Author: kind_li (original) VC development tips 20
Second, close CD_ROMMCISENDSTRING ("Set Cdaudio Door Closed Wait", NULL, 0, NULL);
Third, close the computer OSVERSIONINFO OsVersionInfo; // data structure containing OsVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof OS version information (OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx (& OsVersionInfo); // Get OS version information if (OsVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) {// Windows98, call the exitwindowsex () function Restart the computer DWORD DWRESERVED; EXITWINDOWSEX (EWX_REBOOT, DWRESERVED); / / You can change the first parameter, implement the user, // shut down, turn off the power, etc.
// some processing prior to exiting
Fourth, restart the computer typef int (int); // Display the pointer of the shutdown dialog function hinstance hinst = loadLibrary ("shell32.dll"); // Load shell32.dllshdowndlG shutdowndialog; // point to shell32. The DLL library displays the pointer if (hinst! = null) {// get the address of the function and calls shutdowndialog = (ShutDowndLG). (* shutdowndialog) (0); }
5. Enumerate all fonts LogFont LF;
Lf.lfcharset = default_charset; // initialize the logfont structure
Strcpy (lf.lffacename, "");
CClientDC DC (this);
// enumerate the font families
(FontenumProc) enumfontfamproc, (lparam) this, 0); // enumeration function
INT Callback EnumfontFamproc (LPENUMLOGFONT LPELF,
// Create a Pointer to the dialog window
// add the font name to the list box
PWnd -> m_ctlfontlist.addstring (lppelf-> elflogfont.lffacename);
// Return 1 to Continue Font Enumeration
Return 1;
} Where m_ctlfontlist is a list control variable
Sixth, only one program instance is run once, if you have run, exit
IF (FindWindow (NULL, "Program Title")) EXIT (0);
Seven, get the current mouse location
Cpoint pt;
GetCursorpos (& PT); // Get position
Eight, context menu event trigger event: onContextMenu event
Nine, display and hidden programs menu
CWND * PWND = AFXGETMAINWND (); if (b_m) // Hide menu {PWND-> setMenu (null); PWND-> DrawMenubar (); b_m = false;} else {cmenu menu; menu.loadmenu (idR_mainframe); display Menu can also change the menu item PWND-> SetMenu (& menu); PWND-> DrawMenubar (); b_m = true; menu.detach ();} 10, get the icon for executable
Hicon Hicon = :: Extracticon (AfxGetInstanceHandle (), _ T ("Notepad.exe"), 0)
IF (Hicon && HiCon! = (HICON) -1)
PDC-> Drawicon (10, 10, Hicon);
Eleven, window automatic leaning program demonstration
{// automatic side
INT isx = getSystemMetrics; SM_CXFULLSCREEN;
INT isy = getSystemMetrics (SM_CYFULLSCREEN);
Rect rworkarea;
Bool Bresult = SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETWORKAREA, SIZEOF (RECT), & RWORKAREA, 0);
{// If the call is unsuccessful, use GetSystemMetrics to get the screen area.
