Debugging a Struts program that verifies the label has encountered such a problem, checking N places, did not find an error, starting online search. It is found that this is a common problem. There are many situations that will lead to this problem, but roughly the following cases: 1. Web.xml uninited problem action servlet-name> org.apache.struts.Action.Ame> config param-name> /web-inf/struts-config.xml param-value> init-param> debug param- Name> 2 param-value> init-param> servlet> There are less 0 load-on-startup> that started to load this Class, there is no initialization Struts-config.xml, so I can't find the ActionMAppings or ActionFormBeans Collection. This error is that if you start accessing the login.jsp error, there is no error after manually accessing I just encountered this situation. PS: Web.xml may not define Tag Library, it is also possible to resolve the Struts example. 2. Struts-config.xml is mainly Action's Path and corresponding issues of FormBean form-beans > action> is a correct correspondence, paying attention to the case: here there is also a format incorrectly caused the configuration to be loaded correctly, you can see there in the console or log file. Error prompt.