JSP built-in object programming skills

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  39

1.1 Application

* Get Application objects in JSP

Such as: GetServletContext (). SetAttribute ("counter", new mycount.counter ());

Such as:

* Processing the ON Application Start and the ON Session Start event in JSP

Use the HTTPSessionBindingListener class.

Add session:

Session.putValue ("Bingdings.Listener", New MyListener (GetServletContext ());

Define myListener class:

Import javax.servlet.http. *;

Import javax.servlet. *;

Public class mylistener imports httpsessionBindingListener {

ServletContext context;

Public mylistener (servletContext context) {



Public void valuebound (httpsessionBindingEvent evenet) {

System.out.println ("ValueBound: Someone Just Bound My Listener to A Session!");


Public void valueunbound (httpsessionBindingEvent evenet) {

System.out.println ("Valueunbound: Someone Just UNBound My Listener!");



1.2 Request

* Get an absolute URL address of a JSP / servlet file in runtime

Stringf file = request.getRequestURL ();

IF (Requet.getQueryString ()! = null {

File = '?' Request.getQueryString ();


URL ReconstructedURL = New URL (Request.getScheme (), Request.getServerName (), Request.getServerPort (), file);

Out.println (ReconstructedURL.TOString ());

* Get which URL access to the client access this page

String CallPage = Request.getHeader ("Referer");

* Get the real path in the current script in the file system

Request.getRealPath (Request.getServletPath ());

* Judgment one of multiple Submit

Use Request.GetParameter in JSP;

1.3 Response

* Web page redirection three methods

(1) Response.sendredirect (URL);

(2) <% response.setstatus (httpservletResponse.sc_moved_premanently); string nowloc = "/ newpath / index.htm";

Response.setHeader ("location", newloc);%>


Note that this method can only be used before any output has not been sent to the client.

* Disable cache

<% response.setheader ("Cache-Control", "No-Store");

Response.SetDateHeader ("Expires", 0);%>

1.4 session

* Savory time

<% session.setMaxinactiveInterval (300);%>

* Logout

session.INVALIDATE ();

1.5 Exception

* Handling a servlet error in the JSP page

Protected Void SenderRedirect (httpservletRequest Request,


Throws servletexception, ioException {

Request.setattibute ("javax.servlet.jsp.jspexception", e);

GetServletConfig (). getServletContext ();

GetRequestDispatcher (ErrorPageurl) .forward (Request, Response);


Public void dopost (httpservletRequest request, httpservletResponse response) {

Try {



Catch (Exception E) {TRY {

SenderRredirect (Request, Response, "/ JSP / Errpage.jsp", E);

} catch (exception e) {E.PrintStackTrace ();



* Output errors in the JSP page STACKTRACE


<% @ Page IserrorPage = "True%>




PrintWriter PW = response.getwriter ();

Exception.PrintStackTrace (PW);




<% @ Page IserrorPage = "True%>


Exception.PrintStackTrace (New PrintWriter (out);


1.6 cookie

* Setupie


Cookie mycookie = new cookie ("aname", "avalue");

Response.addcookie (MyCookie);

//mycookie.setmaxage (Time);



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