Using The Windows Net Command, It's Easy To Create Local Windows User Accounts. The Syntax for the Net Command IS:
Net user [username] [password] / add
The Following C # function takes in three parameters - Username, Password and home Directory.
Using system.diagnostics;
Public void CreatelocalUser (String ", string passir)
IF (! Directory.exists (Homedir))
Directory.createDirectory (Homedir);
PROCESS myproc = new process ();
Myproc.startinfo.workingdirectory = "C: / WinNT / System32";
MyProc.startinfo.fileName = "net.exe";
Myproc.startinfo.useshellexecute = false;
MyProc.startinfo.redirectStandarderror = true;
MyProc.startinfo.redirectStandardInput = true;
MyProc.startinfo.redirectStandardOutput = true;
MyProc.startinfo.WindowStyle = processWindowStyle.hidden;
MyProc.startinfo.arguments = @ " username @" " password @" / add / active: yes "
@ "/ Expires: never / fullname:" username @ "/ homedir:" ""
Homedir @ "" / passwordchg: no / passwordreq: yes ";
Myproc.start ();
Myproc.waitforexit ();
MyProc.Close ();
IT Assumes a few settings for the user and create a local the settings to anything you want. Try "net help user" in your dos prompt for what Each of the switches mean / do.