Time I plan to write a distributed component platform, I always wanted to rewrite C , helpless C is too complicated, and because of the limited energy, I gave up this project. But I found a new language.
D language, there is a long period of time in this language. Just in China is not much attention. It is post it today. Share it with you.
What is d?
D is a general purpose systems and applications programming language. It is a higher level language than C , but retains the ability to write high performance code and interface directly with the operating system
API's and with hardware. D is well suited to writing medium to large scale million line programs with teams of developers. D is easy to learn, provides many capabilities to aid the programmer, and is well suited to aggressive compiler optimization technology.
D is not a scripting language, nor an interpreted language. It does not come with a VM, a religion, or an overriding philosophy. It's a practical language for practical programmers who need to get the job done quickly, reliably, and leave behind Maintainable, Easy To Understand Code.