# Get the aliases and functionsif [-f ~ / .bashrc]; then. ~ / .Bashrcfi
# User specific Environment and Startup Programs
PATH = $ PATH: $ HOME / BIN: / USR / local / jdk / bin: /usr/local/ant/binbash_env= $om/.bashrcusername= "root" java_home = / usr / local / jdklang = zh_cn.gb2312
X = `ls $ java_home / lib / *. jar`X =` Echo $ x | SED -E 's / /:/g'`classpath=/usr/lIb/soap-2_3_1/lib/soap.jar: Xcvsroot =: pserver: cvsroot@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: / cvsrootexport Username Bash_ENV PATH JAVA_HOME LANG CLASSPATH CVSROOT
/ etc / profile
# / etc / profile
# System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup # functions and aliases go in / etc / bashrc
Pathmunge () {if! echo $ path | / bin / egrep -q "(^ | :)"; THEN IF ["$ 2" = "after"; the PATH = $ PATH: $ 1 ELSE PATH = $ 1: $ PATH FI Fi}
# Path Manipulationif [`ID --U` = 0]; THEN PATHMUNGE / SBIN PATHMUNGE / USR / SBIN PATHMUNGE / USR / local / sbinfi
Pathmunge / USR / X11R6 / BIN AFTER
Unset Pathmunge
# No core files by defaultulimit -s -c 0> / dev / null 2> & 1
User = "` ID -UN` "logname = $ usermail =" / var / spool / mail / $ user "
Hostname = `/ bin / hostname`HISTSIZE = 1000
IF [-z "$ INPUTRC" -a! -f "$ home / .inpute"]; then INPUTRC = / etc / inputrcfi
Export Path User Logname Mail Hostname Histsize Inpute
For i Iin /etc/profile.d/*.sh; do if [-r "$ i"]; the. $ I FIDONE