyright operating system, Linux is a path. 4, what can Linux do? Linux is now more than a commercial UNIX system in many ways, which supports multi-user, multi-process, multi-threaded, good real-time, powerful and stable, can run in Intel processor, ALPHAS, MOTOROLA M68K processors On the platform, Sun SPARC, POWERPC, MIPS, etc., the hardware platform that can be run is currently the most.
Like a modern UNIX operating system, it also has a virtual memory, shared library, command load, execution code shared - execution - written page operation, appropriate memory management and TCP / IP network. Linux network features are very powerful. For example, you can install Linux via FTP, NFS, etc., use it to do web servers, gateways, etc. With Linux development, its derived application is probably linus it is difficult to think. Linux's largest single application is the Internet and intranet servers covering specific applications from firewalls to web servers. According to analysts, Linux has become a second largest general operating system online. Other Applications of Linux "From the print server, to the FTP server, to data collection, etc.", the most available Apache web server currently has a part of a variety of standard Linux spreads. Even as a desktop operating system, its performance is also more excellent compared to many users who are very familiar with. One Linux server supports 100 to 300 users without problems, and a Linux print server supports 200 to 300 network printers more likely to be. And it doesn't care about the speed of the CPU. It can use the performance of each processor to the limit. For Linux, the limit factors affecting system performance improvement are mainly the performance of their bus and disk I / O. In addition, Linux and general software have great software because it belongs to free software, so you can share Linux with friends, you can copy it, use it. 5, what is Linux released? What Linux is released? Sales of renders typically integrate Linux Kernel and peripherals, then publish your own Linux kernel's entirety Linux system: usually include a C language and C compiler, Perl script interpretation, enclosure shell, graphical user interface X Window System, as well as many applications, etc., this complete set of Linux system habits called Linux issues. Currently using the broadest Linux release is Redhat Linux of Redhat, now Netscape, Intel and other large companies support it, prospects are optimistic, according to general view Redhat is also the most easy to get up Linux release. It used to use extensive SLACKWARE before, and many people are now using, Slackware and Redhat are slightly complex, which is mainly referred to in software installation: due to RedHat uses RPM packaged systems, installing new software is simple to just as long as one line is command However, Slackware tends to recompile from the source code, a little more expensive. SUSE also uses RPM packaging systems, SUSE's special place is that it is very good for X-window systems. Debian is completely developed by volunteers, based on their own DEB format, but it can also install the RPM package. 6. What is the difference between Linux's KERNEL version and the Distribution version? The Linux version refers to its kernel version, Linus et al. Continues to introduce new kernel, with a wide range of 1.2.8, 1.2.13, 2.0, 2.2.x, etc., the corresponding Utilities and application software are more GNU Or free software. Beginners often give Kernel to the distribution.
For the Kernel version, the current version of the program is approximately 2.4.0. (Indicating that this is a stable version that can be used, such as 2.2.30, and the odd number is the second, usually there are some new What is added, not necessarily stable, such as 2.1.37); relative to the kernel version, the version of Distribution is different with the type, where Slackware Linux is from 1.0.4 until the nearest 4.0, Redhat latest version is 7.1, Debian is 2.2.x. The development of Linux Kernel and the development of Distribution versions are independent, such as Slackware Linux usually attached to Kernel Source Code, and kernel Image for many different hardware devices. The general user needs to be mastered is to update system kernel technology: that is, first KERNEL SOURCE that obtained the latest version (also must be determined to be a stable version), then replace the old Source Code that came with Slackware Linux, recompile into kernel binary, update the new and old update, so you can update the system core without reinstall the system. . 7. What are the Linux release on the Intel platform? Mainly have Red Hat, Slackware, Debian, SUSE, OPENLINUX, Turbolinux. (1) Red Hat is easy to install, the beginner is installed, and the opportunity to encounter setbacks is almost zero. If you have been able to install Win9X, the installation of Red Hat Linux must not fall. Red Hat Another advantage is that its RPM (Red Hat Package Manager); when installing the software, the user is mostly hurting the brain: Software will create a new directory before unpacking compression, then move the software into unzipped, After decompression, some parts may need to move to another directory. When the project to be moved, do these jobs are bitter. The RPM "Parcel Manager" is targeted at this point, and all the paths to be installed are all arranged. When the user unspeuses the ".rpm" extension file, it will set it when the file is packaged. The path file checks first, then in accordance with the settings in the file, unwield each file, send it to where they should go; not only, it also makes installation records, when the user wants to remove any of the RPM files The system will install the file according to the installation record, which is absolutely accurate, and it will not remove things that should not take like Windows. Red Hat Linux can be said to be a quite successful product, Red Hat has "Official Version" (OFFICIAL) to purchase, also provides free FTP station for public download, official version and free download version difference between the official There are some commercial software and printing instructions. (2) Slackware This is an old-fashioned martial art, and people who play Linux in the past few years have almost all of them. It is completely "hand-made" personal needs, so that many players who are currently the master are still unforgettable, Slackware is used in China, perhaps it is used to do server, and performance will be better. The latest version 4.0, the installation process has improved a lot, you can try a friend who wants to "completely control" situation.
