This is an example of my first self-study JSP internal object session: f: / tomcat 5.0 / Webapps / root / sessionmain.htmsession1.jspsession2.jsp1. Main.htm
<% - Test Session Object -%> <% String Name1 = Request.getParameter ("YourName"); session.putValue ("UserName", Name1);%> The name of the publisher is: <% = Name1%>
body> html> 3. Session2.jsp
<%! String Book = "";%>
<% string book = request.getParameter ("book"); string name2 = (string) session.getValue ("username");
String Appname = (String) Application.GetaTribute ("app");%>
The name of the publisher is: <% = Name2%>
The newly published book is: <% = book%>
Application object assignment String test: <% = appname%>
body> html>