Because I engaged in teaching, I often use Excel to calculate the results, and a typical problem encountered is how to give excellent, good, medium and poor levels according to the score.
If there is only two score segments (such as compassion, no compassion between two levels), it is necessary to enter cell A1, directly use Excel formula input conditions A1> = 60, to fill in "and Gift" for the fake It is possible to fill in "fail". At this time, the formula displayed in the Excel cell is: = if (A1> = 60, "及", "fail").
If there are multiple score segments, such as requirements:
X <60 ---------------------- can't get
X> = 60 and x <75 -------- 及 格
x> = 75 and x <85 -------- good
X> = 85 ---------------------
In fact, it is very simple, just understand the use of the IF function parameters and return values, the first parameter is the condition, the second parameter is the true return value, the third parameter is the condition as a false return value; and if if IF The function can nested (according to the Help file of Excel2003, up to seven layers), so that the above problem can be used as the following formula:
= IF (A1 <60, "fail", IF (A1 <75, ",", IF (A1 <85, "Good", "excellent")))))))))))))
(At this time, you cannot use Excel's interactive method input, you can modify this formula to the cell)
Because Excel's unique cell sluggage function, it is easy to copy this formula to a column, so that a series of achievements are automatically given, and it is still more convenient. This little skill is relatively primarily, but I think it is still more practical, laughs. (YANQLV original, reprint, please indicate the source)