Originally, there is a document specializing in the terminology and some English abbreviations. Generally, I have encountered a record. I don't want to miss the information before the backup information. The result system is re-made, and I can't find it. I really regret it, I have accumulated a lot. Painful thinking, record it on the network, should it be lost? Everything starts from the beginning. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- PLM: Lifecycle Management PDM: Asset Management Sun ONE: (Open NET Environment Open Network Environment) MIDP: Mobile Information Device Profile
CMM is an abbreviation for the CapabilityMaturityModel. It is a method for evaluating software contracting capabilities and helping it improves software quality, focusing on the management and evaluation of software development process. CMM is divided into five levels: level 1 is initial grade, the second level is reassembled, the third level is defined level, the fourth level is managed, five is optimized. CMM is successful by the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie University, Calnen University, is currently the most popular and most practical software production process standard and software enterprise maturity level certification standard.
Outsourcing: Outsourcingbpo: Business Process Outsourcing (Business Process Outsourcing). It is the enterprise to outsource some repeatable non-core or core business processes to reduce costs while improving service quality.
Remote method call: Remote Method Invocation Heap: Heep General Gateway Interface: CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Small Server: Servlet Iteration: OverLoad Aggregate: AggRegate Inheritance: Inheritance Polymorphism: Polymorphism Architecture Mode: Architectural Pattern Page Control Reuse: Taglib page content and performance style separation: XSLT page Enter verification: Validation User identity confirmation: Authorization Just: AuthorizationJSTL Represents JSP Standard Tag Library, JSP Standard Tag Library ASP: Active Server PageSphp: Hypertext Preprocessor, Hypertext Pretreatment JSP : Java Server PagesDOM: document Object model OCR: optical properties of identification systems, optical character recognization W3C: World Wide Web Consortium, World Wide Web Consortium XML is an acronym for eXtensible markup language (extensible markup language) XSL: extensible Stylesheet language, eXtensible Stylesheet LanguageXSLT: conversion of the extensible Stylesheet language, eXtensible Stylesheet language for TransformationsXSD: XML Schema Definition, extensible Markup language Schema Definition DLTS: distance education standard, distance Learning Technology StandardsJ2EE: Java 2 enterprise Edition (Java 2 enterprise Edition) MVC: M -Model (System Status and Business Logic JavaBeans) V-View (JSP Page and Representation Components) C-Controllor (ActionServlet and ActionMapping) EJB: MIME: MULTIPURPURPOSE Internet Mail Extensions Protocol, Multipurpose Internet Summit SMTP: SIMPLE MAIL TRANSFER Protocol, simple mail transfer protocol, mainly used to send and accept email messages, is a transfer protocol for information transfer. POP3: POST Office Protocol is a information transfer service for storage forwarding types that provide a standard mechanism for queuing mail information so that the recipient can retrieve new mail. Jasper: DTD: Document Type Definition 1, JFC: Java Fundation Class 2, AWT: Abstact Window Toolkit 3, API: Application Program Interface
Is the abbreviation SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model, the contents can be shared Object Reference Model PIF (Package Interchange Format: packet Interchange Format) SCO Sharable Content Object LOM: Learning Object Meta-dataCAM: Content Aggregation Model, the contents of the LMS set of models, i.e., Learning Management System, Learning Management System, which provides a Teaching Resource Metadata Specification (IMS Content Packaging Specifications, IMS Question & Test Specification, Teaching Management System Specification (Enterprise Specification) AICC The Aviation Industry CBT Committee, AICC is an international organization of professional technical training, developing computer training CBT (Computer-based training) and related training technologies, although AICC mainly focuses on aviation industry, it has been developed for many years Some standards and experience in education can be drawn on other areas. Another: The Airline Industry CBT CommitteeIms: IMS (Instructional Management System) Global Learning Consortium, IMS: Teaching Management System (IMS) is a series of technical specifications, defining learning materials through the Internet exchange and companies and individual students Use way. This specification is founded by educom, developed by a partnership, including academic, commercial and government organizations, the purpose of this set of specifications is to promote the opening standards of a series of online education.
IEEE: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineersberms: Basic Education Teaching Resource Metadata Correction Course Structure File (.csf) Compliance with SCORM 1.1 Standard Courseware Structure File URL: URL is an abbreviation of Uniform Resound Locator URI: URI It is an abbreviation of Uniform Resource Identifier's Abbreviation URN: Uniform Resource Name is a method of uniquely identifying information locations and resource access paths through the "Communication Protocol Network Address" string; The URN is mainly used to uniquely identify a stable information resource responsible for a special agency in a global scale. URN usually gives a resource name without providing a resource location; URI is an industrial standard with a string uniquely identifying information resources (RFC2396), It uses the range and method of use, in XML reference to the URI reference to the Namespace, the URI includes the URL and URN, which are supercharges of the two. UML Profile: UML Introduction Profile, Template Metadata: Metadata, (Data About Data) PIF: Package Interchange File Braise (DownTime) EKP: Enterprise Knowledge PlatformsmartForce is currently the world's largest E-Learning, Ireland Smarforce owns More than 3,000 large enterprise users are mainly committed to providing comprehensive solutions for enterprises, using networks to provide business training for companies, including IT technical training and certification exam, commercial communication, marketing and management, etc. one thousand more than four hundred courses .PIF: package Interchange file, packet switching files CAI: computer Aided instruction, computer Assisted InstructionsCMI: computer managed instruction, computer manage InstructionsPDF: Portable document FormatSQL: structured query language, structured query language SRS: software requirements manual, software requirement specificationTDS: Tabular data stream, a list of data streams CLR: common language runtime POP3: PostOffice ProtocalSMTP: Simple Mail Transfer ProtocalIT is information Technology acronym, meaning "information technology", contains modern computer, network, communications and other information The technology of the field. IT's universal application is a sign of entering the information society. VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is a virtual local area network meaning Wi-Fi is a specification for wireless transmission. Generally, products with this flag indicate that you can use them to easily form a wireless local area network. What is the benefit of wireless LAN? Obviously - no need to route and use relative freedom. SHTML: SHTML is a file for SSI technology. That is, the Server Side Include - SSI server side contains instructions. Some web servers have SSI functions, they will specialize in the SHTML file. First sweep the SHTML file to see that there is no special SSI directive exists, and if you press the Web Server setting rules, the SSI directive is explained.