RCWA = CRECT (0, 0, ISX, ISY);
Int ix = lprect-> left;
IF (ix {// adjust left //pwnd->etwindowpos (Null, Rcwa.left, iY ,0, 0 ,swp_nosize); LPRECT-> OffsetRect (rcwa.left-ix, 0); AdjustPos (LPRECT); Return True; } IF (IY {// adjustment // pwnd-> setWindowPos (NULL, IX, RCWA.TOP, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE); LPRECT-> OffsetRect (0,; AdjustPos (LPRECT); Return True; } IF (ix lprect-> width ()> rcwa.right - detastep && = rcwa.right-lprect-> width ()) {// adjust the right // pWnd-> setwindowpos (null, rcwa.right-rcw.width (), iY, 0, 0, swp_nosize; LPRECT-> OffsetRect (rcwa.right-lprect-> right, 0); AdjustPos (LPRECT); Return True; } IF (IY LPRECT-> Height ()> rcwa.bottom - Detastep && Iy! = rcwa.bottom-lpRect-> height ()) {// adjustment // pWnd-> SetwindowPos (NULL, IX, RCWA.BOTTOM-RCW.HEIGHT (), 0, 0, SWP_NOSIGHT; LPRECT-> OffsetRect (0, rcwa.bottom-lprect-> bottom); Return True; } Return False; } // Then use the procedure call in the onMoveing event. CRECT R = * prect; AdjustPos (& R); * prect = (RECT) R; 12. Add a menu item to the system menu Add a menu item to the system menu to make the following three steps: First, use the Resource Symbols dialog (Select Resource Symbols ... You can display the dialog in the View menu) Define the menu item ID, which should be greater than 0x0f and less than 0xF000; Second, call the CWnd :: GetSystemMenu to get the pointer to the system menu and call CWnd :: Appendmenu to add the menu item to the menu. The next example adds two new items to the system menu. INT CMAINFRAME :: OnCreate (lpcreatestruct lpcreatestruct) { ... // Make Sure System Menu Item Is in The Right Range. Assert (IDM_MYSYSITEM <0xF000); // Get Pointer to System Menu. CMenu * psysmenu = getSystemMenu (false); Assert_Valid (psysmenu); // Add a separator and our menu item to system menu. CSTRING STRMENUITEM (_T ("New Menu Item"); Psysmenu-> appendmenu (mf_separator); Psysmenu-> appendmenu (mf_string, idm_mysysiSISISISISIM, STRMENUITEM); ... } Thirteen, run other procedures // 1, run email or URL Char szmailaddress [80]; STRCPY (SzmailAddress, "Mailto:"); Shellexecute (Null, "Open", Szmailaddress, Null, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); // 2, run the executable Winexec ("notepad.exe", sw_show); // run the bill 14. Dynamic increase or delete menu 1, add menu //Add to Cmenu * mainmenu; Mainmenu = AFXGETMAINWND () -> getMenu (); // Get the main menu (MainMenu-> getSubmenu (0)) -> appendmenu (mf_separator); // Add a separator (MainMenu-> getSubmenu (0)) -> appendmenu (mf_string, id_app_about, _t ("always on & top")); // Add a new menu item Drawmenubar (); // Heavy painting menu 2. Delete the menu //delete Cmenu * mainmenu; Mainmenu = AFXGETMAINWND () -> getMenu (); // Get the main menu CString Str; For (INT I = (MainMenu-> GetSubMenu (0)) -> getMenuItemCount () - 1; i> = 0; I -) // Number of items to get menu. { (Mainmenu-> GetSubmenu (0)) -> GetMenustring (i, str, mf_byposition); // Copy the label of the specified menu item to the specified buffer. Explanation of MF_BYPosition. IF (str == "always on & top") // If we have just increased menu items, then delete. { (Mainmenu-> GetSubmenu (0)) -> DeleteMenu (i, mf_byposition); Break; } Fifteen, changing the icon of the app lack XVI, another way to change the window title Use statement cWnd * m_pcWnd = AFXGETMAINWND (), then call the setWindowText () function in the following form: setWindowText (* m_pcwnd, (lpctstr) m_windowtext); // m_windowText can be a variable of a CString class. 