BCB bit

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  42

[BCB] interception shutdown message

How to intercept the situation in the shutdown to end the application

Class TForm1: Public TForm {__ Published: // Ide-Managed ComponentsPrivate: // User Declarationspublic: // User Declarations


Void __fastcall tform1 :: windowclose (tMessage & Message) {// do your code heremessage.result = WM_QUERYENDSESSION;}

Published by Visor

01:14 AM |

Resonance (2)

[BCB] How to join the icon in Listbox or ComboBOX

Add icon in Listbox or ComboBox

Need to have TimageList and TListbox or Tcombobox two components

Can draw a small picture before each option

LB1-> style = lbownerdrawvariable; lb1-> itemHeight = 17; void __fastcall tform1 :: lb1drawitem (TWINCONTROL * Control, int index, trec "{ticon * t;

T = new ticon; imagelist1-> geticon (0, t); lb1-> canvas-> FillRect (Rect); lb1-> canvas-> draw (Rect.Left 15, Rect.top, T); lb1-> Canvas-> Textout (Rect.Left T-> Width / 2 16, Rect.top 2, LB1-> Items-> strings [index]); delete t;


Published by Visor

01:08 AM |

Respond (0)


Check if there is the same program in the memory.

/ ************************************************** ************************ / / * Check if there is the same program is running * // ************ *********************************************************** *********** / Application-> Title = "MyName"; handle previnsthandle; handle mutex = OpenMuteX (Synchronize, false, Application-> Title.c_str ()); if (Mutex! = Null) {String AppTitle = Application-> Title; SetWindowText (Application-> Handle, NULL); PrevInstHandle = FindWindow ( "TApplication", AppTitle.c_str ()); if (! PrevInstHandle = 0) {if (IsIconic (PrevInstHandle)) ShowWindow (PrevInstHandle, SW_RESTORE); elseBringWindowToTop (PrevInstHandle); SetForegroundWindow (PrevInstHandle);} Application-> ShowMainForm = false; Application-> Terminate ();} elseCreateMutex (NULL, false, Application-> Title.c_str ()); a visor Published on

01:02 AM |

Resonance (2)


Move the target window to the top

Void popup (void * formhandle) {if (isiconic (formhandle / * application-> handle * /)) // checks whether to minimize {showwindow (formhandle / * application-> handle * /, sw_restore); // jump} Else {// Put it to the top SYSTEMPARETERSINFO (SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, 0, SPIF_SENDCHANGE); // Get focus setForegroundWindow (FormHandle);}}

Published by Visor

12:59 AM |

Respond (0)

[Bcb] easyXML

Simple XML Parse for BCB and Delphi Support Chinese


// for example:

// - load the input xml file ..// xmlscanner1-> loadFromfile ("c: //myfile.xml"); xmlscanner1-> loadFromBuffer (xml.c_str ());

// - init the scanning.xmlscanner1-> xmlparser-> startscan ();

// - loop thru The File for Each Item.ansswing Tag, CDATA;

While (xmlscanner1-> xmlparser-> scan ()) {switch (xmlscanner1-> xmlparser-> curparttype) {copy pttarttag: // - got start tag.tag = xmlscanner1-> xmlparser-> Curname; Break; Case PTContent: // - got content.cdata = xmlscanner1-> xmlparser-> curcontent; break;

Case Ptendtag: Break;

// - add other carated here as required ..


Published by Visor

12:49 AM |

Resonance (1)

March 08, 2003

[Bcb] TBASE64



You can encode the file, memory block or text into Base64 String

It is also possible to reverse encoding into files, memory blocks or texts


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