(3) Debian you usually see the words of GNU Linux after Debian, the faction is currently the most commonly recognized structure, the most common structure, and there is also a parcel management system called "DPK" (Debian Package) The things made and the "RPM" of Red Hat makes the overall file management more convenient. The original program code of Debian is open to the GNU, so it fully meets the spirit of the open original code, unlike other Linux, or less reserved a program code is not open (Red Hat is until version 6.0 All open). Current version 2.1, and some programming designers, transplant DEBIAN on other platforms, so they can also see their traces on other platforms. (4) SUSE This is a set of popular versions in Europe, which works with Xfree86 to develop X Server on X86. SUSE installation can choose to display German or English, it also has its own setup program called "SAX", allowing users to set up, its installation kit also uses RPM mode, so to install, upgrade It is very convenient to remove the program, current version 6.1. (5) OpenLinux This is a version launched by Caldera, not a version of "Open", which can download its Lite version online, but the official version is Money, because there are many commercial software across the suite, so there is no Provide web download services. (6) Turbolinux developed by Pacific Hitech, which has a place in the Japanese market. From the installation to the interface, it is Japanese, in China, it has developed Chinese version with Tsinghua University and research institutions, causing a Chinese version. The stock Linux trend has been launched 3.0.2 Simplified version, English version of 3.6. 8. What are the Linux release on the Mac platform? There are mainly Mklinux, Red Hat, LinuxPPC, Turbo Linux, Yellow Dog Linux, etc. In addition to MKLinux is the official version of Apple, others are "in the wilders"; but everyone has adopted the original code packaging of Redhat's development. Plus some of your own suite, then launch your own version; this is to say, everyone's installation is almost the same, for users, this is a good thing, you can save a lot of time. (1) Red Hat Refer to the foregoing introduction (2) MKLinux MKLinux is the version of Apple's development, it can be said to be "old name", the current version is DR3 version. (3) Linuxppc current version is 5.0, using Linux2.2 core (KERNEL) and GLIBC version 2.1; this version supports USB and some new devices, can be installed on new Power Mac G3 models, LinuxPPC execution efficiency Good than mklinux. Compared to Mklinux, Linuxppc can only use the POWER MAC in the PCI interface, while Mklinux can be used in all models, and the two systems are too much, except for the different models of different models and perform efficiency. Other parties are almost the same, and all executable software is the same.