17. Copying image data by enhancement metafile on the clipboard The following code copies the image data through the meta file to any application, which can be placed in a function of the CVIEW derived class. Cmetafiledc * m_pmetadc = new cmetafiledc (); m_pmetadc-> createenhanced (getDC (), NULL, NULL, "Wherever"); // Draw Meta File // do what EVER You Want to do: Bitmaps, Lines, Text ... // Close Meta File DC and Prepare for Clipboard; Henhmetafile HMF = m_pmetadc-> closeenhanced (); // Copy to Clipboard Openclipboard (); EMPTYCLIPBOARD (); :: setClipboardData (CF_ENHMETAFILE, HMF); CloseClipboard (); // deletemetafile (HMF); Delete m_pmetad; Eighteen, the transfer of text data on the clipboard Place the text onto the splic panel: CSTRING SOURCE; // Put your text in Source IF (OpenClipboard ()) { Hglobal clipbuffer; Char * buffer; EMPTYCLIPBOARD (); Clipbuffer = GlobalAlloc (gmem_ddeshare, source.getLength () 1); Buffer = (char *) Globalock (Clipbuffer); STRCPY (Buffer, LPCSTR (Source)); GlobalUnlock (Clipbuffer); SetClipBoardData (CF_Text, Clipbuffer); CloseClipboard (); } Get text from the splic plate: Char * buffer; IF (OpenClipboard ()) { Buffer = (char *) getClipboardData (CF_Text); // Do Something with buffer Here // before it goes out of scope } CloseClipboard (); XII, will capture the screen image to the cutting version Void cshowbmpindlgdlg :: oncutscreen () { ShowWindow (SW_HIDE); Rect r_bmp = {0, 0, :: getSystemMetrics (SM_CXSCREEN), :: getSystemMetrics (SM_CYSCREEN)}; Hbitmap hbitmap; Hbitmap = COPYSCREENTOBITMAP (& r_BMP); // hwnd is the program window handle IF (OpenClipboard ()) { EMPTYCLIPBOARD (); SetClipboardData (cf_bitmap, hbitmap); CloseClipboard (); } ShowWindow; } Hbitmap cshowbmpindlgdlg :: CopyScreenTOBITMAP (LPRECT LPRECT) { // LPRECT represents the selected area { HDC HSCRDC, HMEMDC; // Screen and Memory Device Description Table Hbitmap hbitmap, holdbitmap; // bit map handle INT NX, NY, NX2, NY2; // Select region coordinates INT NWIDTH, NHEIGHT; // bitmap width and height Int xscrn, yscrn; // Screen Resolution / / Make sure the selected area is not empty rectangle IF (IsRectempty (LPRECT)) Return NULL; / / Create a device description table for the screen HSCRDC = CREATEDC ("Display", NULL, NULL, NULL; / / Create a compatible memory device description for the screen device description table HMEMDC = CREATECOMPATIBLEDC (HSCRDC); / / Get selected area coordinates Nx = lprect-> left; NY = lpRect-> TOP; NX2 = lpRect-> Right; NY2 = LPRECT-> BOTTOM; // Get the screen resolution Xscrn = getDeviceCaps (HSCRDC, Horzres); YSCRN = GetDeviceCaps (HSCRDC, Vertres); / / Ensure that the selected area is visible IF (NX <0) Nx = 0; IF (NY <0) NY = 0; IF (nx2> xscrn) NX2 = xscrn; IF (NY2> YSCRN) NY2 = YSCRN; NWIDTH = NX2 - NX; NHEIGHT = NY2 - NY; // Create a bitmap compatible with the screen device description table hbitmap = createcompatibleBitmap (HSCRDC, NWIDTH, NHEIGHT); / / Put the new bitmap in the memory device descriptor table Holdbitmap = (hbitmap) SelectObject (HMEMDC, HBitmap); / / Copy the screen device description table to the memory device descriptor table Bitblt (Hmemdc, 0, 0, NWIDTH, NHEIGHT, HSCRDC, NX, NY, SRCCOPY; / / Get the handle of the screen bitmap Hbitmap = (hbitmap) SelectObject (HMEMDC, Holdbitmap); // Clear Deletedc (HSCRDC); Deletedc (HMEMDC); // Return the bitmap section Return hbitmap; } } Twenty, how to display bitmap scales in the Static control / / Display bitmap in the STAIC control Void cshowbmpindlgdlg :: showbmpinstaic () { CBITMAP HBMP; Hbitmap hbitmap; // Point PSTATIC to the place to display CSTATIC * PSTAIC; PSTAIC = (cstatic *) getdlgitem (IDC_Image); // Loading the resource mm.bmp is my file name, with your replacement Hbitmap = (Hbitmap) :: loadimage (:: afxgetinstancehandle (), "mm.bmp", Image_bitmap, 0,0, lr_loadfromfile | lr_createdibsection; HBMP.Attach (HBitmap); / / Get image format Bitmap BM; HBMP.GetBitmap (& BM); CDC DCMEM; DcMem.createCompatibleDC (getDC ()); CBITMAP * PoldbitMap = (cBitmap *) DcMem.selectObject (HBMP); CRECT LRECT; Pstaic-> GetClientRect (& LRECT); LRECT.NORMALIZERECT (); // Display bitmap Pstaic-> getdc () -> stretchblt (limited.width (), LRECT.WIDTH (), LRECT.HEIGHT (), & DCMEM, 0, 0, BM.BMWIDTH, BM.BMHEIGHT, SRCCOPY; DcMem.selectObject (& Poldbitmap); }