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Vi Editor
Any user's most frequently do what is most often created, including documents, reports, and text, VI (Visual Editor)
Effective and relatively simple full screen editing, using VI, just remember a small amount of basic instructions, you can start starting, then learn
More complex instructions, and system administrators use VI management and maintenance systems. VI is included in the SCO System V job system
Full screen editing, in fact, VI is not alone in SCO UNIX, but is quite popular in UNIX. Open file
It is a new file or modify the old file, you can use VI, the required instructions are:
$ vi filemane
If the file is new, you will see a message at the bottom of the screen and tell the user that you are creating a new file. If the file has already been
VI will display the first four lines of the file, the user can use the cursor (CURSOR) to move files.
This is what vi looks like.
The above is an analog file opened by a VI, and the row number (~) indicates the end of the file. Document and plug
Incoming state
VI uses two states, one is a command mode, and the other is an insert mode. Vi
Referring to
When the description, the incoming content will be regarded as an instruction; on the other hand, when the VI is inserted, it can be entered into the body (
Give the file. Most VI instructions are single characters, changed by the insert state to the directive state, refers to the
Incoming state
You can use the following insertion order, directly to enter, no need to press
- Instruction I insert the text in the cursor
- Instruction I Insert the body in the beginning of one line
- Directive A added textures after the cursor
- Directive A adds the body at the end
- Directive o Newly opened in the cursor
- Directive o Newly opened on the cursor
To remember a little, inserted into the state, you can't get into the instruction, you must press
What is
Sample, you can also press
Archive and exit
How to archive and exit the specified file is important when modifying the file. In VI, exercise an archive or exit instruction,
Press the colon (:), change to the directive state, the user can see the lower left of the screen, there is a colon (:), showing VI already
Change to
The directive state can be archived or exited. Below is some commonly used instructions in this regard.
: q! Give up any changes to exit VI, which is forcibly exiting
: w Archive
: WQ archive and exit VI
: X is the same as WQ
: ZZ deletes the body like WQ
Deleting or modifying the body is using the insert state, so the instructions mentioned below simply select instructions directly in the insert state.
-X Delete Cursor Character (Character)
-Nx deletes n characters after the cursor
-Nx deletes N characters before the cursor
-Ndw Delete Cursor N word (Word)
-DD delete
-D $ or D Delete by the cursor to the end of the line
-U Restore the previous time to delete
Modify the body
When using the VI to modify the body, when adding minimal, another set of instructions inserted into the state will be employed. - R char Reck by char than the character in the cursor
-Cc makes the whole line blank, but retains a cursor position, let you start to enter
- If you delete an instruction, the number of imported before the command indicates how many times is executed.
Text mode search
To retrieve files, you must do it in an order state. The so-called "mode" is a specific string, which can be spaced.
- / str
-? Str
-N repeated retrieval in the same direction
-N repeated retrieval in the opposite direction
-Vi winds the entire file, constantly retrieve until the next appearance appears to match the pattern.
If you want to execute during the VI execution, use an exclamation mark (!) To execute system instructions, such as during VI, column
Out of the current directory, you can get it
On the other hand, the user can create a .exrc environment file in the primary directory, use the set to enter the option, each time the VI is called,
Read the instructions and settings in .exrc. Here is an instance of the .exrc environment file:
SET ShowMode
Set autoindent
Set number
System Management
This time I have to talk about the system administrator to manage the SCO UNIX system, with unique registration name - ROOT, you can read any
Files, write, and delete any files, perform any utilities and instructions, or terminate any user program.
The work of the administrator includes the system controlled task, such as the latter to lock and unlock the terminal and the account number, increase, retreat and withdraw.
user. You can also give users some privileges to make them realize privileged system tasks.
Basic directive
The basic data structure of the shell instruction is file, so the basic instructions and operations contain the following functions:
- Directive in display and management files
- Directory for the management directory
- Input Output Redirection and Pipe, Redirect Standard I / O, and Perform Combination Directive $ W | GREP 'JOHN'> John, Fi
- Output Redirector (>) Redirects the standard output to the file
- Enter a redirector (<) input standard input redirection from file input
- Pipes (|) Redirect the standard output to other instructions
Find files
The Find (c) instruction can look for files in the hierarchical directory, for example:
$ FIND / -NAME FileName -Exec RM {};
-Name filename Specifies FileName
-EXEC RM indicates that this instruction is executed in the file found.
In addition, the user can also join, -print expression, display the full path name of the file. In addition, Find (c) also
For the files held by specific users or users, such as:
Alternatively, re-directed the filter with Find (c), output an error message, for example: $ find / -name motdd -print 2> / dev / null
SCO shell
With the SCO shell, you can make the user select the application, manage files, and directory, run system utility from a single menu.
Order, to call the SCO Shell, type:
You can use the napkock
- Press
Go back to the previous level, or give up the current operation
- Press
Display the available option table in the field
- Press
- Press
Display help information
- Press Quit or to exit the SCO Shell
System management shell
Need to call the system administrator shell, it should be entered:
Although each user can call SysadMSH, only the user can implement the privileged management task. base
On, how is the method of use and SCO shell, but only a few function keys, such as
OK, users find different management tasks on the logs (LCON).
Multi-registration screen
On the console, users can allow users to have up to twelve different registration snows. Multi-the-shipment system administrator can
Perform a few tasks. When the system starts, the multiple screens on the console will automatically act. Press
Mscreen utility, for proper work, Mscreen requires TTY. For example, start two firefly, should be entered
$ Mscreen-n2
Then press the