Oracle10G installation on Solaris10

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  37

1. Modify kernel VI / etc / system set shmsys: shminfo_shmmax = 268435456 (Normal memory is



set shmsys: shminfo_shmmin = 1 set shmsys: shminfo_shmmni = 100 set shmsys: shminfo_shmseg = 10 set semsys: seminfo_semmni = 110 set semsys: seminfo_semmns = 310 2. Create user and group # groupadd dba #useradd -g dba -d / export / home / oracle -m oracle #passwd oracle

3. Set Oracle User Environmental Parameters #su - Oracle $ VI .profile # Add Content: Oracle_Base = / Export / Home / Oracle Oracle_Home = $ Oracle_Base / Product / 10.0 Oracle_sid = ORA


NLS_LANG = American_america.zHS16GBK path = $ oracle_home / bin: / bin: / sbin: / usr / ccs / bin: / usr / local / bin ld_library_path = $ oracle_home / lib: $ oracle_home / network / lib: / usr / local / LIB: / usr / lib

TMPDIR = / var / tmp export oralce_base oracle_home oracle_sid nls_lang path ld_library_path display tmpdir umask 022

# Display = 0.0 I will report an error in installation, and I will comment later.

4. Unzip Oracle


The installation package will change the long file name to SOL





.cpio.gz / export / home in unzipped #gunzip SOL


.cpio.gz #CPIO -IVMD


. cpio modification / expedition / home / disk1 / install, modify the version of ORAPARAM.INI ORAPARAM.VAR Solaris = 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10

# Add a red part If an error occurs, be careful to view the installation error 5. Install the Oracle account to install. The steps behind the back will be simple.


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