Glossary / R
B3 code: The machine code generated by the Java compiler and Java interpreter.
The data established by the web server, which is stored on the user's computer, providing a web site to track the user's parameters and store methods on the user's own hard drive.
Hypertext transfer protocol. A request response protocol is used to connect the WWW server to the client browser to transfer the HTML page.
Input flow object / r
An object, is defined by the servletinputStream class, and is used by servlet to read the request from the client.
Mapping / R
One pair of URLs that return data by servlet instances and servlets, for example, Helloservlet and /Hello/index.html.
Output flow object / r
An object, defined by the servletoutstream Class class, is used by servlet to return data to the client.
Request Dispatcher Object
An object defined by the RequestDispatcher interface to receive requests from the client and send it to other resources available on the web server (such as servlet, CGI, HTML files, or JSP files).
Sandboxed servlet
Servlet running under a security constraint.
A small, a platform-independent, a Java program without a graphical user interface. It can expand the functionality of Web services in many ways.
Servlet Configuration Object
A SERVLETCONFIG interface defines an object to configure a servlet.
Servlet Context Object
A object defined by the servletContext interface. Give the servlet information about the servlet engine.
Servlet Engine / R
An environment created by the web server provider, allows servlets to be run on a specific web server.
Servlet request object
An object defined by the servletRequest interface allows the servlet to get the data requested by the client.
Servlet Response Object
An object defined by the servletResponse interface allows the servlet to respond.
Servlet Runner
The Sun.Servlet.http.httpserver process in the Java Servlet Developer's Kit (JSDK) is made by servlets.
Session tracking
In a web application, identify a continuous unique request from the same client.
Encrypted socket protocol layer. A security protocol that swaps key and encrypted data on client browsers and servers on your iTernet.
Unified resource logo. Define an Internet address, it is a URL superchard.
Unified resource path. This address defines the route to files reached on a WWW, which is usually composed of protocol prefix, domain name, directory name, and file name.