Project initiating
1. The Project Management Context
a) Project Life Cycle Common Characteristics: Cost, Phases, Duration
b) Stakeholders:
I. Project Manager, Customers, Performing Organization, Sponsors
Ii. There is Three Strategies That You Can IMplement in Order To Ensure Success with your stakeholders
Sort out conflicting stakeholder expectations and demans
2. Offer Solutions to Remedy Conflicts
3. Take action to meet Stakeholders Expections and Demands
c) Organization Influnce
I. Structure - Functional, Projectized, Matrix
Ii. Culture - Values, Beliefs, Expeectations, Policies and Procedures
III. Style - Formal, Informal (OR: Aggressive, Conservative)
d) External Influnce
We can Identify The External Influence by Perform
P - Political
E - economic
S - Sociocultural
T - Technological
2. Establishing Project Parameters
l Working within the consTraints of the project
l Meeting The Objectives of the Project
l Making Good Business Decisions
Below Four Topic Can Help US To Establish Project Parameters:
l Project Constraints, Assumptions, And Exclulsions
l Performing a cost-benefit analyysis
l Decision tree analyysis
l Authorization of the Project Charter
To Identify a Project Constraints, You CAN Ask:
"What Restrictions Will Affect The Performance of this Project"
N Technology Limitations
n predefined budgets
n Quality Expectations
n limited resources
N Political Factors
n legal obligations
N Industry Standards
N deadlines
To help you to discovering the assumptions, you can ask "What Factors Are Unknown, or Uncertain" Exclusion: "What is not included in the deliverable"
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Totaled the cost of the project
2. Totaled the benefit of the project
3. Substracted The Project Costs from the immediate benefits
4. Calculated The Payback Period Since The Result from The Substraction Was NEGATIVE.
5. Decide to proceed with the project
Decision Tree Analysis
1. Define the Possible Decision Options and The Costs of Each
2. Assign An Outcome to Each Decision Option
3. COMPLETE The Change Node
4. Calculate The Net Path Value
5. Determine The Best Decision Path