After explaining, turn it down with the general HTML together. SHTML is a file extension of SSI, SSI Server Side Include, including the SSI file extension, can be used with * .shtml or * .stm end; ASP is a special SSI file, while SSI is simple than ASP . A concrete SHTML example is Microsoft's home page. RMI: Remote Method InvocationCSS: Cascading Style Sheets Cascading Style Sheets HTA: HTML applications, three-screen video courseware EAI HTML Application (Enterprise Application Integration) WBI: IBM WebSphere Business Integration Framework EDI: Electronic Data InterfaceEIP: Grid Enterprise Information Portal In fact, the third large wave after the traditional Internet and the Web, can be called the third generation of the Internet. Simply put, the traditional Internet has implemented the computer hardware, the web implements the connection of the web page, and the grid tries to achieve comprehensive communication of all resources on the Internet, including compute resources, storage resources, communication resources, software resources, information resources, knowledge. Resources, etc. BPM (Business Process Management, Business Process Management) BAM (Business Analysis and Monitoring, Business Process Analysis and Monitoring) BPI (Business Process Integration, Business Process Integration) MBoss: MSS (Managing Support System), BSS (Business Support System), OSS (operation support system) is MBOSS architecture JCA (Java connector architecture) Java connector architecture CRM: Customer Relationship ManagementDSS: decision support system, decision support systems OLAP: onLine Analytical ProcessingOLTP (On Line Transaction process online business processing) ROI: return on investment FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) CMP: Completion Requirements HACP: the HTTP / S-based AICC / CMI Protocol session: session CSV: Comma-Separated ValueMPD: Media and Peripheral DevicesEUC (extended Unix encoding extended Unix Code) AICC standard three Translation: "assignable unit: learning unit block: chapter Objective: learning target" JNDI: Java Name and Directory Interface DEPLOYMENT: Distribution P2P: Peer-to-Peer, Peer-to-peer JNI: JPEER- To-Peerava prototype interface (Java Native Interface). War: Represents Web Application Archive.
.war file is actually a different JAR (generated with JAR program) WML: Wireless Markup Language WAP: Wireless Application Protocolcvs is an abbreviation Struts for Concurrent Version System (Parallel Version System), an open source " Model - View - Controller Frame. In the Java world, Struts is the most famous also is one of the most commonly discussed MVC open source. Struts, An Open-Source MVC IMPLEMENTATIONVCD is an abbreviation of English VIDEO Compact Disc. The VCD is a laser video wheel, image, sound signal, digital compression processing using MPEG-1 decompression technology, and the image sharpness is about 250 lines. The two channels are audible, using a single speed CD-ROM optical drive servo system, each disc The capacity is 74 minutes of activity image and sound play length. CVD is an abbreviation of English China Video DISC. The CVD uses MPEG-2 decoders, dual stereo channels, or 4 separate channels, definitely 350 lines, and has multiple language subtitles to choose from, compatible with CD, VCD2. 0 / 1.1 version, standard coding pixel structure takes 1 / 2d1 format.
SVCD is an abbreviation of English "Super VCD", which uses MPEG-2 encoding and decompression technology with 4 channels or double stereo. The image resolution is 480 × 576, and the horizontal definition is 350 lines. The encoding format is 2 / 3D1, compatible with VCD2.0 / 1.1 edition, CD, CD-R, CD-RW. Super VCD uses MPEG-2 encoding and decompression technology, the image level resolution reaches around 350 lines. 2-channel stereo or 4-channel single channel, reproduce various languages. Compatible with VCD2.0 / 1.1, CD, CVD, SVCD. Currently, the international unified standard is currently.
Velocity Template Language (VTL): Velocity is a Java template engine technology, which is proposed by Apache, which is attached by another engine technology WebMacro. What is the official VELOCITY definition? Apache definitions are: A Java-based template engine, but allows anyone to use simple and powerful template language to reference objects defined in the Java code. The latest version is 1.4, you can find more information at http://jakarta.apache.org/Velocity/index.html
ISA Server: Internet Security and Acceleration Server
4A: 4 words related to enterprise system security, Account (Account), Authentication, Authorization, Audit