Install Oracle 9i10g on rhel as 3

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

Install Oracle 9i / 10g On RHEL AS 3 Author: ern (

This article describes the necessary steps and related knowledge that installs Oracle 9i / 10g on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3 (RHEL AS 3). There are many related articles. This article focuses on organizing and summarizing the documents of netizens (especially Fenng), Red Hat's RHEL-related white paper, Oracle's technical documentation and white paper, etc., compare two versions in AS 3 common point and Different points, give a complete installation instructions as much as possible. The installation of the OS will not be described again. Overall discussion is dominated by 10G, but the different points of 9i will be inserted in the box.

Hardware requirements:

Check content minimum check command reference Physical memory 512M # Grep Memtotal / Proc / MemInfo switched space 1.0 GB or 2 times memory # GREP SWAPTOTAL / PROC / MEMINFO / TMP Space 400 MB # DF -K / TMP software 2.5 GB # DF -K database file 1.2 GB # DF -K

Software requirements and configuration

Operating System Version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux As Release 3 (TAROON) UPDATE 3

For 9i, the core 2.4.21-411 is required (general AS 3 is met), and the core 2.4.21-151 is required for 10G. Confirm that the following RPM packages have been installed: make-3.79.1


Glibc-2.3.2-95.20 Compat-DB- - 7.3-2.96.128compat-libstdc - 7.3-2.96.128compat-libstdc - DEVEL-7.3-2.96. 128



You can check the current RPM package of this unit by the following instructions.



GCC -V rpm -q glibc

If the individual packet is not installed, find the specific package in the system installation CD (most in the third disc), then use the following command to install the corresponding package:

RPM-IVH Compat ..... rpm

Note: Between these packages, it is dependent, and the order in order is to be found, otherwise it will report the error that cannot be installed.

The above checks for hardware and software is for 10g, usually AS 3 U3 can be reached, and 9i requirements will be more relaxed, but please note in 9i: GCC should use version 2.96, so execute before installation: MV / usr / bin / GCC / USR / BIN / GCC323 LN -S / USR / BIN / GCC296 / USR / BIN / GCC MV / USR / BIN / G / USR / BIN / G 323 ln -s / usr / bin / g 296 / usr / bin / g after installation is complete: RM / USR / BIN / GCC MV / USR / BIN / GCC32 / USR / BIN / GCC

Set core parameters

Vi /etc/sysctl.conf Add to the following:

# ---------------------------------------- # parameters for oracle10gkernel.shmall = 2097152 kernel . SHMMAX = 2147483648 kernel.shmmni = 4096 kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128 fs.file-max = 65536 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000 # --------------- ------------------------ After the editing, save, execute / sbin / sysctl -p commands to take effect.

Note: The above kernel.shmmax / kernel.sem et al. Is a typical core parameter configuration, which may need to be appropriately changed according to the actual environment. Referring to the following table to get the current set value, if the set value is large, the set value is retained, and the kernel.Shmmax should be half of the system memory, which specifies the maximum shared memory segment allowed by the kernel ( SEGMENT) The size is usually installed Oracle, and Oracle will apply for SGA. If the system memory exceeds 8G, install an error, refer to the processing of the appendix large memory.



semmsl, semmns, semom & semmni / sbin / sysctl -a | grep semshmall, shmmax & shmmni / sbin / sysctl -a | grep shmfile-max / sbin / sysctl -a | grep file-maxip_local_port_range / sbin / sysctl -a | grep IP_LOCAL_PORT_RANGE

In 9i, it should also be added at the end of the file:

# Disables packet forwardingnet.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 # enables source route verificationnet.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1 # disables the magic-sysrq keykernel.sysrq = 0

Create users and related groups / usr / sbin / groupadd dba / usr / sbin / groupadd Oper / usr / sbin / groupadd oinstall / usr / sbin / useradd -g oinstall -g dba, Oper Oracle / usr / sbin / passwd oracle The Shell limits the performance of performance, but also increases the limitations of Oracle users, which increases Nofile (maximum number of file descriptors) and NPROC (maximum number of processes available for a single user). Vi /etc/security/limits.conf Add the following line:

Oracle Soft NPROC 2047

Oracle Hard Nproc 16384

Oracle Soft Nofile 1024

Oracle Hard Nofile 65536

Add the following line to /etc/pam.d/login file:

Session Required /Lib/security/ Edit / etc / profile file, add the following:

IF [$ user = "oracle"]; then

IF [$ shell = "/ bin / ksh"]; then

Ulimit -P 16384

Ulimit -n 65536


Ulimit -u 16384-N 65536



After that, execute $ unlimit verification.

