Bank management system internship report

zhaozj2021-02-12  186

Field Field Name Type Width Dec

1 Bank Name Character Type 20 0 (index)

2 address character type 40 0

3 phone number 8 0

4 postal number 6 0

5 Registration Date Date Time 8 0


4 name characters 10 0

5 ID number character type 20 0

6 Account Opening Date Date Time 8 0

7 balance numerical 10 2

8 account bank characters 20 0

9 operator code character type 8 0

3, operator information table

Field Field Name Type Width Dec

1 name character type 10 0

2 Operator code characters 8 0 (index)

3 password characters 10 0

4, user access information table

Field Field Name Type Width Dec

1 card number character type 20 0 (index)

2 balance numerical type 15 2

3 Summary Character 4 0

4 debit numerical type 10 2

5 credit numerical 10 2

6 Date Date Time 8 0

7 operator code character type 8 0

Third, system function module design

The following is a functional block diagram of the entire bank system

Bank management system

Ordinary operator

Senior administrator


Open an account

User change password

Card number

Data backup

Bank registration

Query history access information

Browse and print the database

Operator refreshes

4: Design of the application

According to the module established above, it implements its specific function, and should provide the user to provide a selection interface, and there should be the operation function required by the user within each interface, which is the following form design and add code.

(1) form design

In this system, only three forms are mainly designed, namely: the main form, a senior administrator form, a normal operator form. Other specific operations are designed, so that the structure is clear and easy to add code, which avoids the compromise that handles the compromise of a large number of forms.

1, the main form: (mainform.scx)

Provide four controls for users, namely: ordinary operators, senior administrators, help, exit, and achieve different functions. This process and the process of calling a form. For example: do from advancedFomr.scx2, advanced administrator form: (AdvancedForm.scx)

This function form is some of the operations provided by senior administrators, such as bank registration, operator refresh, etc. This series of operations use paging box management to combine each function module. To implement the specific functions within the module, call to change the specific function properties in the paging box in this form. For example: some of the relevant code of the modified function in the second page (operator refresh) is as follows:

If thisform.pageframe1.page2. Modify .caption = 'Modify'

Poss = .f. && recognition is added or modified, modified to .f.

thisform.pageframe1.page2.n.value = Recno ()

* Change the text box to availability in order to modify


* Change the status of the button to avoid misuse

ThisForm.pageframe1.page2. Modify .caption = 'Save'

ThisForm.pageframe1.page2. Add .caption = 'restore'

ThisForm.pageframe1. refresh && form Refresh

Else && Executes Save Operation

TableUpdate (.t.) && form modification confirmation

* Change the text box unavailable state


* Recovery button

ThisForm.pageframe1.page2. Modify .caption = 'Modify'

ThisForm.pageframe1.page2. Add .caption = 'Add'

thisform.pageframe1.page2.text2.setfocus ()

* Recording pointer repositions

n = recno ()

Go N

Do Case

Case recno () = 1

THISFORM.PAGEFRAME1.PAGE2. Previous page .Nabled = .f.

ThisForm.pageframe1.page2. Next page .Enabled = .t.

Case recount () = Recount ()

THISFORM.PAGEFRAME1.PAGE2. Previous .enabled = .t.

ThisForm.pageframe1.page2. Next page .enabled = .f.


THISFORM.PAGEFRAME1.PAGE2. Previous .enabled = .t.

ThisForm.pageframe1.page2. Next page .Enabled = .t.


MessageBox ('record saving success ", 0,' prompt information")



3, ordinary operator form: (CommonForm.scx)

The operation in this form is relatively more, and it is necessary to use a page box. The operation of the programming also considers the operation of different ordinary operators, so when the operator enters the specific deposit, withdrawal, etc., you should enter your operator code and password, and different operators should correspond to their own operations. . This is convenient for senior administrators to manage bankers and bank data.


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