ORGE chaos

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  17

Today, it is basically that it seems that it is not possible. Hey, Novodex Phisic Engine took a long time, no progress, not to mention the improvement of OGRE, there is no understanding on both sides, I have to update the spring, Dust, and then say this, I will not explore it, waste time. . . The Crazy Eddie's Gui System (CEGUI) has also been compiled here, but it should be that the path is set up, and it has not been concerned before. The output directory in NET, what is the work directory, has always been default, and now I have changed a problem, this is also familiar with it. So, this is really too big now, I don't look at it, and I will go with others. Still first look at some of the rendering of the OGRE first. Well, take a look at these, you can really understand a lot, then listen, use the scene tree, I have never thought about this stuff when I wrote before, so I didn't have a lot of independence. Code is cool. too much. . . Then I saw

Scene Node Controls the location, direction, scaling of the entity; the entity has a variety of individual properties such as models, materials, shadows, bones, animations, rendering status they use;

The entire scene node has a unique root scenario node (Rootscenenode), if an entity is not a "off -gen", which is the so-called "free" entity or the entity that is bound to a "free" node, it is not Will be displayed. Create an entity: entity * EntObject = mscenemgr-> CreateEntity ("Object", "ninja.mesh"); entity * entry = mscenemgr-> createentity ("Ground", "GROUNDPLANE"); Get Scene Boundary Node: SceneNode * rootnode = mSceneMgr-> getRootSceneNode (); create child nodes: SceneNode * groundNode = rootNode-> createChildSceneNode (); child node binding entity: groundNode-> attachObject (entGround); coordinate setting child nodes: objectNode-> setPosition (VECTOR3 (0, -100, 0)); Node to get the entity to control the entity: SceneNode * mscenenode; // Scene node mscenenode = mscenemgr-> getSceneNEnode ("ObjectNode"); // Get the scene node control role movement of the role object : IF (MINPUTDEVICE-> IskeyDown (kc_i) && timedlay <= 0) // i key Press {mscenenode-> Translate (Vector3 (0, 0, -walkspeed); // Control the character displacement mscenenode-> rotate VECTOR3 (0, 1, 0), RADIAN (0.05)); // Control Role Timedlay = 0.02;}


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