Check and adjust environment variables

Log in to Oracle User Su - Oracle CD Vi .bash_Profile

Add the following parameters, specific values, and realistic environments.

export ORACLE_BASE = / u / app / oracleexport ORACLE_HOME = $ ORACLE_BASE / product / 10.1.0 / db_1export ORACLE_SID = TESTexport PATH = $ PATH: $ HOME / bin: $ ORACLE_HOME / binexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ ORACLE_HOME / lib: / usr / libexport LC_CTYPE = en_us.utf-8

Then do Source .Bash_profile enables environment variables to take effect. / u / app / oracle and other related directories should be established and appropriate authorization.

start installation

Mount installation disk, general online download is compressed file, execution

Cp /mnt/cdrom/ship.db.cpio.gz / u / install

Gunzip ship.db.cpio.gzcpio -idmv

The following are the contents of the output check is successful: Checking operating system certification Expected result: One of redhat-2.1, redhat-3, UnitedLinux-1.0 Actual Result: redhat-3 Check complete The overall result of this check is:. Passed ==== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ================= Checking kernel parameters checking for version =; Found Version = 2.4.21. Passed Checking for Shmall = 2097152; Found Shmall = 2097152. Passed Checking for shmseg = 10;. found shmseg = 4096 Passed Checking for semmsl = 250;. found semmsl = 250 Passed Checking for semmni = 128; found semmni = 128 Passed Checking for filemax = 65536;. found filemax = 65536 Passed Checking for shmmni =. 4096; found shmmni = 4096 Passed Checking for semmns = 32000;. found semmns = 32000 Passed Checking for semopm = 100;. found semopm = 100.Passed Checking for shmmin = 1; found shmmin = 1 Passed Checking for shmmax = 2147483648.; Found shmmax = 2147483648. Passedcheck completion. The Overalll Result of this check is: passed ================================= ===================================================================================================================================================== ================ Checking Recommended Operating System Packages Checking for Make-3.79;

Found Make-3.79.1-17. Passed Checking for Binutils-; Found Binutils- Passed Checking for GCC-2.96; Found GCC-3.2.3-20. Passed Checking for OpenMotiF-2.1.30-11; Found OpenMotiF-2.2.2-16. Passed Check Complete. The Overalll Result of this Check IS: passed ================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= === Checking Recommended Glibc Version Expected Result: Actual Result: Check Complete. The Overall Result of this check is: passed ================================================================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ====== Validating Oracle_Base Location (if set) Check Complete. The Overalll Result of this check is: passed ================================================================================================================================================================================ =============================================== in the steps comparison Clear, no longer described. Finally, the system will prompt you to run the file, follow the prompts. The installation process of 9i is basically consistent with 10G. In addition to the lack of check OS requirements, pay attention to the following errors. error when starting OUI

Log in with Oracle users and create files in their home directory libcwait.c as follows / * gcc -o2 -shared -o $ homen / -fpic $ homen / libcwait.c * / #include #include #include #include PID_T __LIBC_WAIT (INT * STATUS) {Int Res;

ASM Volatile ("pushl %% EBX / N / T" "MOVL% 2, %% EBX / N / T" "MOVL% 1, %% EAX / N / T" "INT $ 0x80 / ​​n / t" POPL %% EBX ":" = A "(RES):" I "(__nr_wait4)," 0 "(Wait_Any)," C "(STATUS)," D "(0)," S "(0)); Return RES;

Compile with gcc -02 -shared -o $ home / -fpic $ home / libwait.c. Set related environment variables:

Export ld_assume_kernel = 2.4.19 export ld_preeload = $ home /

Another solution is to download

2. Link error while installation

The first one is related to $ oracle_home / network / lib / INS_OEMAGENT.MK, just comment with this file as follows:

# Ldflags = $ (stdmode) -l $ (liBhome) -l $ (oracle_home) / RDBMS / lib -l $ (oracle_home) / network / lib

You can then click "Retry" to continue the installation.

The second error is $ oracle_home / ctx / lib / INS_CTX.MK BECAUSE / USR / BIN / LD: CTXHX: Hidden Symbol `Stat 'in /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a (STAT.OS), can be directly ignored.

The above link error can also be solved by download binutils- in the Oracle Metalink website, but it is recommended to replace the RHEL version after replacement and complete the database installation.



1. Cannot start the installation interface

Running the RunInstaller prompt information is similar to:

xlib: connection to "localhost: 0.0" refused by server xlib: client is not authorized to connect to server Exception in thread "main" java.lang.InternalError: can not connect to x11 window server using "localhost: 0.0" at. ......

Workaround: Set your Display environment parameters.