(4) Turbo Linux Turbo Linux can see version version version 2.1, which appears in the installation window, let the user choose to install MKLinux or Linuxppc at the time of installation, then start the installation system, so this version is just Some of the installation process, the other content is similar; Turbo Linux has no Chinese culture, and the development speed is also much slower than the PC version. It is estimated that the Mac version has been temporarily "put" on the side, Pacific Hitech is fully Develop a PC version. (5) YELLOW DOG Linux recommends using it on the Power Mac series machine of Mac, IMAC, and Blue White G3. It has two versions, named "Champion" server version and version called "Black Lab"; "Champion" is the version of the general user installed, and the "Black Lab" version has "Parallel" (Parallel " Computing) Ability: Users can install this system in many Macs and then let all Mac "handle" things, which will make the processing speed very quickly. Developing Yellow Dog Linux companies focus on the platform of PowerPC Mac, and there is currently no "Intel Platform" Yellow Dog Linux version. 9, Redhat, Slackware and Debian, who is selected? There are many Linux versions that can be obtained on the Internet, and the CD-ROM version is more, Redhat Linux, Slackware Linux and Debian Linux are the most famous three releases. Redhat Linux is definitely the best choice for Linux beginners. Its perfect system configuration, pre-installed rich applications, powerful system management procedures, allows users to spend a considerable time and energy to get a perfection The Linux environment, its unique RPM packaging, more allow users to upgrade the entire system without reinstalling Linux systems. However, its directory structure is complex, the system configuration file is zero, and it is not a good choice for senior users. Slackware is a slightly better than this. Slackware compared to Debian, it is not recommended to use Debian because Debian is compared to Slackware compared to the update speed. Therefore, for beginners suggest that Redhat Linux is selected, and advanced users use SLACKWARE to see more suitable. 10, what Chinese Linux issued is currently available? At present, there are mainly in Chinese Linux, and one of the Turki Linux Storm Series Redhat Linux6.1, Red Flag Linux, Blue Point Linux, TurboLinux Chinese Version (GB), Xteam Linux (GB) 11. How to get Linux? Linux source code is open, all versions of Linux, including source code from the kernel to many applications, can be downloaded from the Internet for free. You can also get the Linux system by purchasing a distribution disc or a D version of the disc, and the general software is different, you can legally share the Linux CD with friends, and it is clear that the price of the Linux disc will not be high. Linux has a lot of distributions and vendors. 12, Linux has those famous websites and newsgroups? The famous website and Linux online, there are many information about Linux news, new software, documentation, links and other information.
Comp.OS.Linux.announce is a famous Linux newsgroup, which can be found on Linux issues and answers, and the newsgroups under Comp.OS.Linux. * Are also worth watching: Comp.S.Linux.Setup Comp.OS.Linux.hardware comp.s.linux.networking comp.s.linux.x comp.OS.Linux.Development.Apps comp.s.linux.development.system comp.s.linux.advocacy comp.os. Linux.misc If you visit comp.os.linux. * Slow speed, you can also access local newsgroups, such as China's Comp.OS.Linux. * The newsgroup is cn.comp.os.linux. 13. How many users can access when the Linux server can access? How many users wait for time to accept? No user's number of restrictions. If it is just a file server, there is basically no waiting time. The network bandwidth is a limit. If you use 100Base-TX, you should feel similar to your local disk. 14, what kind of PC can run Linux? Linux supports Intel's X86, PIII and other CPUs, but also supports multiprocessor systems for Intel MP architectures (now you can now run on machines such as SPARC, Alpha, PowerPC, and even ported to the entertainment industry. Become a simple operating system similar to Windows Cerace, at least 4M memory, a single soft drive, the PC bus: can be traditional ISA BUS, EISA, VESA LOCAL, MCA (all businesses), or Intel PCI, etc. Support most ESDI, IDE, ATA33 / 66/100 hard drive. Linux can run on the ALPHA machine of DEC, or on Sun's SPARC machine, of course, on the 386 machines of Intel, the preparation of source code can be unmodified in a variety of different Directly compile, installed and running on the Linux platform. The minimum configuration for Linux installation is: 80386 or more CPU memory 4M or more hard disk 80m or more Linux can't run on the 80286 CPU machine, the memory is not a machine than 4MB machine, if the memory is less than 4MB, you can't install, want to run x window. 8MB is the lowest requirements. If you take Linux as a Server, you have at least 16MB of memory, running Netscape such software, 64M memory. As for the hard disk, it is better than 500MB of space from zero to several GB. 15. Can Linux support hardware? The hardware device supported by Linux is the most in the UNIX system, supports almost all types of display cards and displays, a wide variety of mice, almost all types of SCSI devices, most of the IDE connecting hardware, and support all SCSI tapes Machines and QiC-02 tape drives, SCSI CDROM drivers, and part of EIDE (ATAPI) CDROM, all SCSI pick-up external drives, and zip drives, etc.