Export Display = Your_IpAddress: 0.0

Or use root simple to execute # xhost (pay attention to this will have a secure hidden danger). 2. Installation interface Displays a lot of "oral" appearance solution: view local output # localelang = en_us.utf-8lc_cType = zh_cn.gb18030lc_numeric = "en_us.utf-8" lc_time = "en_us.utf-8" lc_collate = "en_us.utf-8" lc_monetary = "en_us.utf-8" lc_messages = "en_us.utf-8" lc_paper = "en_us.utf-8" lc_name = "en_us.utf-8" lc_address = "en_us.utf- 8 "lc_telephone =" en_us.utf-8 "lc_measurement =" en_us.utf-8 "LC_IDENTIFICATION =" en_us.utf-8 "lc_all = Perform #EXPORT LC_CTYPE = En_us.utf-8 and reuse the installer .3. IE Login The EM on the Linux server appears in the Linux (UNIX) environment, successfully installed Oracle 10G, logged in 10G from Windows, and the button is "oral" box. Solution: Reference HTTP : // or refer to this The latter is thoroughly, The former compares "Quick & Dirty" .4. An error solution for ORA-03113 occurs when creating a database: check whether the core parameters are adjusted correctly. Reference Redhat 9 / FC1 and other systems 10G does not support how to install? Solution: Install 10G solutions on the 10G unsupported Linux release 1) Running Runinstaller -ignoreSysPreReqs, this will skip inspection 2) Excerpt from to modify / ETC / RedHat-Release File: #su - root #cp / etc / redhat-release /etc/redhat-release.backup #cat> / etc / redhat-release << EOF Red Hat Enterprise Linux As Release 3 (TAROON) EOF installation, execute the following: #SU - root #cp /etc/redhat-release.backup / etc / redhat-release 3). Http://www.dbanotes. Net / Oracle / 10g-beta-install-bug.htm The same idea, we can modify the Oracle Install / ORAPARAM.INI file to achieve the purpose 6 How to turn off those Ocssd.bin processes? Workaround: Edit / etc / inittab file (do a good backup) Note This line: H1: 3: Respaw: /etc/init.d/init.cssd Run> / dev / null 2> & 1

B. Great memory configuration

First, the following materials from the white paper from Install Oracle on RHEL AS 2.1, may be AS 3 support for large memory, but the author mainly comes from reviewing and editing multiple documents, the specific installation is limited to hardware . Therefore, if an error occurs on AS 3, refer to below. The maximum of SHMMAX is 4GB-1. In order to create SGAs greater than 1.7GB, shared memory file systems (SHMFS) must be used. The instructions are as follows, and can be added to /etc/rc.local, or the / etc / fstab can also be used to create SHMFS, and then commented out the existing / dev / shm entry before adding / dev / SHM.

Mount -t shm shmfs -o size = 32g / dev / shm


Mount -t shm shmfs -o nr_blocks = 8388608 / dev / shm

SHMFS is used on the 8GB system, and SGA can be adjusted to 7GB. Need to adjust init.ra, increase:

Use_indirect_data_buffers = TRUE

Another way to use large SGA is to use Lower Mapped Base, which can grow from 1.7GB to 2.7GB. Specific methods can refer to Oracle White Paper.

C. Configuration of the large page

The AS supports 4MB large pages (rather than a general 4KB), which reduces the entry in the page table, lock SGAs in memory, and is used for large SGA or multiple users. This feature exists in Enterprise Kernel.

The number of large pages can be viewed with CAT / Proc / Meminfo.

The configuration steps are as follows:

1. In /etc/rc.local

Echo 2> / proc / sys / kernel / shm-use-bigpages (using big pages in SHMFS)

Echo 1> / proc / sys / kernel / shm-use-bigpages (using big pages in sysv)

Echo 0> / proc / sys / kernel / shm-use-bigpages (not using big page)

2. Add the following parameters in the boot segment of /etc/lilo.conf, reconfigure LILO and restart the system

Append = "BigPages = xxxxmb"

For 4GB of SGA, it can be set to 4100MB; for 2GB, it can be set to 2100MB.

The SGA is up to 5.4 GB on the 8GB machine.

Reference Information

Installing Oracle 10g on rhel as 3 step-by-step by fennettp: //

Tips & Techniques - Install & Configure Oracle9i & Rhel As

Deploying Oracle9i Database On Red Hat Enterprise Linux V.3

The above two can be found at

Oracle Database Quick Installation Guide 10 g Release 1 (10.1) for Linux x86http: // Database Installation Guide 10 g Release 1 (10.1) for UNIX Systems http: // Copyright Notice: 9CBS is this BLOG managed service provider. If this paper involves copyright issues, 9CBS does not assume relevant responsibilities, please contact the copyright owner directly with the article Author.


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